Chapter 18: Temporary Peace

We have the morality to guide us to where we are in life. Thing grounding us to our characteristics and how we feel about actions in life is thanks to that. An example is the topic of murder, some think murdering specific people is okay depending on the morality of that person. Maybe they killed 30 people for no reason, or they assaulted someone, some people will think killing them is fine, because their actions are unjustifiable, thus deserve death as we "dehumanize" them. Some people however think differently.

Some people believe that we should use morality to be better than them and we should do things that are morally grounded and "humane". I always found that ignorant, the term morally grounded. This world we live in is built off of doing immoral actions. We killed, bombed, attacked, invaded, enslaved, infiltrated, and manipulated to get here.

We are inhumane because we the people, allow the world to continue being inhumane. But that doesn't mean that we can't make a difference. Accepting that the world has issues is the first step to going in the right direction. You can always help make a change whether it be waking others up to the truth or talking about it on social media. The more people that are aware of the problem, the more likely that someone will stand up. That's what Mama Lisa told Siren one time when he had just gotten out of the Asylum and met john. At first, he didn't understand what she meant, but now that he has gotten his memories back, he truly can understand what she was referring to.

She was trying to help him accept who he was at the time, maybe because she knew about the conflict within himself and wanted to push him in the right direction. He'll have to thank her the next time he stops by there.

But on the topic of memories, Siren hasn't seen Azazel since last night. Maybe she lied and just bailed when she had the chance. He couldn't put it past her as an option.

"I heard that!" Her voice muttered someone as Siren opened his eyes to see her right next to him in his bed. "How the hell did you here that? I didn't say it." He asked.

"Because we are figuratively and literally connected. Are brain waves are on the same frequency since we are basically the same person, and since I'm chained to your most inner core of your being, we can communicate telepathically." She thought as Siren heard it without her mouth moving. This truly was telepathy.

"Well, this is new" He thought, looking up at the ceiling.

"This entire experience is new." She remarked.

"Touche" he said.

Siren jumped up as he stretched his body and headed into the bathroom and freshened up as he opened the door again to see Azazel right up against. It.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"When you went into the bathroom, the chained pulled me against the door asshole!" She thought loudly.

"My bad." Siren said as he helped her up.

They headed down the hallway as the sound of chatter filled the living room. Siren walked in as an unexpected sight entered his vision. His family was sitting at the table chatting as they were eating breakfast that looked surprisingly elidable. He looked towards the open kitchen to see Charlotte cooking, as he walked in and looked around to see her mixing a bowl of what seemed to be pink batter.

"Morning. . . you can cook?" Siren asked as he looked around at the plethora of food options. From oven backed bacon, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and even some pink pancakes, presumably from the batter she's stirring.

"Why are the pancakes pink?" He asked as he cautiously inspected them.

Charlotte turned around her curved horns fully exposed and her apron covered in the pink substance with a calm grin on her face, as she focused on stirring the batter.

"Its strawberry pancakes! You make regular pancake batter, but before you mix it, you take some strawberries, throw it in the blender with a couple drops of vanilla extract and blend it together until you get a pink liquid. Then, you mix it with your batter until you get a light pink batter." She explained as she laid out some on the pan.

This was an odd turn for Charlotte's development from Siren's perspective. He hasn't seen her cook since his father's funeral, so this was an interesting start to her ''apology''.

Siren grabbed a plate and a little bit of everything on the plate, as he sat down in between his kids, as they all sat there.

"How are you two doing this morning?" Siren asked as he patted their shoulders.

"Alright, I got to spend time with Charlotte yesterday." Vail muttered while chewing.

Siren looked at his father as he awkwardly glanced about while taking smile bites of his food. Siren broke a small piece of bacon off his plate as he flicked it into Sam's nose, as he sneezed at the contact.

They laughed at Sam's response to the bacon, as Siren put his elbow on the table and gave his father a reassuring glance. "You don't have to worry dad. . . Your finally home and being accepted with open arms." He said as he finally took a bite of the pancakes as nostalgia washed over him. This would officially be their first family breakfast since Celeste was around.

Almost an hour passes as Siren finishes breakfast, just as he was getting ready to go to work, Charlotte stopped him at the door.

"Hey Siren, since the kids don't have to go to school today, I was wondering if I could come with you to the bar." She asked. Siren sighed as he nodded as the two began walking to the Elf district.

There footsteps overlapping each other at first until they synchronized at some point, which started to bother Siren.

"What do you want mom?" Siren asked his footsteps increased, as he turned towards her, walking backwards in the process. The two locked eyes Charlotte's scarlet red eyes, contrasting with his black eyes.

"I'm just here to help out." She stated with a grin on her face. Siren could tell she wasn't lying but still felt cautious about her motive. People can't change this fast overnight like this.

Siren turned back around as they continued walking again. The pace much faster than before.

"So, what do you think her intentions are?" Azazel asked as she walked next to Siren, as she took steps on the edge of the sidewalk.

Siren glanced in her direction as he thought.

"There're many things she could be trying to do. . . But i think she's trying to change. . . however, she's trying too hard." He thought.

