I sat down on my bed, staring at nothing . I was extremely bored, and the only sound I could hear was the faint rustling of different bugs crawling across the floor. I let out a sigh of frustration, my back resting against the wall, my legs drawn up to my chest as I thought about my life and situation. Just then, I heard the sound of tiny wings flapping, and that immediately brought a smile to my face. My once bored and sad expression turned into one of pure joy as the flapping of the wings grew closer and closer to me.

"Corvus," I called out with a wide smile, my eyes brightening as my vision slowly began to clear, thanks to Corvus being close enough for me to see through his eyes.

Corvus landed on a table in the room, his feathers ruffling slightly as he settled, giving me a clearer view of my surroundings—nothing special, just the same old furniture and various portraits scattered on the walls.

"You left me yesterday, Corvus. Such behavior is utterly unacceptable," I scolded, crossing my arms and tapping my foot, trying to sound angry despite the smile appearing on my lips. Deep down I wasn't angry, I was just relieved to have him and my sight back. I could see the  sun rays coming through the tiny window that Corvus always used. Some unusual bugs crawled on the floor, and I could hear the distant river's gentle flow, which always made me calm. The chirping of birds outside made me smile even wider.

"I am deeply sorry, my lady. It was never my intention to cause any offense. You were angry, and I thought you needed privacy," Corvus pleaded as he fluffed his feathers nervously. "I sincerely apologize."

To everyone else, Corvus sounded like a normal bird, but to me, his voice was as clear as any human's. No one else could understand his words, not even my stepmother with all her great powers.

Understanding his apology and seeing that he had a point, I relaxed further into my bed, letting out a deep sigh. I gave him a reassuring smile before adding, "Don't worry about that, Corvus. I understand." I paused, tapping my chin thoughtfully, before finally asking, "My godmother mentioned that a very powerful king will grace our kingdom with his presence today. Perchance, have you heard of him?"

"I have indeed heard of him, my lady, but I have yet to lay my eyes upon him," Corvus murmured softly, his wings fluttering slightly as he shifted on the table. "The villagers have told countless tales about him; some say he is a monstrous figure, a being spawned from the depths of hell itself. They say he is a demon, which is why he hides his face behind a golden mask. But there are others who tell a different story."

A sigh escaped my lips as I composed my thoughts before saying  "For some reason, I find myself wanting to see this man, to witness firsthand if the rumors hold any truth. I want to know if he possesses the great power my godmother spoke of."

"That, my lady, would be an unwise course of action," Corvus cautioned, his voice filled with concern as he ruffled his feathers anxiously. "It is far better to maintain a safe distance from such a man. Moreover, the spell cast by your godmother around you is strong. You cannot leave this cabin even if you wanted to."

I suddenly remembered the reality of my situation. Sighing deeply, I gently ran my long fingers through my hair before saying, "Am I to live like this forever? Stay in this old house until I grow old and wither away?"

Corvus hesitated for a moment before responding, his tone soft yet reassuring. "I am very certain your godmother is keeping you here for a reason, you know? Trust me, she wants only the best for you. I am sure when things are safer, she will let you have all the adventures your heart desires."

"Honestly, Corvus, I doubt she will ever let me out," I said as I shifted my position and lay down on the bed. Tears began to escape my eyes as I became very emotional. At that moment, all I wanted was to sleep my days away. I disconnected my vision with Corvus, closing my eyes and drifting into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, I was jolted awake by haunting sounds that pierced through even my unconscious state. I fluttered my eyes open, sitting up straight and reconnecting my vision to Corvus's eyes, trying to make sense of what I had just heard.

"What troubles you, my lady?" Corvus asked, sensing there was something wrong. His concerned eyes focused on me.

"Direct your eyes outward, Corvus; I need to look around," I commanded. I wanted to know where the sound was coming from and whether there was something in our surroundings.

Obedient as ever, Corvus shifted his eyes around the room, providing me with a clear view, but there was nothing in sight. What could be making that sound? I wondered. Was I dreaming? The sound felt so real, as if something were whispering directly in my ear.

"Tolo i nin..." The strange sound whispered in my ear again, its softness making me jump in fear as goosebumps appeared on my body. Overcome with fear, I turned to Corvus and asked, "Did you hear that?" I wanted to confirm that we were both hearing it and that it wasn't just me. Unfortunately, Corvus replied, "My lady, my ears are not as sharp as yours. I heard nothing."

Just then, the voice came again, louder and slightly more distant this time. It seemed to grow even more intense, increasing my fear.

"Surely, you must hear it, Corvus," I said, my tone showing my anxiety. "It sounds like the language of the elves, telling me to come to it." Though I wasn't fluent in elven, I could understand simple sentences and knew what it meant.

Slightly taken shocked, Corvus suggested, "Perhaps you should rest, my lady. Fatigue may be causing you to perceive these voices."

"I am not imagining the voices; I am hearing them," I said, rising to my feet. As I walked toward the door, Corvus immediately flew behind me and perched on my shoulders, providing me with his eyes to see the way. We stepped to the entrance of my room, where I grasped the cool wooden door handle, took a deep breath, and slowly opened the door.

Stepping into the corridor, I saw a bright blue glow ahead, which both scared and confused me. What was happening? Curious, I took small, nervous steps toward the light. My heart pounded in my chest as something drew me closer to the glow. Corvus, too, was frightened; I could feel it from the way he shifted on my shoulders.

