Chapter 17: Conclusion to a problem

10/30/5296 1:42 A:M

He was back here again. A place where there is no light, no distance, no time, no space, no anything. Just Void. Siren hated this place more than he hated himself, as he began walking in a single direction. His footsteps sticking to the floor as it made suction noise each time he took a step forward. It was the same noise repeatedly, repeating constantly. It was annoying as he let out a furious scream from the top of his lungs.

"Let me out of here already!" He wailed, as he stopped yelling and finally caught his breath. The sound of swirling and twirling happened behind him, as he knew what was here. He turned around disappointed by the noise as it morphed and contorted into someone, he thought he got rid of. Her dress was a charcoal black with little curtain swirls around the middle, wrapping around the dress entirely. Her eyes were a purplish red that stood out in the forever abyss space they were in, and her skin was slightly mixed just like him in a sense.

The two locked eyes with each other, Siren smiling while she stood there with a seemingly genuine smile on her face, as they contrasting colored eyes flickered in the space,

"My oh my~. Look who came to visit dear ol, me. You sure have gotten older since I last saw you. You're a lot more hands-"

"I'm not here for compliments Azazel. I'm here for answers so I can finally get conclusions to some stuff." He said his face uninterested in whatever game she wants to play. She dropped down into the floor as she jumped out behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning against his back.

"Oh? Look at you being all confident and dominant towards me~. I'll play your game, only if you do me a favor afterword" She whispered in his ear, as Siren nudged her off.

He turned around towards her as he crossed his arms with a partially saddened and upset expression.

Two chairs appeared as the two of them sat down on them.

"So, what's on your mind?" She asked.

There were plenty of questions that Siren wanted to ask first, but the biggest one should just go ahead and get addressed first.

"What are you really and what was the point in collecting that old man and meeting Coldstorm.?" He asked.

She sat there for a moment. "I am as I am. I am whatever I need to be, at times places and different spaces. The old man was a request from my old boss, so I don't entirely know, but the reason for meeting Coldstorm was to give you the answer to your father. It was supposed to happen like that." She claimed.

Siren paused for a moment, his face frowning at her response.

"What is your boss, and what are his motives?" He asked.

"I can't tell you what my boss is, but you'll meet him soon enough, and his motives will come soon too." She winked in a light manner.

"Why do I get sent here every time I rest?" he asked his hands squeezing against each other.

"Thats easy. You may not like to say it much, but your special Siren. When you were born, fate could see the things you would do good or bad, how strong you can become, and what will happen. This place was something you made before most of your powers were sealed." She informed.

"What do you mean by sealed?

"When you entered that coma of yours, the doctors had to seal away most of your magic away so that you wouldn't blow up from the pressure. There was even a mathematical theory that there was a chance that if you were to blow up, that the mass would be so strong that it could create a black hole, killing you and anyone near you. If you were at your full potential, nothing could stop you, no matter how strong, fast, powerful or smart could escape you and I know everyone that exists when I say that. " She exclaimed as she leans back in her chair as she randomly summoned a table in between them.

Siren froze for a bit as he processed the information and rubbed his face a little, due to these statements.

But now was the most important question that he's been thinking about after all this time.

"What are you really? What do you possibly mean to me, to be connected to my very soul? Ever since that day, you've been latched onto me like a leech." He said his voice worried yet still trying to stay resilient.

There was silence. Azazel looked down at the empty floor as Siren slammed his fist on the table. "Come on! You said that you would tell me everything i needed to know! So don't hold out now of all times. . . Please. . . I want to know why you of all things are stuck with someone like me. " he slightly begged as he put his hands over her's.

His hand was so warm. The last time she ''grabbed" his hand, it was nothing more than an Illusion she made, but this. . . This was heat exposed to her for what felt like the first time. It was soothing to feel that against her skin as she studied the feeling slowly. Why was it so consoling to feel someone's hands touching her?

She understands that the boy has been through a lot, but it's for the better this happened. They need someone who is capable of making the impossible possible and if that meant a little suffering then so be it. She sighed as for once, she gazed a serious look, as she placed her other hand onto his hand, basking in his somber heat.

"I.Am.You." She muttered.

