Chapter 14 – Yumiko Arashiba

Third person POV

Then, the elevator arrived at the top floor, which is the seventh floor, and the doors opened. Asuka, Akihito, and Aki then get off the elevator, and, with Asuka going ahead of them, they headed to the president's office. There Asuka opened the door and Yumiko, his secretary, bowed her head as a greeting to him.

"Good morning, sir," she greeted.

"Morning, Yumiko," Asuka positively greeted back informally, before going to his desk to put down his belongings.

He then sat down, get his laptop from his bag, and opened it, turning it on.

He looked at Akihito and Aki, and told them to come in.

They did, and Yumiko asked him who are they.

Determining to hide his slavery status, Asuka looked at her responded with a lie, "Oh, those two are my friends at school."

Yumiko was surprised to hear that because she knew that Asuka never had any friends before.

"Oh, okay," Yumiko normally replied back.

"Are you his secretary?" Akihito asked Yumiko.

"Yes, I'm Yumiko Arashiba by the way," Yumiko responded with a greeting.

"Nice to meet you, too, Yumiko-san," Aki replied humbly with a bow.

"Have a seat," Asuka said to Akihito and Aki.

Once again, Akihito and Aki did so, and they sat down on one of the two sofas.

While Asuka was working, the two assassins began to look around the office and its modest decorations. The office was only decorated by a few modern, minimalist art and a few plants.

"Your mom's office seemed to be modest," Akihito commented.

"Yeah, she isn't a type who splurges money for decoration," Asuka replied back.

"That's why."

Then, Yumiko joined in the conversation and said, "Yes, Asuka-san follows his mother's principle of simple living and spending and investing wisely."

"Well, our home is big and lavish," Aki responded.

"Oh, you two are rich as well?" Yumiko asked.

"Yeah, our parents are rich," Akihito replied back while looking at his digital wristwatch.

"I see then."

Yumiko then went to her desk to do some work before the meeting.

By 10:01 a.m., Asuka was done checking the current status of his company, and after checking off some tasks in his paper to-do list, he closed his laptop, unplugged the charger from it, and stand up, before glancing at his secretary and said, "Okay, time for the meeting."

"On it, sir," Yumiko responded as she files and organizes some paper documents in a beige folder.

She then stand up, and she and Asuka left the office for the meeting at the meeting room, which was located in the same floor.