Chapter 13: A Monster or More?

Tug, tug, tug.

The sound of string being pulled, echoed the hollow forest as the group watched Terrance angrily pull the rope tightening it, to the two trees. His eyes were duller than they normally are, even with his glasses dilating how they see his black eyes. The plan was surprisingly smart for him to come up with, considering his record of plans consists of him throwing a gun at someone instead of using it, and teaching a king slang aren't exactly smart ideas, but this one was different.

From what they gathered about the monster; it can adapt to their attacks nearly instantly, can out speed lightning bolts, and smart enough to understand their words. So, they have one idea in mind. Cryo freeze. They had found some tanks filled with ice around absolute zero, thus they stole around 4 canisters of it to completely freeze the creature completely. Now all they needed to do is find a way to draw it out. Which they had no idea on how to do that.

'This plan is great and all, but don't we need the monster for it to actually work?" Jocelyn said. Everyone looked at her with as if she said something out of character. She looked at them back, with stern look, waiting for a response from somebody.

"You don't know? We were gonna open a a gate right here with the mirror I stole back at the emo guy's bar, then we were gonna lure it out from there." Railon said as the boys nodded.

Jocelyn looked in shock at the idea.

"When did you three ever talk about this?" She asked, everybody looked at each other, as if this was a children's puzzle. "We just looked at each other and went from there." Jermaine remarked while adding. "Its mostly because we know each other for a couple of years, while we've known you for like a week." He added. Jocelyn sighed at the illogical nonsense she was hearing come out their mouths as she yanked the mirror from Railon. "Thats only because you idiots dragged me into your bullshit!" She yelled pointing the mirror at the three of them. Terrance finished tightening the trap, as they all huddled up together. "Alright, so me and Railon are gonna draw it out as bait, then we'll lure it into the hole filled with the cryo tanks, then Jermaine and Jocelyn will throw a huge fireball into the pit, causing the tanks to explode, thus freezing the creature on an atomic level." Terrance commanded as they began doing last minute preparations.

As the moonlight began to shine on them, a sparkling feeling grazed their hearts. This was the first time they've seen the moonlight in months, so it was relaxing, bathing them with its presence. Jocelyn formed a circle with her hands, as she aimed it at Jermaine, as a dark green glow slowly flowed around them.

That was Jocelyn's ability soul amplify. By splitting her soul in half, she's able to boost up whoever she aims at as long as she focuses. They gave Terrance and Railon the thumbs up as the two jumped into the mirror.


The sound of storms, waves, and whirling warped around them as they saw the blue vortex twisting and turning around them, as it threw them out as they were back in the mirror dimension.

A dimension where other mirrors lead to different dimensions of many kinds, like a kingdom, a futuristic world, or even a world with dinosaurs. Terrance and Railon walked around carefully, as they scanned the area for the creature. They looked everywhere, yet there wasn't a monster in sight. Its like it had disappeared completely.

"Where the fuck could it have gone?" Railon asked, looking at Terrance with a sense of confusing. Yet Terrance didn't say a word. In his head, he couldn't figure out about the disappearance of the monster. Each time they left a dimension and came back here., the beast was always waiting for them somewhere, but this time it wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Terrance looked up as his eyes widened, as he leaped towards Railon, pushing away as a whistling sound grew louder as it slammed into the ground where they were standing. Dust scattered as they crawled away in a panic, as they looked closer to see the monster. Its body laid on its side like a cow unable to get up as they walked around it, as it groaned and moaned, looking at its abnormally large size.

The creature looked at them, its yellow eyes dimly flashing at their direction, with an odd look. It wasn't a look of hunger, greed, or murderous intent at all in its eyes, but rather a saddened look like its mostly given up on life. Below it was something sharp stuck in its chest.

Terrance glanced at the creature again as a part of him felt bad for it, so he slowly took the object and brushed the many pieces of flesh from it. Getting a better look at it, he realized it was a picture frame of something, as he brushed it harder, trying to clean the last bits of flesh covering the photo.

"Railon. . . you'll never guess what the photo is. . ." He muttered.

Railon leaned over as his eyes widened in confusion by the photo. It was a large group of people smiling while standing behind two large towers, side by side of each other. They may haven't existed during the time, but people still talk about it to this day.

The World Trade center

On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers were attacked via a terrorist attack that killed nearly over three thousand people, but only around one thousand of the bodies were found. It was a devastating event in history for the U.S. that most people joke about like it wasn't that big of a deal. And yet right in his hands was a photo of the people who worked in the tower, people who lost their lives so abruptly it shook the world forever. They looked at the creature again as its eyes were now wide open, staring at the photo then back at them, with a passive aggressive look to it.

"Is. . . Is this your photo?" Terrance asked with a concerned look on his face. The creature let out a large sigh, followed by a groan, as its eyes calmed down.

Terrance's heartbeat was slightly faster than what it was before, his face scared what this means, as Railon's face wasn't any better.

"Are you one of the people in this photo? Blink once for no, blink twice for yes." He hastefully stated. There was a faint pause as the creature blinked twice.

Terrance fell down as he gazed at the monstrosity in front of him. He didn't know what to see, as he felt his stomach twist and churn, like he wanted to puke. Railon tried to help Terrance up, but the moment he touch him, he threw up on the sturdy ground. He coughed as he breathed heavily. They were gonna kill it, no ''it'' was too harsh now, they were going to kill them like it was nothing. Someone who's already gone through a lot, now a beast wandering this plane. This changes everything. Terrance jumped up as he slowly handed them the photo back, as one of their many distorted and fractured arms grabbed the photo, pulling it back inside them.

