Chapter 4: Corruption

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The sun's rays laid waste to Ana's eyes once again like an average morning for most citizens of the world as she stared at the ceiling. She could hear her heart beating even within all the noise around her, but alas her heart remained the loudest. She gazed over toward the light brown desk next to her as she leaned over and grabbed an orange pill bottle from under it. She opened the bottle as small blue colored pills fell out of it, and right into her hand. She looked over at the bottle once again and looked at the heading in bold.

Cardiovascular disease

Take 1 Per day

She sighed as walked over toward the bathroom sink near the room she was in, and turned the faucet water on as she quickly scooped up some water; and threw the pills in her mouth. She hated the feeling of the pills going down her throat. It felt almost like they were actively attempting to get stuck, but alas she conquered it once more. Her eyes glanced over at the tub next to her and remembered that Charlotte's body wasn't there anymore, there wasn't any blood, no leftover hair, no fingerprints, just an empty tub. Ana didn't want to think about Charlotte's body anymore than Siren did as she walked back over toward the deep brown desk next to the bed. She sat down pondering on what to write down on the hand-sized black notebook, as her pencil genty tapped the paper. Yesterday, Ana had decided to start recording and venting her daily life as a way to let out a wave of guilt about her actions, although she believes that Charlotte deserved it.

She decided to write a book about regret as a vague way to let off steam. As she wrote her mind began to ponder. Where did Charlotte's body go? She couldn't have survived the shot, because it went straight through her brain. With that thought in her mind she stopped writing and walked into the kitchen. Silence. Pure painfully obscure silence. There was not a spec of noise in the house, and there wasn't any sign of Siren anywhere. Suddenly, a slow knocking was at the door. It started off slowly like a resting heart, but with each knock it proceeded to get eerily faster as rumbling started to occur. Ana's heart sank as the next words put fear into what soul she had left. " Its the police! Open the door!" The person said as they continued to bang at the door. Why were the police here? Why would they have come here at all? They would have no information that she would be missing?

Ana walked toward the door with her body quivering in fear, and her hand barely gripping the doorknob with her teeth clicking together. She shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and swung the door open.

The policeman gazed at her with confusion, as they both stood there staring at each other with silence filling the atmosphere. Ana carefully placed her hands behind the door, as they still shook rapidly as she gave the policeman a faint smile. " Hello officer! How can I help you today? She said while attempting to conceal her stuttering. " Good morning ma'am. I came here looking for Charlotte Thompson due to her recent disappearance, and the fact that Governor Coldstorm is looking for her." He said while blankly staring at Ana with calm yet cold dead eyes. Ana lost a part of breath before attempting to form some decently polished sentences while breathing heavily. " Well Ms. Thompson was here, but she left last night on account of a ''business'' meeting." She muttered while her voice inconsistently changed tone. The policeman paused as he pulled out a notebook and began writing things down. The sound of the pen scribbling and swerving started bothering Ana as keeping her partially still composure started becoming more difficult.

"Ma'am I must ask, what is your association with Ms. Thompson for her to have a need to tell you her business?" He said with a face that gave off an uncomfortable atmosphere between them. Ana paused for a moment as she began tapping her left foot onto the concrete doorstep. The policeman began mimicking Ana as he began tapping his foot as well without blinking not once yet. "W-well for your information i'm her son's girlfriend. I was here last night as I was invited to dinner to celebrate graduation. It was pure convenience that I heard it." She said with attitude and a small amount of sassy to her words. The policeman didn't say a word. His eyes seemed to have widened as his face looked like a statue staring into the clearly guilty soul of Ana.

Ma'am as much as I appreciate the compliance, you have lied throughout the entire time I've questioned you. Ms. Thompson has no meeting, she isn't apart of any ''business'', and you quite literally scream guilty about something that makes me want to take you to the station. I'll ask you one more ma'am; Where. Is. Ms. Thompson?" He said in an irritated tone. Ana's heart sank. How did he know she was lying? How does he know anything about Charlotte at all? "Look weirdo, I don't what you want from me but I told you what I want so take it or leave it! She shouted as she slammed the door on him.

She looked down to see his foot blocking the door as he peeks through the crack with an inhuman grin across his face.

Something is about to happen.