Chapter 4.5: Regret

8/10/ 5289 10:12

The wind flowed like a small stream washing away the barely visible particles in the air. The grass danced endlessly with the clear raindrops flinging away from the slightly wet grass. The sun's heat bounced around the wide and open land as the tree's leafs jumped around with freedom consuming their minds. There stood Siren underneath the composite colored tree. His lifeless eyes stared at the stick cross stabbing the rich soil. His national blue eyes looked like the corrupt sea as despair consumed his heart. "I still think its funny how the Twenty first century thought that we would develop things like flying cars, cybernetic technology, and all those stupid gander about unrealistic things like that." He said with his throat croaking with each word.

Tears drooled from his sorrowful eyes as he slightly wobbled side to side, rocking his shaking body with his mouth constantly swapping between a grin and a frown. "I-. . . i'm so so sooo sorry mom! I didn't know things would get this bad! Celeste hasn't been home in days and I haven't heard from her since! I don't know why she isn't answering her phone, but I think something might be up with her! . . . . . I'm such a failure. You knew that long ago right? So why? Why waste years of your life trying to form me into something I'm not? Why spend thousands of dollars teaching me martial arts all because of some stupid illness? Why would you hurt me so much to where I can't even walk? I. . . I don't understand it at all!" He cried out as he tightly gripped his soaking wet shirt as he voice squeaked in pain.

"She saw a monster in you like how her mother saw a demon in her." A voice said behind Siren. He turned around in shock only for it to be Azazel from earlier. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in my head." He replied as his blue eyes gazed at the silkish black dress with a red umbrella in her hand. "Well I am. . . but that doesn't mean that I can't get some fresh air, am I right? But back to what I was saying, your grandmother, Mary, was quite the neglectful parent when it came to your mother. I remember when Mary left Charlotte to defend herself in a forest filled with monsters. You should've seen how your mother acted when she found her way back. She shouted and cried towards Mary, only to receive a firm discipline for speaking out of line.With the countless years of abuse, torment, and with the addition of the loss of her husband, and the years of the military, who knows what mental state she had at the time." She stated while carelessly twisting her umbrella.

The atmosphere became dead silent. There wasn't any wind blowing, nor was the grass dancing along anymore. Pure Silence. Azazel slowly placed her hand over Siren's shoulder attempting to console what left of misery she could grasp. "The time of Newland's sky is near its nigh. Once the town goes into the sky, you won't be able to return anytime soon. So grasp what pai you have left and throw it away while the chance is still in front of you. I'm gonna make you a King! If you want to find out what happened to your father follow me into the lines of battle!" She cackled as her body soon became liquidy and faded along with the particles of the world. Siren stood here alone, sad, and now even more confused than he already was, but if he knew something, that something was that if Azazel is telling the truth then the entire city is gonna root itself out of the ground and transform into a sky town.

That meant something was gonna happen that put the people of Newlend at risk.

Siren stood up with little grief he had left and stared at his mother's grave with sorrow, before turning away as he finished burying his pain along with the hatred of his mother along with it. If there was one thing that Siren knew of his mother, he can say that she truly did form a weapon out of him.

And a weapon he shall be.