Chapter 13.5:Chilling

(Happens around Chapter 12)

Tap tap tap Splash Splash Splash

The sound of footsteps walking into puddles was the only noise there. People walked pass the two of them as they sat on their respective chair, waiting for something interesting to catch their eyes.

"You still here Mike?" John asked as he looked over towards the man next to him. The man wore a black hoodie with some ripped baggie pants and a hat that covered his face.

Micheal didn't respond. Its as if he were a mindless husk drifting away from whatever thougtht process he left off on. John sat up slightly as he leaned towards Micheal trying to see his face. "You good man?" John yelled as Micheal slowly turned his towards John with this blank expression on his face .as he pulled John slightly closer towards him.

"Nigga . . . I'm high as fuck right now." He said as he started laughing maniacally. John pushed him back as he snatched the cigarette away from him. "fuck you man." He said. Suddenly, the sunlight that was beaming on had been blocked out by someone. John lool over towards the figure, as a 6'5 gray orc stood over them with veins pulsating unnaturally, his eyes pinkish red, and scars over his neck. John paused for a moment, as the two of them stared fir what felt like an hour.

"You good man?" John asked, the orc twitched a little as he leaned towards John, his eyes wide open. "Where is Siren Thompson?" the orc asked.

John simply shrugged his shoulders, as the orc backed up slightly. His face looking a little more agitated than before as he muttered. "Get up." He commanded with eyes fiercer than a lion. There was a short paused before the Orc aggressively smashed the concrete he was standing with little effort as he gritted his teeth with anger.

Micheal leaned up, his eyes red like a fully blossomed rose, as he sauntered towards the orc with confusion and a brief sense of distortion clouded his mind. "Come on my big, backed nigga! Take a seat and re-" Before he could finish his sentence, the orc sucker punched him into his chair.

John quickly jumped at him as he threw a quick left hook, which he followed up with a triple kick, which staggered the orc. The orc yelled angrily as he threw a fairly predictable jab at him, as he guided the punch away as he retaliated with a swift jab to the jugular.

He continued his assault towards the once again staggered orc as he punched the orc in the face and followed up with a weaker uppercut due to the angle his body was in. As the two fell towards the ground. John jumped up as he glanced at the orc who moaned and groaned on the hard concrete, as blood slowly spilt from his head. Micheal put his hands behind his head as he gave john a surprised look with his mouth wide open.

"John . . . Why'd you punch him man? That ain't cool!" He said as if he didn't get punched earlier.

He sighed as he grabbed the orc's arm and let him inside the bar as Micheal followed, his blunt still in his hand.

John sat him down on one of the chairs next to the counter as he threw him a bag of ice. "Here prick, are you calm now?" He asked laying his head in his arms as he sat across from him. The orc grunted as he nonchalantly remarked as he looking up at the ceiling, the ice stinging the scar on his head. "Fuck you man." He muttered as Michea took a seat next to him, offering his blunt to the orc.

The orc paused for a moment as he stared at the blunt as he let out a huge sigh as he grabbed it and gave it a smoke.

"Clockwork is the name" He muttered, passing the blunt back to Micheal.

"I'm Micheal and Mr. Moody over there is John." He jokingly said elbowing clockwork.

"So why were you looking for Siren? He doesn't work on Sundays." He stated.

"I'm looking for him, because I need his help with something important I've been working on. And since he's part vampire, it would help even more on his opinion on the matter." He stated checking a piece of paper he wrote down.

John and Micheal looked at each other with confusion as they two both yelled out.

"Siren is a vampire???"