Chapter 14:Bar Brawl


"I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they'll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action." Malcom X

Life as we know it was built upon belief. The concept of believing is something to motivate yourself, or to fill in a gap in your life has always been a key point in history, that much is accepted in society.

However, something that people don't accept is that we don't learn from our mistakes, especially about abut race. Society was built upon the minority, yet the cycle is forever immanent. The group is dehumanized, next they have a lifelong battle to earn the rights everyone else has or make them acceptable by social's standards. Then an inner conflict happens, forcing them to stand up for themselves as the government acts as damage control, leaving the minority to fend for themselves. Lastly, 2 or more people who were activists have two similar speeches of the same topics but having different methods of getting there.

Its simple to see the flaws in society, yet it's clear we haven't learnt from our mistakes. First it was African Americans, Hispanic, and Asian people, then it was gay people, after that we have the races that popped up due to the world tree, and yet we still haven't gotten pass the basic reality of that we are all people. We all have organs, we're all fully sentient, and can expression emotions like everybody else can, yet people think that some people don't deserve rights simply because of their generation's methos was ''the best way'' When are we going to remember that we all have hearts and brains to use? What's the point in remembering history if we never look back at it and see the constant cycle. Siren thought to himself while walking down the night streets of the Elf district.

The different lights on the night businesses flashed back and forth, their advertisement being clearly overexaggerated. The streets were much more crowded, as couples of different sexes and some the same walked down the bright night streets, as they all greeted him cheerfully. He walked to his bar to get ready for the morning, he noticed the light was on, suspecting Micheal came to work early.

He opened the door as his mouth dropped open. Crushed chairs, split tables, and hundreds of shattered glass littered everywhere, as the people inside all stared at him in confusion. John and Micheal both were fighting a giant orc, a random people wearing cloaks were fighting War and Charlotte just sat there with man unfamiliar.

Siren could feel his blood boiling, as he tried to express words only for random bits of mumble came out, while he stood there choking on the brink of tears. He walked inside as he looked around, almost all of the bar's furniture was destroyed, most of his alcohol was on the floor with glass in the pool of its juices, and the safe that was under the desk was destroyed, as pieces of Celeste's scarf was destroyed.

"What. . the actual fuck is wrong with you all?" He screamed as he sat there on the stage with his eyes watering. He spent nearly two years, working hard for this place, and now all of his hard work was destroyed. He collapsed to the floor, as he held what pieces of her scarf he could find as he laid there in the corner.

"Siren, we have a very good explanation for th-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT" Siren shouted, cutting of john as he jumped back.

"If you had anything to be involved with this bullshit, get the fuck out of my bar." He muttered. And just like that everyone left, except Charlotte and the strange man, as Charlotte leaned next to him.

"I am so sorry for you Siren. This wasn't how I wanted you to meet him again." She said as she placed her arm around him, her wings covering him like a blanket. He sniffled, as he pulled her in for the hug, for the first time in nearly ten years. She hugged him back as he wailed and cried, as he finally caught his breath, looking at his mother with devastation taking root in his heart, for nearly thirty minutes he had cried.

"What happened here?" He asked, looking down at the floor, holding a portion of her grey wing up to his chest like a blanket, which now had skin unlike earlier.

Charlotte paused for a moment, as she recalls her perspective.

"Well after dropping Vail off at the house, I ended up looking for you and went to the bar, however when I got here, the two men and the orc were having a fairly good time, so we all smoked some weed for a little bit, until the chick with the purple hair came in who was also looking for you, joined in on the smoking session. Randomly the two people with cloaks came in and started instigating people, causing the fights to happen." She stated. Siren raised an eyebrow as he looked at the weird man in the corner, his face was uncleanly long, and his clothes were ripped and shredded like he was a hobo or something. "then whose he?" He asked pointing at the hobo.

Charlotte clapped her hands as she retracted her wings and hopped up, as she pointed at the hobo.

"Siren, meet your. long. Dead. Father Sam!" She said with excitement, as she pointed at him like she was in some outlandish cartoon. Siren blinked randomly, as he took a better look.

The dark skin, the black eyes, the dull expression on top of the overwhelming magical presence. . . This really was him.

Sam jumped of the counter as he walked to his son and pulled him off the floor into a hug. "How have you been my boy?" He asked his voice still as deep as he remembered.

Siren sighed into his shoulders, as he muttered "Fuckin tired"

Sam chuckled as he took a step back and examined his son. "Well, you turned out alright, just like your old man! I looked exactly like you when i was your age, minus that belly you've picked up." he joked. Siren appreciated the sense of humor in a time like this. Being distracted makes things a little more tolerable. Siren brushed off the counter as he found a bottle that wasn't destroyed as he pour the three of them a cup. "Im guessing mom told you what she's been up too." Siren said slightly glancing at his mother.

