Chapter 3: Madness's Infidelity

Siren was back here again. Back in this dark plain of nothingness. This time he felt almost like he deserved to be here. After all, he did attempt to harm his own mother. The air was a lot more obscure than it originally was. This time instead of walking around, he decided to call out to the lady as his soft yet smooth voice echoed out. "Ya call me Az?" She whispered behind him. Siren turned around to see the woman sitting down in a plastic chair. This time she was wearing blue jeans with a deep sea blue shirt. "Fine weather isn't it? We rarely see blood down here." She chuckled. Siren was confused. He looked up to be astonished with his discovery. There was a gaping hole in the ceiling that slowly dripped blood. It looked like someone had punched a hole and left the shards dangling.

" That up there is the hole Ms. Charlotte jammed into yo head bucko. She did a pretty good damage to your brain as well. Thank goodness that there's nothing Void can't fix, am I right?" She muttered before standing up right in front of Siren. "That's the beauty of Void. Once you become a part of the family, you never have to worry about injuries as long as you survive for a few hours. After all, you didn't think you could've taken that gunshot to the chest, and just get up a few seconds later to hold your mommy right? She said while mocking Siren. He had completely forgotten about the bullet wound he had earlier. "I gotta go. Can you at least give me your name so I don't have to keep calling you a monster forever?" He asked with an unusual blank expression he carried.

Oh? That's right, I never have given you my name have I? Well then, back in my time my name was. . . . Azazel. Remember that name, because that will be important to your success later, and I can't wait to tell you more about myself soon!" Azazel said as she waved Siren off with an inhuman grin on their face.


Celeste and Ana sat in the living room,as the fan's constant whipping noise kept the room from going silent. They both stared at each other as if they were attempting to figure out who was going to say something first. Ana was firmly holding the gun although the bullets were already out as she sat it on the table within one deep breath. " So. . . What now? You shot her, and somehow she survived and is now unconscious in our bathroom practically frozen solid, my brother is more than likely going to die any second and you are starting to get under my skin again duche!" Celeste shouted as her breath became heavier and alot more rapid. "So while we calmly wait for my mother gorilla of a mother to wake up, why don't you give me a run down of how my innocent brother met a potential murderer like you?" She said as her voice quickly changed into a calm and mature tone. Ana was astonished at how Celeste was able to pretend so easily that ignoring the subject could possibly help, but she herself didn't really want to talk about it either which left little room to judge. " Fine. but be ready for a decently long essay. If I recall, I was about 5 when me and my parents took a vacation to Newland. We originally came from Alabaster, but before I knew it my parents ditched me on a random bench in the middle of town, and just like that I was alone and homeless."

"I spent 3 years doing whatever I could to live, and it became clear that nobody was going to help me financially so I started doing. . . things to put any type of food I could afford onto the cardboard table I built. One day Siren had randomly found me sleeping in the rain, and invited me to sleep in his house. Of course I accepted and he throughout that night had shown me that good people can exist, we played together, sang together, and he shockingly enough taught me how to bathe myself. Of course it was a hassle for him to sneak me in every now and then, but he succeeded every time, and now with your mother's '' cruel attitude it does explain the random bruises on Siren's back. I owe everything to him, because throughout most of middle school I smelt horrible. Siren always fell for it and wasn't even fazed by the endless amount of bullying and insults that came his way, and all the while I could only be thankful to have such a kind hearted friend like him. That's why I can't help but love him." Ana stated as a twisted grin appeared all over her face.

Celeste was beginning to feel uncomfortable, and as her neck began suddenly itching. Paranoia was eating her away as she began scratching her neck over and over again, as her nails dug the outer layer off skin. "Hey Ana? I need you to kill our mother," Celeste said with a disastrous face, as her eyes were widened that read fear. "If you don't kill her now, she'll definitely kill us for sure then. Y-You don't want Siren to suffer again right? I would kill her if I could but I do it. I'm sure the police would know it was me,as I doubt I could contain myself, but that's beside the point. There is only one way for you to save Siren, and that's killing that witch! So what are you going to do? Walk away and let the monster live, or slay the beast and live happily ever after?" She screamed out as blood oozed out of her neck from the scratches. The room was quiet, as the only noise was the endless scraping of Celeste vigorously scratching her neck regardless of how deep she digs into the tissues of ligaments and blood vessels, as black blood suddenly gushed out of her neck.

" . . . I-I am going to ''fix'' this problem on my neck. Do what I said or else I will make sure Siren suffers from it?" Her voiced boom as even the room shook a bit. Celeste stormed out of the room as the black blood trail followed down her back. Ana paused as the shock kicked in. Her heart hit her like a truck as her body quivered and shook, as she gripped her shirt tightly as the stress of it all caved in her head. She promised Siren that she wouldn't kill her, but now if she doesn't Siren will suffer even more? Anger was quick to take advantage of her as veins pulsated like never before as Ana furiously rubbed her head. She looked at the gun's magazine as she opened it and dumped out the silver and black bullets. There were five bullets left, two silver bullets, and three black bullets.

Ana had read in a article somewhere that silver bullets were used in the thirty- first to poach vampires who attempted to americanize themselves into society, but the black bullets on the other hand were used to kill any other race more specifically the ice elves that eventually had gotten segregated toward the ''poor'' side of town where most races other than human inhabit. She sighed and put the bullets back into the magazine, and put the magazine back into the gun. Ana walked into the bathroom,as her blue eyes stared at Charlotte who laid there with half of her body frozen. "Well, well, well, look who has arrived. The used up sock has returned for an encore! While you're out being a whore, why don't you go fetch me some hot tea on the way back? It would really help me out, with this cold throat I have." Charlotte said with a wide grin on her face. Ana just stared at her with eyes that looked like they were trying to say 'God I hate you!' or 'Why don't you just die?'.

