Chapter 22 – Midterm exams

Third person POV

 And so, today was the day of the midterm exams, and at school, the twin assassins and their slaves were ready to tackle them. In their classrooms, once the times for answering the exams had started, Asuka, Niko, Akihito, and Aki grabbed their pencils, both mechanical and traditional, and started answering the exams while thinking of solutions and answers. They did so, question by question and page by page, as their classroom teachers were watching from their teacher's desks. The other students had mixed attitudes on their exams. Some of them are confident and optimistic while others are lacking in self-esteem and are pessimistic of a possible failing grade.

 The exams lasted until 11:50 a.m., which was the time of the last exam, which was in World History. At that time, they and the other students are allowed one hour of lunch and break time. And as they ate together at the school rooftop, Asuka, Niko, Akihito, and Aki are talking about their efforts in their exams and the possibility of a higher score for each of them.

 "Man, those exams are intense," Akihito commented as he sips on his can of orange juice.

 "Thanks for helping us," Aki said to Asuka and Niko.

 "Anytime, master," Asuka happily responded back.

Niko then nodded positively in assurance, before taking a bite of her egg and cheese sandwich.

They were eating there while getting along very well.

 But then, a student, with blond hair and black eyes, was looking at them from the stairs, and he was envious of them. Now he has malicious intentions against them. But who was that person anyway? Also, why he was envious of them, too?

 Later after lunch time, at 1:20 p.m., their and the other students' final scores were released at the school announcement board at the school courtyard. Asuka, Niko, Akihito, and Aki are there to see the results of their midterm exams. Then, they saw the results:

Asuka got 97 points across all subjects, while Niko got 98 in all of them.

Their assassin masters, on the other hand, got 91 points across all of their subjects, especially on the ones they used to dread.

In short, they managed to get more than enough points to pass the midterm exams.

 "Yes, we did it!" Akihito was happy and overjoyed by it.

 "Congratulations, master," Niko said to him and Aki.

Asuka then gave them a thumbs-up. "You're welcome, Akihito-sama, Aki-sama."

Their assassin masters are happy about that and feel that they are indebted to their own blood-contracted slaves.

After school, they all went to an Italian restaurant to celebrate their success in school. They ordered a pepperoni pizza and some glasses of iced tea. Asuka suggested to his masters to order a pizza for his household staff, and Akihito and Aki accepted his suggestion. They realized how kind-hearted he and Niko were. And thus, their second unofficial mission is completed. But, the real challenges are now coming.