Chapter 16: A Child's Confliction

The next day.

Coldstorm walked down the corridor as he ignored all who spoke to him, as Oromi, and Mia Walk behind him, holding his things in hand.

"Who woke him up on the wrong side of the bed? Mia asked, nudging Oromi in the side.

She sighed as she looked at Mia with an annoyed look in her eyes. "He hasn't slept at all, he worked on the treadmill all night after you left, he only stopped this morning to take a bath and here we are." She spoke.

Mia glanced at his lower half and noticed that his left leg was shaking at an unnatural rate. It was uncomfortable to look at, yet her eyes couldn't stop looking at it. The fact he was moving at all, can only be assumed that it was his willpower keeping him moving.

"Holy Christ, you know his leg must be suffocating in there! Those pants are way too tight!" She jokingly remarked as she patted Oromi's arm, as she pointed at his legs.

The two chuckled as they entered the elevator, standing next to Coldstorm, as Oromi noticed a decently visible scar on his neck.

"Master Coldstorm, what happened to your neck?" She asked. He slowly touched the scar as he rubbed it a little, his eyes locking onto Oromi and Mai. "Why does it matter? Telling someone about it doesn't change anything about what happened." He muttered as he pressed the button that said "B76". The elevator slowly descended, as Oromi and Mai held on tightly to the rail next to them.

"I want to know you better and if asking pointless things get me there, then I'll ask all the questions I have to." She exclaimed, locking onto his stare.

He sighed as he pulled his shoulder out of his shirt as he showed her the full length of the scar. It went down his shoulder, going all the way down to his hip.

"W-what happened for a scar to be that big?" She muttered.

"Are you sure you want to know? Because if you do, then I don't want any pity for what I am going to say to you. And this better not get out into the public. . . Understand?" He stated, his voice becoming bolder.

They both nodded as Coldstorm put his shirt back on and pulled his red and gray jacket back over it. 'When I was around eight or nine, I lived in Chicago Illionois with my mother and father, just like most families do. During spring break, I wanted to go play with some friends to live a little for once, but my parents thought it wasn't safe, due to the increased number of killings that occurred in the area. But I didn't listen. I snuck out that night to go to a party with my friends and a girl I liked at the time. The party itself was great, I kissed my first girl, drank some wine for the first time, chilled out. . . It was a great experience, but I was reckless and ignorant to what kids my age were supposed to be doing." He was interrupted by Mai.

"Why were you around people who drank that often anyways?" She asked. Coldstorm glared at her as stepped back.

'Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, It wasn't a good neighborhood and I was a snotty brat who want to have friends with everybody else. . . But it didn't last long. When I walked home, I came to find it on fire, as I rushed inside of it, despite my fear at the time to make sure my parents weren't inside. I cried and yelled their names only to get no response anywhere, as I left out the backyard only to see the most world-shattering thing a child could see. A large group of orcs had surrounded my parents and were beating them senselessly with varies weapons. I couldn't move, as I stood there and watched my parent's blood splatter everywhere. . . My mother had saw my standing there and told me to run, only for a couple of orcs to chase me as well."

"I tried to run far, but it wasn't enough. . . They grabbed me and beat me to a bloody pulp as well, as they stomped me out and watched me bleed on the ground." I laid there for hours once they left, crying and alone. I went back home, only to see my parents hanging from the closest light post. . . and ever since that day. . . I've held a grudge against that town for what happened, cause even after they found the murderer, I was alone, homeless, and surrounded by criminals who were gonna kill me eventually. . ." He explained as his eyes darkened recalling that night. You could here the dread in his voice as he talked about it, his muscles tensing at the explanation.

Oromi and Mai stood there completely flabbergasted as silence filled the room. This was not something Oromi should've asked about. Just as Coldstorm said, this was a little too much. Oromi reached out to Coldstorm, holding his hand and giving it a consoling squeeze.

"I. . .I am so sorry you went through that. . . Nobody should ever go through anything like that alone." She muttered, as the distress filled her voice. This was not something she was capable of handling, as she imagined everything he described at once.

A hand gently patted her head, consoling her as Coldstorm rubbed gently with his exhausted eyes looking at her with a smile. "Don't worry about it, besides your one of the good ones." He muttered in an odd tone as the elevator let out a loud beep as the door swung open. They walked out to the hallway as the swung open the singular door, to reveal a green light that flashed them.

As the light subsided, The walked up to see machines twisting and turning, crushing and stomping away as parts fell and popped out of the machine of many varieties. "This is what I've been working on. A robot that can adapt to all phenomena at a simple shake of its body. This is the future of our town and a protector for most, all you have to do is set a target and it will deal with it is accordingly assigned to." He exclaimed, in a very ominous mad man tone.

They leaned over the bars to see a deep green pool of magma that parts were dipped in and out of it.

"What did you say this was for again?" Oromi asked, in a slightly worried tone.

Coldstorm slowly turned around as he stuck his arms out and yelled out with glee written all over his face.

"Judgement! A battle of pure wits only I can comprehend! Death shall fall upon those that I don't deem worthy of that filthy district! And those who haven't prayed yet for their lives"

"Shall pray today!"

There was more to that story Coldstor- no Eli Cucumber was letting on. After his killer was found and brought to justice, Eli's caretaker, his aunt was murdered that same afternoon presumably by a relative of the killer. After this, nobody would adopt him in fear of their own lives, as Eli was forced to be homeless and eat scraps for more than ten years of his life, he never finished high school he never got a good job, and he didn't have the tools to keep on.

But one day, everything changed. They implemented the Governor system. A system that puts a man in power to watch over a specific town. They make decisions based on the state of the people, and they have most control over the police. If a decision can't be determined by the people, then the governor will make the choice for them. It on paper it sounds something close to dictatorship. Thats because it is. Ever since we started straying from Democracy to a Oligarchy, the government has slowly been pushing towards a Dictatorship, for unknown reasons, but people are too into their phones to notice it.

Due to sheer luck and charisma, Eli one the elections and became Governor who sworn to get revenge on anybody connected to that god forsaken tree. He didn't care how long it took him, as long as somebody paid the price, he couldn't be more satisfied. But now, his motives have become warped and distorted as he confuses the difference between racism and personal hatred.

Then the War against the Elf tribe occurred. Hundreds of thousands of people were kidnapped and held hostage into their group filled with religious crazed people. Most people who lived were far to mentally destroyed to be saved, as the Elves and High Elves used any method to break someone's mental state. Whether it was basic torture or the most heinous of acts, they would use it in the sake of their lord and savior.

And Eli heard about how the Government order the execution of every living thing there, which led to the genocide of basic Elves. . . He had to do something about it. This was around his fifth year into being Governor and he has been secretly tackling some corrupt government members, usally exposing them head on with pure gaslighting or secretly exposing them, while never getting caught, all the while building his research lab with his fellow scientists. Then everything changed when the meteorite hit. They took it in and found the odd statue, only for Jacob to secretly destroy it due to raw jealously of his brother Sam, causing the research lab to go into ruin, leaving only Sam's child Siren at the scene of the crime. And that was the start of his true hatred for species born out of that tree.

At that point, his mind is too deep in the pool of hatred to reach him now. His body under the pressure of his very being, and his soul and passion, all mixing into one thing. He wanted revenge in the sweetest way possible. By destroying the only true way to kill a man.

To destroy his symbol into nothing more than a sheet of paper to read about.