Chapter 1 : Safety In a Bar

"And that's how I got my virginity taken!" The woman said as the bartender laughed with a calm smile. Her braided hair was black with the tip of it being a bloody red. Her skin was black that looked as smooth as the sands of the Bahamas. Her eyes were a purplish black that looked like the starry nights.

"War. . . You're pushing your thirties yet you still look like your reaching the pinnacle of beauty." The bartender said as he pulled out a large bottle and poured it into two cups, as he slid one towards her.

She grabbed the glass as she drank it all in one gulp.

"Phew! Siren you're such a sweetheart! How have you not married someone yet? You're a handsome gentleman with manners, AND money! Go out and meet some bitches. . . or else you'll be like me right now. Single and lonely. '' She said as she pushed the glass back towards Siren as he let out a faint chuckle.

He lifted the glass up as he inspected as he saw his reflection shimmer within it.

"You're probably not wrong, but I have to say that it's gonna take some time for me to hop into dating. Love is supposed to be filled with connection and communication, so I'm not gonna hop into some random chick that I think is hot. After all, if I did, I wouldn't be able to spend time with you." Siren said as he took a small sip of the alcohol.

War looked flustered at the speech as she bursted into laughter after hearing that.

"Oh stop! You don't mean that!!" She shouted as she tapped for another drink.

Siren just smiled as he poured her some gin, and tossed it back.

"Being an adoptive father makes it really hard to get into relationships, because most women don't want a man who already has kids." He stated.

War closed her eyes, as she tapped her face multiple times.

"Hmm. . . I don't know Siren. That isn't my job to figure out, but what I will say is, whoever you find will love you for only you." She said as she once again threw the entire drink in her mouth.

"Before I leave, can I ask you something, Si?" Asked while spinning the glass cup.

He looked at the clock and noticed it was five:forty.

"You got twenty minutes" He said as he walked around the counter and took a seat.

" I've been having a few . . . insecurity issues. I know I just got done telling you a story about my first time, but ever since high school I haven't had any physical contact since. It's been making me feel. . . How do I put it?. . . . Touch starved I guess.

Every relationship I've been in since that point has had no physical contact, and I'm starting to believe that it's because i'm ugly or something. So I was wondering if you could hug me for a little bit. . . Not in a weird type of way, but just an average hug." She said as she closed her eyes as hard as she could.

Suddenly she felt the warm embrace of SIren as he held her close with a somber feeling overcoming her.

The warmth of being held, the feeling of not being alone, the care in the comfort. It brought tears to her eyes to be held like this once again.

And just as she was enjoying it, she had fallen asleep.

Siren smiled as he looked down at her.

*Cute.* He thought to himself

Siren laid War on his lap as he pulled out his phone and began texting.

* Vail. sure you get Rose to school on time. I'm busy helping a friend.* He texted.

Within a few seconds she texted back

*K. . . You aren't being a hoe out there right?*

Siren nearly bursted into laughter as he tried to keep himself quiet.

*No, Just getting ready for the customer's to come in.* He replied

He couldn't believe that Vail was already a freshman in high school. It felt just like yesterday that he had adopted her. A part of him felt proud for how he acted as an adult, but he was still scared about acting like 'her'.

He looked down again as he smiled a little bit. War looked so peaceful when she slept. It reminded him of the moon a little bit.

It's a mesmerizing sight, and the pure feeling of looking at it just takes away all the pain weighing down your troubled heart. A part of Siren didn't want to let this moment go.

*She's so beautiful. Shame I ain't got a chance* Siren thought to himself.

Just as the moment was peaceful and wholesome, a new problem occurred that had Siren embarrassed the most.

He was now erect.