Arc 2 begins: prolouge

The crowd cheered. Their voices ringing in his ears, as they begged to hear his word on the topic. He sat there feeling his soul tighten within him.

Coldstorm! Where is Coldstorm they shouted as it ringed in his ears.

He jumped up and fixed his suit as he stepped out of the darkness and into the light as he looked over towards the stage and walked towards it.

The crowd grew louder, as they cheered and screamed out in amazement.

Coldstorm grabbed the microphone as he waved at everyone standing in front of him.

"Citizens of Newland. You have questions, and I have answers to ease your minds." He said as he pointed towards one of females reporters as she grabbed his hands and came on stage with a washed look on her face.

"M. Mr.Coldstorm, there have been claims of you being a presumed racist towards the other races. Is this true? That you're segregating millions of people from the rest of us?" She asked while holding the mic closer to him.

Coldstorm moved closer towards the mic as he sighed a little.

" Everyone. . . I could see why some of you think that. Some of you haven't even seen the other races that live in the city. That's because they are living in a distinct part of the town made for the natural instincts of their habitat.

The Ice Elves are known for their hormones being overpowering, thus we give them an area filled where they can relieve themselves plenty.

The Orcs are known for their barbaric battle instincts, so we gave them a giant area for them to fight in.

The vampires, and race hybrids are the only ones who live in human residences.

That sounds like segregation, but is it really? They can leave whenever they want, go wherever they please, and migrate to whatever they need to. It's their choice." Coldstorm started as he took a deep breath.

The people began whispering as they heard that statement.

Suddenly someone threw a rock onto the stage, nearly hitting the reporter.

"Thats a fuckin lie! We don't fight people anymore! We like nature and literature!" The man said in the crowd as the people scattered to reveal a gray orc standing in the center.

The orc wore clothes like the people beside him, with glasses stuck to his face, with a tooth faintly poking out of his mouth.

Everyone's eyes locked onto him as his breath felt lighter.

"I…I think your lying for publicity! You don't want anyone to find out your just a racist!" He said as he climbed on stage.

Coldstorm's face never changed, as he approached the mic once more.

"People. Give this young man a round of applause for speaking his voice. He stood up for what he believed in and got his voice out, and for that I respect him. Fine, I will work to make the Orc's section much more equal and fairer for them if they believe it isn't fair."

He said as the crowd roared for the both of them as the orc's face grew redder.

"No! We need to stand up together and run this man out of office! He won't change nor is he gonna do any of this! Please reason with me! A famous man once told the world "If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for." Tupac Shuckar" The man quotes.

The people paused for a moment as they suddenly erupted into laughter as they pointed at the young man.

The orc heart sank as he ran of stage with tears in his eyes.

Coldstorm's eyes watched as he ran off the stage as he muttered under his breath. "Is it a crime, to fight, for what is mine?-Tupac Shakur" He said as he walked off the stage and waved goodbye.

The reached a rooftop as he grabbed onto the railing and screamed. He felt stupid for trying to stand up. Until he dropped his notebook, and it flipped towards a certain page.

It was a picture of Siren after he won the fight against Chase.

". . . Fuck. Remember Clockwork. If you want to be your inspiration. You have to be your own inspiration first.

I'll show them what I got. . . regardless of who gets in my way."