Sam nodded as he took the drink and chucked it into his mouth. "Yeah. . . I'm sorry you had to go through all that. . . I made sure to give a stern talking to about that, and I'm sorry to hear about Celeste, that must have been a burden for you at that time, but that's enough about all this sadness. You got a girlfriend or somethin?" he asked elbowing his son to the question. Charlotte rolled her eyes at the question, probably still hated Ana for killing her.

Siren paused for a moment as he sighed. "I had one, but she passed away a little bit before Celeste." He said, as Charlotte spat her tea out at the revelation. "What happened?" She asked interested in the details.

"Coldstorm and uncle Jacob had her executed citywide." He muttered, squeezing his drink.

Sam flinched at the sound of his brother as he edged Siren more by throwing another question at him. "Where is Jacob?" he asked.

Siren chuckled at the sound of that man's name, his eyes dull and careless as he leaned his head towards them. "Killed the bastard of course. He took the credit for killing you, so I melted his face off." He said with a grin of his face.

Sam and Charlotte looked at their son with confusion.

"Y-you did what?" Charlotte muttered.

"Exactly what I said, it was fairly simple, just shove a high enough radiation into someone's face and it melts fairly quickly." he stated.

"As much as I'm glad he's dead, it shouldn't have been you to do it, you were just a ki-"

Siren interrupted his father, his Void eyes glaring at them." I was a kid when i found out you were alive for those years when Coldstorm threw me in that psych ward, but here I am."

"He did what?" Charlotte stepped up to the counter.

"Yup, I was sent to his office, watched the recording of my friend die as he made fun of me, then he sent uncle Jacob my way, then threw me in a psych ward for seven years, and when I got out he spewed about how Sam infused his son with some random alien space stuff and now I have him on blackmail. . . Anything else?" Siren said with a clearly unhinged smile on his face.

There was silence in the bar as the three of them look at each there clearly uncomfortable. "Do you need help dealing with Coldstorm? I can de-"

Siren interrupted Charlotte with an intense glare. "No. . . I want to crush him myself."

To avoid the awkward topic at hand, Siren pull his phone out and showed a picture of Vail and rose to his Sam.

"These are my adopted kids, the oldest is Vail and the youngest is Rose. I gotta go pick up Rose form John's mother's house. . . y'all coming?" He said in a calmer tone.

They both shrugged as they left the bar, and walked out of the Elf district and into the human district, as they walked down the darker streets, as the concrete was filled with cracks, and pieces of litter everywhere. The west side, a place where the black community lives that the government keeps trying to take down but fails.

"What did Siren mean by he said you were alive seven years ago?" Charlotte whispered as she wrapped her arm around Sam's.

"Well, the whole reason I disappeared in the first place, is thanks to Jacob. He was always the less talented one of the two of use, so he climbed to the top of the police force to get back at me in the most stupid way possible. At the time we were researching a strange entity mostly made of shadows, the same one I used to wake Siren from his coma, and Jacob walked into the research lab and shot the container it was in, setting it free. I managed to stop it by teleporting the both of us to a different dimension, but I managed to escape to Concord, California, but I just chose to walk all the way here." Sam joking said.

Before he even knew it Charlotte sucker punched him in the jaw, with an annoyed look on her face. Sam looked back at her with a overexaggerated frown.

"OW?" He yelled out quietly.

"Don't 'ow' me, you're telling me you could been back, and you just didn't catch a plane? You literally could've prevented EVERYTHING!!!" She quietly yelled out, as she walked ahead of Sam with a mean stride to boot.

They made it to a small house with a gnome in the yard, and the broken streetlight flickering on and off, they marched up the porch as they made sure to wipe their feet on the 'welcome home' matt. He knocked on the door as words mumbling could be heard approaching the door. The door creaked open as John came to the door, with one hand on the door handle and another holding an ice-pack to his head.

"Hey boss. . ." He muttered.

Siren sighed as he patted John on the shoulder. "Sorry about earlier, Mom filled me in. I came to pick up rose from here, but it looks like I got a couple of things i need to do beforehand." He said in a apologetic tone.

John smirked as he dapped Siren up before letting him inside. The living room was neat, with a couple of toys on the carpet as Siren took a seat on the couch, as he patted the floor for John to sit down, as Sam and Charlotte sat on the couch with him.

As John took a seat on the carpet, he felt Siren touch the cut on his head, as a warm glow lit up, as his head slowly felt less painful.

"What are you even doing?" Charlotte asked as she leaned in closer to see.

Siren's eyes didn't look away as he spoke in a deep tone. "Well, if you must know, since my blood was infused with a creature that has a regenerative factor, I'm mixing my blood with magic, so by pump the combination out into a sort of gas, it drains my blood while healing the injuries of I aim at." He said, as his Void eye flickered on and off, clearly drained since he hasn't slept in about four days now.