He placed his hand on them as he and Railon pulled the creature back on its feet, as they made a funny ''huuuh'' noise. The two chuckled as they look back at them. "You shouldn't be alone like this, how about you come with us? You can come back home with us! Whenever we find it at least." Railon remarked,

The creature licked Railon with its bloodied tongue as he nearly barfed just feeling it.

Terrance already went off to tell the others, as Railon guided the creature out.


The jeep had stopped right on the outskirts of the town, as the two laid on the grass, as they both sighed heavily. The night sky twinkling around them, as the moonlight shined around them. 'That thing scared the shit out of me." Coldstorm said as he leaned against the tree. Siren stayed near the jeep, as he turned his head towards Coldstorm. Now that their ''alliance'' was over, there was no reason to act buddy, buddy with each other. Siren stared at Coldstorm, the moonlight reflecting off his black eyes giving them a obsidian look. "You do what has to happen now right?" Siren asked laying there, his face dead still.

Coldstorm's face went from one of humor to one of disappointment. Here he thought their little escape made them get along faster. Within a millisecond, the sound of rustling beginning filled the air as Coldtsorm yanked Siren by his collar, as the leaves finished rustling.

Their Void eyes, glimmering against each other, the mix of dark blue and purple goes great under the moonlight. Coldstorm leaned closely towards Siren, his face glaring at him like his spirit rekindling slowly. "Do you really want to declare conflict against me? Because I won't be as merciful as I was." he grunted as Siren simply smirked as he grabbed Coldstorm's hand, his grip tightening around his veins.

"I wouldn't be fun to crush that ego you have if you weren't trying." Siren chuckled.

The air suddenly grew colder, as Coldstorm's hands felt like dry ice was being rubbed against his skin, as within a blink of an eye, his entire body was frozen. Coldstorm slowly grabbed Siren's head as he crushed it without much effort.

Suddenly the sound of a camera flash could be heard from behind him, making his heart sink. He quickly turned around to see what that was as he saw Fraus holding a camera.

His heart calmed down a little after seeing his spy. "You scared the fuck out of me Fraus! I thought somebody caught me for a second there!" Coldstorm scolded as Fraus chuckled with a sinister grin.

"In. Co.Recct." She muttered her body slowly oozing down into a slime material as it twist and turned. Then, Siren emerged from the slime as he stuck his tongue out.

"You really aren't as smart, as you make yourself to be, you know that?" Siren chuckled as he waved the camera around. Coldstorm stood there, clearly nervous on what to do. He predictably dashed towards Siren at an even greater speed than before, however Siren quickly dodged it as he used Coldstorm as a foot stool for him to jump onto a tree. Siren laughed at him as he laid back onto the tree. "Look at you, old and out of your prime. You can't possibly think you could keep up with me of all people, did you?

Coldstorm simply stood there irritated by his confidence, as he glared at him. "What the hell was the photo needed for?" He asked staring down Siren.

He hanged from the tree with his legs as he smiled at Coldstorm."To use as blackmail of course." He hopped down from the tree as he landed right in front of Coldstorms face. "If I'm going to win, I want to make sure you remember who crushed your idiotic way of thinking, compared to someone actually smart." Siren said as he pointed at the car.

With anger boiling his chest, Coldstorm drove away feeling defeated, as he gave Siren the middle finger.

Siren chuckled at his accomplishment as he began walking through the rest of the forest, as a loud thud caught his attention.

He wallked in the direction as he saw the mirror people from earlier with the giant monster, as he walked out of the bushes.

"So that's what y'all have been up to, catchin that monster I see" Siren said impressed.

The group looked at him, as the monster stood up behind him, growling at Siren. "They aren't a monster, there a living person, just like you and me." Terrance corrected as he walked up to him.

"We found that they're an amalgamation of the people who died in the world trade center in 2001."

Siren glanced the creature once more, his face clearly uninterested.

"Whatever, I guess since you don't have to worry about i-. . . them, you guys are on y'all way?" Siren asked.

The all nodded as the pointed at his mirror they had stolen. He chuckled as Siren watched as they went inside the mirror, waving farewell. As the light from the mirror faded away.

Siren shot a small ball of Void at the mirror as it got absorbed by it. He picked it up and put it in his pocket as he began making his way home, but all the while a thought popped into his mind. Why was he doing all of this in the first place?

He's never really had a goal in mind, that would lean him somewhere but rather, he just lived in the moment, letting opportunity guide him places. Was it bad he had no motive in life at the moment, or was it alright to just appreciate what fun you can have in moments of peace? Maybe that's why he chooses to own a bar for adults to indulge themselves, and a daycare for kids to escape their day to day lives, giving both a place to vent.

Or maybe it was because he's scared that someone he knows will get hurt because of their connection to him, so he helps them while their still here to prevent what happened to Ana and Celeste.

Speaking of Celeste, her birthday is coming up soon, maybe Charlotte and him can do something together. But now that leads another question. Why is Charlotte here again? I get she wanted payback for them killing her, and wanted to apologize, but that's all been done, so why stay?

What motive could she have that keeps her here with him? Maybe she's using him for money or is waiting to secretly kill him. . . . but that wouldn't make sense, because of how she reacted when finding out Celeste passed.

His mother sure is confusing, but that's why he going to break her down and see what intent she could have.

Piece by piece.