"Well, have you tried telling mother about it?" She asked. As she began walking back on the sidewalk.

Siren paused for a moment as he glanced back at Charlotte and back at Azazel, his face frowning heavily. "I'll do it in a little bit." He muttered as they finally made it to the bar. It was still in the mostly destroyed state he left it in, as he walked over to the closet and pulled out 2 broom sticks as he tossed one to Charlotte.

"We got a lot of work to get done. So, let's try to get done before this afternoon." Siren declared as the two of them began cleaning.

Hours go by and they make good progress on the mess, taking them around two hours to clean up the mess.

Siren threw the last piece of broken wood outside as he sighed heavily due to his exhaustion as he pull a computer out of his office and sat in on the counter, as the two of them sat there in silence, only the noise of the computer's keys being tapped.

Charlotte tapped the counter in boredom as she stared at Siren who was constantly typing on the computer. ". . . Soooo what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm ordering more furniture for the bar, gonna try to get decent quality wood made items this time." He says as he goes back to typing.

Charlotte sat up as she hesitantly asked a question she meant to ask last night.

"Siren. . . Why don't you tell people about your vampire genetics?" She asked a small sense of worry in her tone.

Siren stopped typing as he looked up at Charlotte, his eyes partially blank as there was an uncomfortably long pause between them. "At first I was proud of who I was, a young half breed with big plans in my life, but when you died. . . That part of me died too. So I tried to forget about that part of me, to the point where I actually did forget. But after realizing what it means to be a part of something more than just a race, it's a community that I'm apart of and that I should accept that." Siren stated a reassuring smile on his face.

Siren jumped up off his seat as he looked at Charlotte and pointed behind him at the exit.

"Wanna see something cool I've been working on?" He asked.

Charlotte shrugged her arms as the two of them walked outside.

After walking a couple of miles out of town, they arrived at a man-made training area.

Logs were placed standing upward as some dangled from a tree, some in small piece on top of a stump, and some just destroyed.

"What is this, Siren?" She asked as she walked around.

Siren smirked as proudly declared "This is where I train my magic abilities in my free time. Since Void magic is often dangerous since mine is partially radiation, I train in this small area to keep others safe."

Charlotte was impressed. Here she thought he was getting soft on her, but it was the contrary, she was getting soft on him.

"So what was it that you wanted to show me?" She asked, her hands on her hips.

Siren grinned excitedly as he walked over to a small block of wood as he put it on the tree stump., as he activated his Void eyes.

"Okay, I've been working on a couple new abilities that I wanted your opinion on. "

"The first one is called ''Impact Slash". Its a technique that focuses on a dilated slash attack, but to make it more precise and less destructive for things or people around me, I put a restriction on it. I must make contact on the area, which them marks the area, and with the wave of my fingers, I can cause an instantaneous slash to attack my opponent." He says as he places his hand on the piece of wood and waved his hand, which cut the wood vertically in half.

"I can also change how deep the cut is, depending on the durability of the opponent." He exclaims.

Charlotte paused at the demonstration as she looked at it with confusion.

"Wouldn't it be better to have it be a homing attack, rather than you having to make contact? What if you want to use it but you can't seem to get close enough?"

Siren snapped his fingers at her comment, as he smirked confidently.

"Exactly! Thats why I've been working on this!" He said as he stuck his arm out towards a tree in the distance as a large mass of Void shot out and grabbed the tree, crushing it within its grasp.

"This is my body Strech ability. I can surround my limbs with Void and either make a new part of my body like wings or horns, but I can also stretch it to around forty-seven meters. I made this because when I fought you, the biggest issue was that I could properly attack you in the air, considering your agility and flight in the air. So I decided to come up with a method of reaching anybody regardless of how far they are."

Charlotte clapped her hands at this impressive lesson, as she smirked.

"Not bad. . . What about the third one?" She asked, sitting on one of the many tree stumps.

Just as Siren was about to open his mouth, his phone began buzzing rapidly.

He pulled it out to see that it was John calling him, so he answered it with faint hesitation, since John never calls him.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Siren! Some random ass robot is destroying shit in the Elf distric-" The phone suddenly stopped the call.

SIren looked in the direction of Newland as smoke rose and twirled about in the sky, tainting it with its gray smoke.

"What the hell? We were just there!" Siren yelled out as he was about to run back, only for Charlotte to grab his hand.

"No! I'll go instead. You stay here and let me handle it.." She commanded as she was about to run back, only for Siren to stop her this time.

"This doesn't concern you! Those people have relied on me to keep their children's hope up, and I'm gonna fight to keep their hope safe."

"I'm not a kid anymore, Charlotte. . . I've grown beyond that of most man, and become something only few could dream of being. . . A symbol of light buried within the dark grasp of life. And as a symbol, I'll fight till the very end. . . No matter what you try telling me." Siren declared as before Charlotte could respond, within the blink of an eye, he had disappeared as the wind blew past her.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she put together her hands, prying as she looked up into the sky.

"God. . . I don't ask much of you, but please. . . . .

Keep my child safe."