Chapter 22: Nearing the End of the Massacre

The storm was slowly getting worse as the sound of thunder striking nearby spook Rose as she clinged onto Mama Lisa. Her body shivering to the old lady as she drank some lemonade from her small cup. She put the cup down as she rubbed Rose's head with a reassuring smile on her face.

"Don't worry child. Your father will be a little late, but nothing to worry about."

"He's just finishing up some loose business." She said as she stared out the window.

The storm slowly started to blow in as thunder struck weirdly close by. AGAIS stared at Siren as their body twitched partially.

"So, you eased drop on our conversation?" They asked.

"Of course. If I'm gonna destroy you, it's better to know what I'm going up against." He said in an unserious tone.

The robot slowly began walking towards Siren, as he did the same. Their slowly paced walking quickly turned into sprinting as the fight commenced.

AGAIS threw a leg kick as Siren leaped back and aimed his fingers towards them as it resembled a gun.

Void quickly formed a bubble at the edge of his ring finger as he shouts out a long beam straight at them.

They quickly shot their gun as the plasma and Void clashed together, turning into a beam struggle.

The two not letting up with them slowly putting more as the mix of purplish gray and blue brightened the area like a Christmas tree.

Within a swift manner, Siren leaped away from the beam as he threw a hammer in their direction.

AGAIS quickly shot a blast towards the hammer, only for it to go through the plasma, as it jammed in their eye.

This was because the hammer was made of tungsten. One of the few materials that can withstand Plasma directly. Siren took advantage of this and leaped onto the robot as he yanked the hammer out of their eye and began bashing it in with the blunt object.

AGAIS quickly threw them off them as their cannon slowly turned into a slightly thinner weapon that had a tube connected right to their core.

They aimed the gun towards Siren as it began spewing out plasma beams at an alarming rate, as Siren grabbed John and began leaping away, as the robot followed in pursuit

"Where the hell are you going?" John yelled out; his voice being blurred by the high-speed wind.

Siren jumped from building to building, dodging the plasma beams with relative ease. However, he couldn't fight to the fullest if John could've been caught in the crossfire.

So he came up with a pretty funny idea.

"Sorry about this John." He said as he placed a small piece of Void on his back.

"What the hell are you talking ab-" Before that last word could finish, Siren threw John into the sky, as he ran off, AGAIS still behind him.

John screamed as he felt himself flying, as fear filled his lungs. He closed his eyes, accepting the fate of him falling to his death, until the high speed stopped.

He opened his eyes to see he was safely floating down in a dark bubble, as he let out a relieving sigh.

Siren jumped high into the air, as he stretched his arm out to reach the building next to AGAIS, as he used it like a grappling hook, as it pulled him in back towards the robot's direction

The robot began twitching again as he leaped into the air, as it grabbed Siren's leg and slammed him into the concrete below them. Siren grunted as he hit the ground as he began repeatedly kicking the robot in the head, trying to get it to let go of his leg.

He pushed himself up using his hands, as he managed to use his weight to push the robot down onto the ground as he laid one knee on it and aimed his finger at them.

"See you in hell you bag of sc-" A cold feeling as he looked at the robot.

He knew this situation was strange, but the look of the robot was horrifyingly similar to someone.

He leaned back as he hesitated to pull the trigger. "Why did it look like her?" He thought as his hands began to shake. Azazel popped out of him as she looked closely towards the robot.

"You know. . . It does look like Ana, doesn't it?" She said in a calm manner.

Siren was starting to hear his heartbeat louder as the resemblance was disturbing. The light blue hair, the deepened blue eyes, hell the entire appearance was just her in robotic form. He already knew who would do something this sick, but this was starting to seem less like a terrorist attack, but rather a trap. The fact that Coldstorm would actively make the robot to look like her. . .

It's sickening.

AGAIS laid there as they stared at Siren's eyes, as with a swift and undetected movement, they poked his leg, as they twitched under his weight,

The speaker reversed.

AGAIS's voice eyes dimmed down as it faked a fearful and saddened expression.

"P-please down kill me! I didn't mean to do this!" Her voice cried.

That sent a sharp pain to Siren as his Void eyes slowly began flickering on and off. This voice is something that he shouldn't be hearing, but he was. Why? Why would he have to hear her tormented sounds more than he already has?

AGAiS turned them slightly to the left as their eyes stayed locked onto him, still on top of her with that miserable and horrid expression.

The Voice reversed

"Why did you torment me the way you did? I only wanted to help you!" She cried out.

AGAIS felt a warm feeling in their core as they watched his traumatized state, unlike John, Siren never heard these words from Ana, mostly because these statements were when he was asleep but still, the stimulation in their core is amazing

Siren shed a tear as he put his weapon down to these words. The words of someone you care about telling you that you're hurting them without ever realizing it is painful.

"Stop it." Siren muttered.

The voice reversed

"I know you hate me for doing what I did. You're probably waiting for the right time to kill me, and it scares me that I don't know if I want you to do it or not." She muttered.

"Stop it" He muttered louder.

The voice reversed

"I hope you strangle me to death for my sins." She yelled out.

"Stop it!" He yelled out.

There was a pause between the two as AGAIS slowly twitched as they kicked Siren off their mechanical body, as they stood up with a disappointed look on their face.

"Your much more sensitive than the other one. . . Why? Why act as if you don't know what I am? It's pointless." AGAIS asked keeping her voice as the main audio.

Before Siren could answer, the sound of wailing could be heard near them, as the two locked on the direction of the cries.

In the distance, a young ice elf cried aloud. Siren's heart sank as he noticed the blue duck hairpiece on her head.

But just as he was capable of processing it, AGAIS quickly aimed their cannon towards the child as they fired off a beam.

With what little concentration Siren could gather, he quickly dashed in front of the child and summoned a force field out of Void.

His heart was weighing down his magic greatly as he could feel the struggle of holding off the blast.

"Get out of here!" He yelled at the girl, as she ran into the nearby alley.

As he turned around to the force field, a sudden shiver ran down his spine as he looked past the blast and noticed that AGAIS was gone.

He turned around in a panic as he swung the shield around hoping to block whatever attack, as he felt a strong gust of wind blow behind him. With little time to turn his body around, Siren turned his head as his saw AGAIS aiming their cannon towards him, as he could only watch as the cannon fired.

As it tore of most of his right arm off completely, leaving him to collapse onto the cold ground.

(Hey guys! Its Mochea here! Requiem's Mind is almost to an end, and I'm excited for what I have in store for the future of this story in later projects, but don't worry! We have plenty more of our group to see before our story comes to an end! Just don't forget to enjoy the journey, tell your friends, and have a good time! Love you guys!" Mochea