Magic has layers that people nobody talks about, since usually people don't use them in their daily lives, due to their being a job for about everything. When using magic, it drains your stamina based upon level being used, the higher the level, the more restrictions and stamina are applied, however mastering a technique can make using magic a lot easier, thus relying on your magic output.

For instance; Lv.1: is the most basic attacks and take up the least number of stamina.

Lv.2: Is a lot more advanced attack and takes up more stamina than most but gives you destructive capabilities.

Lv.3 Takes up nearly all the stamina, can attack the mind directly, and requires small incantations.

Lv.4: Drains all the stamina of the user, attacks all 3 layers of protection, and requires a decently long incantation, and is the most powerful of the four.

This was a Lv.2 spell Siren was casting.

And since John's body was damaged, this makes damaging the soul and mind easier.

There are three layers to one's organism. 1. The body which acts as the main reason the others exists as it functions as a physical protection from harm. 2.The soul is the inner wall that protects the user from harm from spiritual attacks and can't be damaged unless the body is damaged. 3. The mind is the core of the three walls and is the hardest to get to, because it is directly connected to one's magic source, thus making it the most refine. But what makes this the most complex level is that if you manage to directly attack the soul hard enough, the person will die instantly, leaving their soul to be destroyed.

Each person has the same layers and depths, but depending on your magic input, the overall durability of your walls can increase, however since John doesn't have magic, he must rely on constant training to boost his layers.

The cut finally healed as Siren sighed in exhaustion, his breathing was like if he were on Mt. Everest. He laid there as before he knew it; he had fallen asleep. Everybody chuckled as they watched him lay there.

"So where is Rose at?" Charlotte asked John.

He turned around towards her, a smile on his face from the laughter, as he pointed towards the kitchen, but before she left, he tapped her shoulder. "Ms. Thompson, Siren hasn't slept in a while, so try not to wake him up on the way home . . . and is there a reason why your son doesn't tell anyone he's part vampire?" he said with a curious face.

Charlotte's eyes widened slightly, she never thought Siren would hide his genetics, considering how low of a percentage it was anyways. Since she was half vampire herself, it had to put it nearly the twenties or thirties, alas she didn't know so she shrugged her shoulders and entered the kitchen.

The kitchen walls were a wet yellow with white diamonds drawn on them as a old lady sat there with rose as she read her a book. The lady looked up at Charlotte with a look of judgment.

"Now, girl you know you supposed to look better than that now." She spoke with some attitude.

Charlotte sat down in front of the lady as she put on faint smile. "Sorry, its been late and Siren had fallen asleep, I'm Rose's Grandmother Charlotte." She said in a mannerable tone as the old lady leaned her glasses down to get a better look with her eyes, as she pulled them back up, her face unchanged.

"I know who you are girl, you don't live this long just to not know nothing, I know exactly what you are." She put the book down, as she waved Rose along to the living room as the old lady grabbed a slice a pie from the oven as she sat back down.

"What do you mean you know what I am? Don't you mean who?" She asked.

The old lady chuckled as she took a bite of the pie, as she waved the fork at her as if she was pointing in her direction. "I said what I said, they don't call me Mama Lisa because of my prime now baby girl! Everything that's happened around here can't escape my vision, and I thank God on that, amen!" She said waving her hands in the air.

Charlotte's face went from a fake smile to a annoyed frown.

"You don't know a damn thing about me old hag." She said as she leaned back in the chair.

Mama Lisa's face remained unfazed as she took another bite of her pie. She smiled a little as she let out a small snort. "You see, that's where you wrong girl, I know everything about you. I know you're a girl casted out by society over something fate wouldn't let you change, I know you pretend to be some high and mighty narcissist just to fold at the slightest bit of reality. You were scared to have children because your mother was cruel to you, and you proved yourself right, not because of some mistakes, but because you lack awareness of yourself. You tried to understand others being even comprehending your own trauma. . . Now eat this god damn pie, its getting cold." She stated while tossing her a slice of the pie.

Charlotte glanced down with sadness at the pie, as she took a fork and took a small bite. Her eyes instantly lit up, at the apple and cinnamon flavor mixing together to create a sweet yet powerful kick to the tongue. She could feel her sadness oozing away as a tear fell from her eyes, at the familar taste.

Her grandmother made her this pie, every Sunday when she was alive. It was the only thing that kept her pushing through life. It was a heart warmed feeling, as she glanced up at the old lady, her smile at the sight of Charlotte enjoying the pie felt consoling.

"How did you know this would work?" She asked eating more of the pie.

The old lady chuckled as she leaned on her hand, her emerald eyes glowing next to the nighttime lighting. "Like I said, I know everything that goes down here, from when someone drops a quarter to when you tie your shoe. Its all a matter of putting pieces together when needed, and besides a magician never tells her secret. And here's a little warning for whats to come. Your son is going to die sooner than what you'd like, poor soul won't even make it past thirty. . ."

"So appreciate him while he's alive"