As I walked towards the end of the corridor, the voices  grew louder, almost deafening and uncomfortable, but my curiosity wouldn't let me stop. I finally arrived at the source of the light and was shocked by what I saw: the same elven letters  from my godmother's secret magic room was now glowing brightly on the wall here. I couldn't help but wonder how it had left the room and appeared here in the corridor.

"Perhaps we should return to your room and wait for your godmother to come back," Corvus suggested, his concern obvious. I didn't blame him; I was scared too.

Despite his warning, I was captivated by the glowing letters on the wall. I stopped walking as soon as I was close enough. The light grew brighter and almost blinding, yet somewhat hypnotizing. I reached out, drawn to touch the glowing letters. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't control myself; something compelled me to reach out. My hands trembled as they got closer to the inscription.

"I beg you, my lady, to reconsider," Corvus insisted. He wanted to leave as soon as possible but couldn't abandon me. Ignoring his plea, I allowed my fingertips to make contact with the glowing symbol on the wall.

"I beg you, my lady, to reconsider," Corvus insisted. He wanted to leave as soon as possible but could not simply abandon me. Ignoring his plea, I allowed my fingertips to make contact with the glowing symbol on the wall.

Suddenly, a strange energy came from the light the moment I touched it, a force so strong it threw me uncontrollably across the room. With a painful thud, my back collided with the wall, leaving me momentarily disoriented.

Groaning with pain, I struggled to collect myself and noticed that Corvus had also been thrown across the room but appears fine. I reached back to rub the spot where the pain lingered.

As if the surprises weren't enough, the door to the main entrance suddenly burst open with a loud crash, shattering into pieces as if it had been forced open by an unseen power. A huge gust of wind came from outside and swept through the cabin, briefly blowing through my hair before stopping abruptly. The bright blue light then died down instantly, and the letters on the wall vanished as if they had never been there. The voices ceased immediately.

I was shocked and confused as I rose to my feet, trying to process what had just happened. Only one person had ever been able to unlock that door: my godmother. Despite countless attempts, I had never managed to open it. Sunlight streamed through the now-broken door, shining brightly on my face. It was the first time I had experienced such intense sunlight, as I normally saw it only through the window of my small room.

Corvus perched on my shoulder again, offering me a clear view of the outside world. It was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The green grass was covered with small, colorful flowers, and the trees swayed softly in the breeze. Birds and butterflies fluttered gently around, and I couldn't help but smile.

The fresh air smelled so beautiful it could lift anyone's mood. Corvus, equally surprised, asked, "How did this happen?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "I can't explain it." Driven by curiosity, I moved toward the entrance, eager to discover more. I stretched my hand outside, surprised to find nothing blocking my way  despite the spell cast by my stepmother. "What's happening, Corvus?" I asked, but he remained silent, also puzzled by the situation.

The whole experience felt unreal, like I was trapped in a dream or my imagination was playing tricks on me, but it was all too real to deny.

"I don't know, my lady, but I think you should remain here until your godmother returns…" Corvus started, but his warning was cut short as my curiosity overpowered my fear. I stepped outside bravely. As my foot touched the ground, a beautiful feeling washed over me, a thrilling tingle that embraced my entire being.

The soft grass under my bare feet felt heavenly, a beautiful connection to the natural world I had only seen from afar. It felt as if the earth itself recognized me, welcoming me with open arms.

A series of pleasant sensations took over me. The cool grass cushioned my steps, and the air brushed against my skin, carrying the scent of flowers and leaves. Colors burst before me, showcasing nature's beauty. The swaying grass and vibrant flowers created a sight i  had never imagined.

Filled with joy, I couldn't contain my happiness. A  smile spread across my face. It was a moment of pure bliss, a mix of emotions I couldn't describe. In that magical moment, the outside world became a realm of endless possibilities, and my heart soared, knowing I was no longer confined to my room.

I was finally free!

Few moments later, still Surprised by the sudden opening of the door, I struggled to understand what was happening. The door, which had been tightly closed, was now wide open, inviting me into a world I had only dreamed of.

Trying to gather my thoughts and get ready, I picked up a black hood. The fabric was smooth, and as I put it on, it made me feel curious and excited. The room filled with the scent of adventure, mixing with the dusty air of the cabin.

Corvus, my loyal companion, sensed my strong desire to explore beyond the cabin. With his sharp eyes and dark feathers, the crow perched on my shoulder. He seemed to understand my longing to see the world outside.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully stepped out of the cabin, hiding my face under the hood. The grass felt cool and soft under my feet, and it brought me a sense of joy.

Fear gripped me, making me question myself. What if the people outside were truly different from me, as my godmother had warned? What if they rejected me instead of accepting me? These worries troubled me, but my curiosity was stronger.

With each breath, I felt more prepared for the adventure ahead.

A sudden loud slam behind me startled me, and I quickly turned around. I was shocked to see the cabin door tightly shut as if someone wanted to keep me outside. But how was that possible? The door had been broken just a few minutes ago.

Confused, I tried to make sense of the situation. But deep down, I knew there was no need to worry too much. I believed there was a greater purpose for me beyond the prison life my godmother had planned.

"Always keep your head covered with the hood," Corvus advised. I nodded, feeling that he knew something I didn't. But I also knew he couldn't stop me from following my own path. I had made my decision and was ready to explore the world before me.