The two locked eyes once more, with Siren's face looking confused."W-what are you talking about?" He muttered.

"When Charlotte died, you threw away a large part of who you were at the time. . . Then I came into being born out of Void and your emotions. I am what you could've been if fate didn't have other plans on this linear time we have. When you wave one hand, I wave the other, when you take a right, I take a left. Not to be different, but because I am the darkness, your shadow. When you succumb to that dark feeling in your heart, I am what's left, and vice versa. I am Yin, and you are Yang. I am Azazel and you are Micheal." She said with a saddened tone in her voice.

"S-so when my mother died. . . All my motivation and inspiration went into you?" Siren asked his voice shaking, feeling Azazel's grip tighten over his hand in a gentle manner as she nodded in response to his question.

"I guess in a weird sense. . . Im here to remind you what you forgot. That just like me. . . We are both Negros." She spoke.

"But I know I'm black. . . I literally know that." Siren replied.

She shook her head at his response.

"You may know what your skin says, but you don't know what your heart once said."

"We as black people live in a society where we are forever pushed down because were just a little darker, as we try our best to climb up as a race to be on the same length as white people. . . Yet we haven't changed at all. We're too worried about fear of how society views our culture, what we like, how we talk, and what we do as hobbies and if you aren't follow one, black people themselves will push you away to the white people just because you act a little different from the norm.

How can we as black people grow and push past everything, if we can't even be together and start realizing that we all have our own personalities and beliefs? We all are grounded because our own race, so we should stand up and fight for what we can, not what we should. If you can acknowledge of the problem in our race, don't hide it and keep it to yourself, call someone out on their way of life and share your opinion and beliefs. Thats what you dreamed about. A world where you wouldn't be ashamed of being part vampire, a world where you can be yourself and only yourself." She stated with passion and determination.

That was it. The thing that Siren forgot was his own pride of who he is. He wasn't just some nobody that existed, he was a hybrid who wanted to make a change for people less fortunate than him, that was the entire point of having a bar. To give people hope for a future where everyone could be proud of who they are. How could he forget about his key motivation? The people themselves? Everyone around him is a race of some kind, and we should stick together to help build a better world where we all can be ok with who we are and enjoy it.

Siren smiled with this returned memory of his as he leaned back in the chair. "Thanks Az.. . You aren't as bad as I assumed you were. What do you want for your end of the deal? "He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

She slammed her hands on the table as she stood up and leaned over it, her eyes staring determinedly at Siren.

"I want to be free. . . Or at least be out of this place! I want to see things other than through your Void eyes! I want to see my own things." She declared as she stuck her hand out.

Siren paused for a moment as he raised his eyebrow even more.

"So your leaving me then?" He asked.

Azazel shook her head. "No. I'll still be attached to you, but just as a ghost that only you can see outside of this place. It gets boring living in here. I want to be able to see color without having permission." She stated.

Siren shrugged his arms as they shook hands, as chains wrapped around them, locking their hands together.

Siren woke up as he felt his body swaying side to side, as he noticed he was much higher than he normally was as he looked around him, to see his was on the sidewalk moving.

He looked down to see Charlotte carrying him on her back.

"Morning sleepy head. You've been knocked out for a couple of hours now." She jokingly said. Her hands were tightly gripping his legs.

"I didn't think you cared enough to carry me." He remarked. Charlotte paused at his statements as she sighed. "Siren. . . what do you think our relationship is at the moment?" She asked. He paused for a moment as he thought about the question. "You're my parent who has wronged me in the past and is desperately seeking forgiveness to make yourself feel better." He states.

Charlotte groans at the statement. "Well. . . I personally think that I'm trying to start over again and make up for what we lost. Our connection. We should've been closer, and I shouldn't have done what I've done, I can admit that. But I still want to be here for you from now on, this isn't some game to play with emotions. This is real life, and I treated you horribly! All I'm trying to do is be a better parent. It's better to try than me just not caring." She muttered.

Siren paused at her confession

He laid his head back down on her head, as he wrapped his arms around her neck.

"One chance. Nothing less." He muttered.

"Why the sudden change of character?" She asked as chuckled a little within the words.

He paused for a moment. "Just some memories that came back is all." He said as they walked home in the moonlight.