She sat down on the toilet next to her as Ana rumbled around her pocket, as she pulled out a lighter and a mini branding iron. Charlotte could hear Ana breathing heavily as she slowly stroked the lighter as the flickering noise of the lighter erupted. They both stared at the red flame, as it waved around aggressively. "Oh what, you gonna smoke a cigarette? I knew you were a failure-." Charlotte was interrupted with Ana putting her finger up against her mouth as she slowly put the branding iron into the fire, as the C of it glowed brightly. " I may be a failure at most things, but at least I can brag about killing your ass in prison bitch!" Ana yelled before ramming the branding iron directly onto Charlotte's neck, as yelled in pain. Ana, then began slowly twisting the handle as the skin began wrapping around revealing her neck's digastric.

Charlotte's flesh was deep burgundy and it was constantly pulsating each time she breathed. She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but only blood, and spit rolled out of her mouth as her eyes dimmed slowly. Tears were soon to follow as Ana slowly pulled the branding iron away, as the skin came along with it as Charlotte twitched in agony.Her eyes stared at Ana who slowly pulled out a gun and put it directly up to Charlotte's left eye socket. Her heart for the first time was accelerating faster than she ever could've dreamed. For the first time ever, she felt fear. " What's wrong Ms. Wannabe trash can? You seem scared, but I doubt you actually would be though. As much as Siren would love to see a ''redemption'' out of you, but we both know that won't happen." She said with a sinister chuckle. Ana's finger slowly pulled the trigger as the suspension was killing Charlotte. BANG! The gun alluded smoke as Charlotte's eye gushed open like a rocket as blood smeared all over Ana's shirt.

You wanted to kill someone didn't you? I guess craziness runs in the family

Silence was the only thing that remained. Ana stood motionless as her eyes glared at the newfound dead body in front of her. Her heartbeat boomed like a drummer hitting it in front of a microphone, as pain slowly applied pressure to her chest. Ana collapsed to the ground as she tightly gripped her chest as her body strained tightly, but her body wouldn't stop. It continued to get tighter and tighter as she screamed in pain. Her voice felt almost as if it was being pushed back or being thrown around, as her breathing became heavier over time. Her head began thumping similar to thunder being stuck every 2 seconds on the same tree. Footsteps echoed as someone began suddenly pulling Ana out of the bathroom as she could feel her hand being pulled out the hallway, in which she was felt up close. Her eyes locked onto the person as Siren held her face tightly in front of his face. He then laid Ana down and ran away for a short moment.

Siren dashed into the kitchen as he threw open the refrigerator door and put his hand into this white container in the back as he pulled out a handful of ice. He threw some into his mouth as he ran back toward Ana . She could here the chewing of someone as Siren suddenly began placing ice cubes all over her body. Sizzling noises were quick to occur as the ice began rapidly melting. Siren then picked up Ana and opened her mouth up. Siren kissed Ana as he let the ice shards fall out of his mouth into Ana's as she began coughing. At that moment Ana's body had calmed down.

Her breath was sharp at first as air slowly came back to her, as they both laid there. "So you really did do it huh? I was hoping you wouldn't kill her but you still did. I'm not saying that she didn't deserve it, but she was still my mother!" Siren said with frustration in his voice. Ana sat herself up against the wall as she looked at her hands. The blood was still there, and completely all over Ana's shirt. "Do you hate me?" She whispered with a desperate tone in her voice. They locked eye contacts with each other with both of them having an uncomfortable, and anguished look in there eyes. Siren sighed, as he dragged his hands over his face. " No, I don't hate you. I'm just. . . Disappointed that you would even do something like this! I mean, I know she attacked you and held you at gunpoint but we could've turned her into the police, or helped change her perspective or whatever! I guess that doesn't matter anymore. You were going to ask me a question, now would be the time to ask. "Siren said with indifference.

Ana looked around the hallway as her chest felt like it was beating again, but this time it was for a different reason. She twisted her body so that it would be over Sirens as she sat on top of his leg's as she placed her head onto his. "Siren, I have known you ever since I was 6, and you've been there for me every step I took to gain back hope in life. You found a way to make my life better when it was downright horrible. The question I am about to ask you isn't one, about jokes, or teasing, it's serious, and I know the timing is horrible. Would you like to be my partner till death do us part? I've loved you for the longest now, and I was going to ask you sooner but we were busy with someone."

She said as it echoed in Siren's ears.

He won't forgive you that easily

Siren's face began laughing as he put his arms around Ana's head. "You are an insane person, you know that?. . . I would love to be your partner." He said with a smile on his face. Ana squeezed Siren tightly as they hugged each other in their arms. Siren deep down inside wanted to cry about his mother, but for now he would have to shield that away for however long he has to, so that he can hold onto the joyful infidelity that his father called love.



A sign read in the very crowded subway. People pushed and shoved as Celeste grumbled in annoyance. " God I hate being around these people! My neck won't stop itching, this scarf keeps bothering me, and I'm Really starting to get irritated!" She said as she continued to move her scarf around. Just as she got onto the train she looked back to see the view of the town she grew to love. "See you Si. I'm glad you finally found someone who likes ya. Cherish it, like you would've cherished me. She said as she walked into the train station with a smile on her face.