Chapter 12: Operation Starfall

The two walked up to the door of the lab and just walking up to it, you can tell its old. Vines cover the door and cover the outer walls like a growing infection, slowly taking over. Siren stuck his hand out, as Void oozed from his hand, covering the door completely. He then yanked his arm back and the door went flying past them, nearly hitting Coldstorm in the process.

"Watch it jacka-"

Siren glanced back at him with a deadly glare, not even letting him finish his sentence. Siren began walking into the building with Coldstorm right behind him. The halls were covered in decaying vines, with pollen visible in the air. There was mostly darkness around the, except for small pockets of light poking out from the broken ceiling. Siren activated his Void eyes, as they emitted a purplish-blue lighting in front of the, which Coldstorm did the same. Their footstep echoed across the facility, as rodents and insects scurred with each passing step.

The scent of rottenness was strong the closer they walked forward. They came across the end of the hall, as the elevator was completely crushed. They got closer and noticed a gap where they can climb to the second floor. Siren went first as he slid on up, however Coldstorm had a bit more trouble, but he managed to get up.

Just by looking around you could see where the scent of rottenness came from. To each of their side, there were bodies everywhere, their skin decade and infested with maggots, roaches, and rodents alike. Yet they kept moving forward.

"Do you know where we have to go?" Siren asked as he turned towards Coldstorm. He pointed towards the big doors on their left as they walked in and the scent was strongest here, but they pushed through it. There they found more bodies than they count, as if they were piled on top of each other.

"This is it. The meteorite." Coldstorm said as Siren walked up next to him as they both gazed at it. It was a large stone creature that looked just as Coldstorm explained. It looked almost hollow from first glance like a doll made of rock and gravel, yet it's astonishing looking at it from a first glance. It's as if it's been in perfect condition this entire time, no vines, moss, or insects. Siren placed his hand on the meteorite and rubbed the texture of it, and it was unbearably cold. It's as if someone ate pounds of chewing gum and drank ice cold water, creating some blizzards like reaction.

"Alright I've seen the weird statue, so are you going to show me what happened our is some elaborate plan to get me alone to kill me?" Siren said as he turned around.

Coldstorm shook his head as he pointed towards a corroded computer, his eyes locked onto Siren's

"There's a chip inside of it. Take it and you can figure out the rest." He claimed as he started walking towards the door. Siren walked up to the computer and wiped off all the plants and such from it as he opened the cartridge, and a small green and gray chip popped out.

Within this mini chip, this holds the answers to why his father disappeared last night and can maybe explain a couple of things he's been thinking about. Like his regenerative powers, or when his eyes turned red that one time. Siren walked out of the door, before being yanked right back into the room by Coldstorm, as he covered his mouth, closing the door behind them.

Siren quickly pulled his hands away, as he pushed him away. "The fuck is your problem ma-" Siren stopped talking as a crackling shriek roared out in the hall. Its voice sounded like if a bull dog was screaming, crying out for help like its life was on the line, trying to force itself to form some type of human sentence. Only for that to come out of its mouth. Its footsteps sounded padded, as if it were wearing footwear while still having those random sounds of flesh plopping onto the ground.

The sound of it dragging itself along the cracked and chipped tile floor could've been mistaken for the sound of a body being dragged in a duffle bag.

The creature slowly pressed against the metal door, its any fleshy hands rubbing against it like an infant learning to interact with a door for the first time. The beast wailed crazily as it began ramming its entire body against the door like a lunatic. Its time it rammed itself the door became more broken like a second. With each ram, more of its flesh peeled against the door frame.

Eventually the beast managed to grab a hold onto the door and completely yanked it off and threw it to the side as if it were nothing. Its neon yellow eyes flickering the dark, shrouded by darkness and the moss infecting its body like an addict to drugs. Its multi-layered teeth chomping and licking its mouth constantly as it tried entering the room, yet unable to fit in due to its ginormous size.

Siren and Coldstorm hid underneath one of the medical tables, as they could hear the creature's constant whining and crying. It was like a bear grunting and moaning repeatedly. "What the fuck is that thing?" Siren whispered. Coldstorm peeked at it again, as the beast roared at him almost instantly. 'I don't fucking know barney?" He remarked before Siren punched his arm. Suddenly the noise stopped.

The two looked around the door and the beast was gone, only bloody trail filled with chunks of flesh going in the distance.

They both sighed of relief as they went back inside.

"Ok we are getting the fuck out of here." Siren commanded as Coldstorm yanked his arm again.

"Oh no we ain't! That thing is probably waiting for us! For all we know its waiting for us downstairs." he said.

Siren shoved Coldstorm as he went on without him, sticking the middle finger in the air behind him. "You just a bitch." He muttered as he walked away. He had only taken seven steps before a bunch of crashing noises were heard behind him. He sighed, as he turned around and saw Coldstorm running out of the room with the beast right behind him. Siren began running as well, with both of them panic, and the beast charging at them with unhuman speed. Siren jumped down first managing to slide down the elevator, however Coldstorm got stuck again.

He flailed, squirmed but couldn't move, as the look of a desperate animal field his eyes as Siren stared at him.

He could leave him here to die and watch the creature tear him to shreds bit by bit. He could imagine the sound of Coldstorm crying, begging for help praying that some force would save him, yet nothing would. But that would take the fun out of doing it himself.

Siren shot out of string made out of Void and yanked Coldstorm out as he ran off without him.

Siren rushed out the door, and hopped intot he car with Coldstorm behind him.

He started the car and drove off as the two of them sighed in relief.

Siren pointed back there as he said." Fuck that Barney Reject."

The two of them laughed as suddenly a crashing noise, and a fierce roar could be heard behind them.

Siren slowly turned around as a look of concern washed that smile of his as he stared straight into the beast of the creature. Its size nearly doubled what it was previously, and blood oozing out of it. Siren let out a blood curdling scream as he beagn shaking Coldstorm in the process.

"WHY IS IT BIGGER?" He wailed as Coldstorm turned around back at it. The creature charged in their direction, its eyes entirely locked on to them, as hunger filled its eyes. each foot stomp shook the earth around them, like a mini earthquake forcing pieces of earth to erupt from the ground.

Its eyes were now a yellow-green and its mouth revealed its grotesk teeth, filled with small pieces of human parts. Eyeballs, fingers, and even a few pieces of the brain were stuck in between its bloody gums. It easily towered over the lab now and seemed to be much more determined to catch them.

Siren jumped to the back of the car and aimed his fingers toward the creature, as he activated his Void eyes. He began shooting balls of energy at the creature, the explosions staggering it. However, the creature quickly recovered and charged right back at them, letting out a furious roar. Siren tried to shoot the balls at it, but now it seems to have adapted to the attack.

Coldstorm made a sharp right turn towards the steep cliff as the monster barely fit in. Siren quickly shot the ground causing the ground beneath the monster to fall into the deep forest as a loud thud could be heard.

Siren sighed in relief as he falls back on the seat, Coldstorm however shouted and cheered with glee that they made it out alive.

(Follow me @Mochea139 for more updates and information about me and the story. Have a nice day and stay positive.)