Chapter 2:Lost Time

It was now six o'clock and Siren hadn't moved an inch.

He was completely embarrassed by the situation he was in, as this had never happened before. He's never had a real election up to this point except when he used to present in presentations.

Siren remained still as he looked back down at War who was still sound asleep on his lap.

Even with his rapier poking her she still looked sound asleep as if she hadn't slept in weeks.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell rang, as Siren side eyed the door, waiting to see who was entering.

"Yo Si! Can I cop some wine real quick? I know I'm late,but I really need a drink after hearing that lame ass speech." The man said as he took a seat right next to Siren.

That would be John. A black man around the same age as Sire, but he is a lot more straightforward than most adults. Maybe it's because he can't use magic.

John had got really unlucky at birth and was born without a gyro scroll.

A gyro scroll is a small piece of tissue inside the brain that sources the capabilities of magic, if you are born without one, you can't ever use magic.

"John. If I give you wine the parents will smell it from miles away." Siren said as he

John smirked as he looked down at Siren's lap, and noticed War right there.

"So. . . Who is the misses?" John said with while being overdramati.c tone.

Siren's face turned a bit red as he looked down and back up at John.

"A drinking buddy, but that's besides the point. What speech are you talkin about?" Siren asked.

"Coldstorm had a meeting about some ''allegations'' of racism, but all he did was yap about random nonsense. But there was this one kid who got a good laugh out of everyone." John stated as he began drinking on a small glass of water.

Siren's eyes shifted to it's void state as he made a circle with his finger as a faint glow spreaded.

Suddenly particles started forming into the circle as a faint burst of wind covered the view of the circle.

Just as fast as the wind appeared it disappeared, revealing another Siren.

"Yo! Clone me, go get ready for the Christmas event we're hosting in a lil bit. All you gotta do is just take some of those chairs down. John gets the drinks ready. We'll need hennessy, wine, and probably a boat load of tequila." Siren said as he stared at the clone taking down the chairs.

Siren smiled as he glanced around the bar. His dream job of owning a multi-purposed bar came true, and people love it. Especially since it's in the Ice elf district.

Yet a faint feeling in his heart told him otherwise.

It was almost like something in the back of his head was trying to tell him something, but he doesn't want to accept it.

"Hey John? I have a question for you" Siren said as his bright pupils glared at him.

John looked back at him as he sat down on one of the chairs.

"Ask away my nigga"John said,

"We're both black right? Well, I'm half black but you know what I mean. Do you feel equal? I mean that as in, when you walk down the street you don't have to worry about feeling like you're different from everyone else?" Siren asked

John closed his eyes as he put his hands on his chin.

There was a short pause of silence in the air as John let out a sigh.

"Siren. You may be my boss but Ima be straight with you. The only thing that any of us are equal in is death. . . Its sad I know but dying is the only thing that unites us together. There is not a single thing on the planet that brings every race together. Not the white people, not the black people, not the Elves, not the Orc, and anything in between. Equality doesn't exist." John stated with a serious look on his face.

Siren sat there with a dissatisfied look on his face.

I'm sure we're equal in something right?

Author's Note( Hey guys! Hope y'all are having a nice day! Christmas is coming soon and I know you guys are excited for their presents! I'll try to post before or during Christmas so Hope you guys have a nice time.

See ya next week!