Chapter 15: The Brewing of the Storm

"Hate. . . one word I've never thought about much in my life, until I met him. . . The way he entered my life by destroying my one passion, the lab. . . Yet he has the balls to come into my life and try to take what l've spent my entire life to achieve. . . and now he thinks that just because I've gotten older it means that he can fucking bitch me around? He's just a fucking privileged kid who's given the best fucking genetics like it's a fucking participation reward! I fucking hate watching him exist on this mortal plane, I hate watching him succeed in like its some game and I hate how he thinks he's above everybody else like he's some messiah. . . But that's okay. . . I'm gonna show that bastard that I can play that game this stupid game of his, by being the pettiest motherfucker he'll ever see."

"Watch out Mr. Thompson, cause I'm gonna piledrive you to hell!"

Coldstorm lifted the weights, letting his hatred guide him through his reps. His arms felt like they were gonna explode, his chest tight, like his rib cage was trying to burst out. But he didn't care at this moment. He needed to be stronger, be faster, be smarter, so he needs to go all the way. Two people watched as he worked out, his muscles stretching and pulling as they go. It was a so appealing to see their boss working hard again, after so many years of sitting in office,

"How many more do you think he'll do?" The woman with white hair tied up in a bun, and lime green eyes asked. She looked at the other woman next to her with black hair covering her left eye, as he right was lilac purple.

"He'll do however many he has to reach his goal. Unlike you Mia, I have faith in master Eli" She said with a smile on her face.

Mia sighed, as she flicked her in the head as she began to walk off with a smirk on her face before saying. "You only say that cause you like the man, Oromi."

Her face turned beet red as she looked away from Mia and held her cheeks with her hands. "You don't have to say it so loud." She muttered. Mia rolled her eyes as she walked back up to Oromi and flicked her pointy ears. Her eyes locked onto her best friend as she floated in her direction with a somber sense of sympathy oozing from her being.

"Oh you ignorant fairy, haven't you heard the rumors floating around? That man is allegedly a racist towards anybody connected to the world tree! There's a chance that he's planning on killing us or segregating us even more than we already have! Why take a risk for all the other races?" She asked her hair standing up slightly.

Since Mia was a banshee and Oromi was a fairy, they were connected to the World Tree thanks to it altering their DNA. . . Oromi never thought about the fact that the man she's fallen in love with could not like her due to her appearance.

What if he was a racist and despised her very being? What if he didn't like how big her hips were, or how she talked or acts. The thoughts of all the possible negative things about herself as she tilted her head down as she sighed with despair.

Mia rubbed her face as she kneeled towards Oromi, her hand holding her cheek. "You know I don't mean it like there's something wrong with you, which there isn't, but I just mean that you don't deserve to go through all the potential problems that may come with that man." She said in a reassuring tone as she hugged Oromi, pulling her into her chest. Oromi hugged her back with a consoled expression on her face, as she looked up at Mai. "Maybe your right and that man is a racist, but what if your wrong and he's just misunderstood? We can't assume someone is guilty before even checking if the evidence is valid." She stated.

There was a short pause from both as Mai sighed as she let go of Oromi and leaned back, stretching her body. "Maybe your right, but be weary of him okay? I don't need another dead loved one in my life." She tried to say in a joking tone as she walked off again, giving Oromi a farewell wave.

There she sat alone in the hallway, watching Coldstorm continuing his barbell curls as she counted each curl with extreme detail as she waited patiently.

Hours had past and Coldstorm finally stopped. His legs were shaking, and his arms were bright red. If the math was done correctly, Oromi counted around 7,589 times he lifted it. As he pushed the door with his sore chest, she jumped up as she stopped him in his tracks. "M-master Eli, I bought some water and ice packs for you to use!" She nervously said as she looked up at his monstrous gaze staring down at her with this overwhelming stare. It was like he was preying on her with his gaze alone, his aura was unnatural like it was clouded by hate and determination mixed to create this breath-taking vision.

He placed his hand on her shoulder as she jumped up at his touch. He leaned down still staring at her, his face unchanged. "Oromi. . . What did we say about using that name?" He muttered. A shiver run through her spine as she shook a little at the reminder. She had forgotten that he didn't want her using his real name anymore. She never learnt why, but it did make him react like he doesn't normally act.

He sat down on the bench in the hallway, as she sat next to him, as she slowly treated his strained arms. They were on the brink of being purple, as if they hadn't received oxygen, which partially scared her at the thought. She wrapped the ice towel on his arms as she held the ice packet directly on her hands, holding it to his chest, as her eyes gazed at his abs, as her hands moved around, soothing the muscles, the more her hand moved around his chest.

"You should really be careful when you work that hard, you could destroy something in your body if you aren't pacing yourself right. You should take a break to rest." She recommended; her hand placed on top of his.

Coldstorm turned his head towards her, his face seemed calmer than before as he muttered. "I can't rest now; I must push forward no matter what. I can't grow any weaker than I already was. . . even if it means i must push beyond my limitations. I have to grow beyond my prime. . . Beyond the limits of this older, and pathetic body of mine. . ." He said looking ahead, as if he were monologuing to himself.

Coldstorm felt something grab his hands and wrap around them as he looked down at Oromi holding his hands with her's, as she gave him a fierce and encouraging look in her eyes. It was soft natured while still having the flame it needs to push on. "Don't say that about yourself. . . You are the greatest person I know, and I refuse to let you beat yourself down because of some insecurity! I don't know what makes you hate your body, but you shouldn't harm yourself to get results, remember that a good body is only as good as a good mind. Without it , we wouldn't have anything we have, and I know your beautiful brain is one of the best around. . . so don't waste it." She said as she squeezed his hand, focusing her entire attention into his eyes.

As the two of them locked eyes, there was a faint feeling of safety from both of them. Coldtsorm didn't want to admit it in the moment, but when he looked into her purple eyes, it washed a feeling of nostalgia over him. As if he had seen those eyes his entire life.

She may be right, but now was not the time to be sentimental about this. Siren is getting stronger by the second, and Coldstorm needs to close that gap now. "I have to keep moving to keep this country safe, even if that means pushing my limits a little. Oromi, you are the closest person I know, so I trust you with information to not get out. There's a man in this town who poses a threat to our home, and I must stop him before it's too late." He patted Oromi on the head and went back into the gym, as she stood there shocked by his response.

A person posing a threat to Newland? If there was a threat, why not contact the police to handle it? Maybe its something that the public should be kept out of for panic purposes, or maybe they can't identify the person?

Coldstorm made his way to the treadmill, as he cautiously put his feet on it. He was exhausted, but if there was one thing he needed to focus on the most, it was speed. From the footage he's recordings he's seen during Siren's fight against the Chase, His speed could be anywhere from 2.998e+7 -1.499.8 miles per hour, or even the speed of light. . . This level of speed is illogical for anyone normal. Doing his math, Coldstorm doesn't even think that the War could keep up with him, even if she tried.

His own speed wasn't near either of them, as it hardly could reach Mach 3. Meaning that either he was going to have to train to react to Siren or become near the same speed.

So Coldstorm concluded. The only way to keep up with light, is to become light itself. He was going to do both, to absolutely destroy Siren in any way he can. Coldstorm set the machine to 299,792,458 mph.

He didn't care how long it took; he was going to shatter him, break him down to dust, and make him grovel at his own game. He wanted Siren to know who the true genius is, the one who outsmarted the other in sheer willpower and determination, against talent, and genetics.

This means everything to him.