Chapter 23: Life's Value

Cold. His body felt so cold as he stood alone in this white room, but he also felt at peace, like none of his past worries were grounding him to this miserable place. He was about to die and he was fine with that.

He was hurt for so long and now it was his time to move on with his life as he turned around and began walking to the exit to the white room.

He grabbed the handle and just as he turned it, a familiar voice ringed in his ears.

"Where do you plan on going this fast?" She muttered.

Siren turned around, as an older lady with white hair and light blue eyes stood in front of him, her pure white with fancy swirls going around her white dress.

Siren froze as the two locked eyes, as he noticed the red ribbon on her neck.

"Don't tell me you recognize me already?" She muttered.

Siren knew exactly who this was, but at the same time, it felt so surreal. The last time he saw her, he was 17, and she was 18, but now, you couldn't even tell she was a young adult, as she looked much older and refined from what she used to look like.

"Hows it been An-" With a quick backhand, Ana slapped Siren across the face with an angered look on her face.

". . . Ow!? What was that for?" He asked rubbing his cheek.

Ana glared at his oblivious remark as she stood there, her posture high and clear. "That was for letting some piece of junk fool you into letting your guard down, you were ignorant back there." She said.

Siren sighed as he leaned against the door, his arms crossed with the awkward silence.

"You know I missed you." Siren said.

Ana looked away as his eyes looked down to the floor. "I missed you too, but that's not why I'm here." She declared, her voice being sterner and serious.

"You need to let go of the past and move on with your life. Holding onto what happened is hurting you in ways that its concerning." She states.

Siren looked at her with a confused face, as he leaned up straight. "What are you talking about? I have moved on with my life. It's the entire reason why i have been able to do what I've been doing this entire time!" He said, his voice being slightly more frustrated.

Ana shook her head as she leaned forward and grabbed Siren's hands, the two of them staring deep within their eyes. "You haven't let go Siren. You're just burying what happen and ignoring it to move on with your life, while you let it eat away at your psyche slowly. . . Siren. . .-

"-Its okay to let me go. What happened to me was sad sure, but I died by my own choice. I died fighting for what I believed in, you. Whether or not people believed that doesn't matter. What matters is that your here right now, because people are willing to go so far to keep you safe because they care about you." She yelled out.

Siren stood there. . . his heart partially hurting but a strong feeling of understanding was also there. "But what about the things the robot said? They come from memories so what was that all about?" He asked.

Ana sighed. "When I killed Charlotte, deep down I knew you were hurting, so I would talk to myself in my sleep to move on with my life. But what matters is, is that I care about you. If I had the choice to have everything happen again, I'd do it without hesitation, because. . . Siren Thompson, you are my future. So the reason I came here to talk to you is a reminder. "

"Don't give up Siren, sure you may miss me, but giving up would mean that the people who died getting you to this point, was all for nothing. . . So please. . . Don't fight for me. . ."

"Fight for yourself, get sad, get angry, and hell, get greedy. . . Not because I told you to, but because the real reason you should live, is to push forward past your fears, your mistakes, your pain. . .I love you. . I truly do, but I'll be here when the time comes, so just move on with your life."

"And kick Coldstorm and that robot's ass!" She screamed out as Siren's view of the room in white began to fade.

The sounds of fire filled the area as AGAIS slowly walked away, as they went to continue their mission, but just as they took a step, a rock hit their head.

In a swift manner, they turned their head slowly, as they were left with something they didn't calculate in their system.

"Hey. . . I don't think of business is done here." His voice said in a dazed motion. His body was covered with concrete, as his face has a small scar on his cheek from the fall, and his arm wasn't recovered, it had gone into itself and stopped the bleeding.

"So your still breathing. . . That wasn't planned, , , Oh well, I'll just have to bury you again." AGAIS declared.

Siren just stood there, his face blank as his Void eyes were now a new color, purple. . .

"Get mad." Siren muttered.

AGAIS looked at him with a sense of confusion. "What?" they asked.

"I said, Get GREEDY!" Siren yelled out as within a swing of his arm, a sparkle appeared from where Siren had them earlier, as a large slash appeared on their chest.

AGAIS began shaking wildly, as before they could fully adapt, Siren jumped directly in front of them, his face filled with rage, but in a weird sense, joyful rage.

He quickly grabbed AGAIS's head as he launched him far away with a strong pulse form his hands, as he winded his hand back, as he aimed carefully. With a swift through, Siren launched his hands forward as his one hand stretched far towards AGAIS's propelled body as they felt the momentum slowly build up in the opposite direction.

As AGAIS pulled towards Siren, he split the void used for the stretched-out arm and used some to make a Void-like arm. And as soon as AGAIS entered range, Siren punched him with the Void arm, as a shockwave popped from the impact, but he wasn't done.

While AGAIS was still in the air, Siren began throwing a barrage of punches, kicks, elbows and every part of his body to keep the momentum going. AGAIS quickly, jumped away as they threw a fast kick, only for Siren to duck under it, as he winded up another punch. Siren landed a strong punch to the core as he drove AGAIS's body downward with the adrenaline spiking even higher than before.

AGAIS finally manged to adapt, as they run towards Siren, as the two clash.

"Your gonna die here, you can't win." AGAIS taunted as they jumped up, attempting to land a drop kick towards Siren's face.

Unexpectedly, Siren jumped even higher than AGAIS as he dodged their kick and landed his own.

As the two were falling, Siren waved his hand to the side again as another powerful slash appeared on their mechanical body.

As AGAIS collapsed to the floor, they scooted back, trying to get away and adapt as Siren just looked down in pity.

" Do you feel that?" He asked, his eyes hollow.

AGAIS looked up at him with concern as they replay. "What are you talking about?"

Siren chuckled maniacally as his face quickly changed to one where his eyes were wide open, yet his face remained still. "You're feeling fear for the first time. Your mechanical body is shaking even though you haven't died yet, your core is feeling the wind and rain at the same time, and it scares you knowing that even though you've been adapting, I'm still catching up and adapting faster than you are. Thats because I'm gonna kill you, and then you'll he replaced over and over again, because you are machine, but I won't, because I. AM. FLESH." Siren yells out.

AGAIS manages to still the needle back into Siren as they play the same audio from earlier, only for Siren's face to remain unfazed as he kicked them away.

"That won't work anymore. . . So, if you don't have any more tricks, I'll just kill you now." He muttered, disappointed at his plaything as he aimed his fingers up.

AGAIS's fake teeth gritted heavily as they made their gun one last time, as the beam began charging up. "I'll kill you bastard!" they said as they shot their biggest beam yet, as Siren took a slow breath,

"Faze. Shallow time

Sunlight, Underlining haze

Moonlight, early morning daze

Level 4 attack: Eclipse beam

A gray beam shot out of Siren's finger as it completely overpowered AGAIS's beam as it enveloped them in the overbearing light. As Siren felt his Void eyes, temporarily fading away, he held the beam as he knew he had won with a grin on his face.

AGAIS slowly felt his body slowly disintegrate, as he screamed in panic.

"No! I can't die here! I'm the ultimate being! This fate wasn't meant for me, no!" They cried out as they faded into nothing.

As the beam fading away in the sky, Siren looked up at the tower, as he already knew the cause of this, but not today. He was too exhausted to do something today. So he limped away heading towards the exit, but he passed out before he could make it.

The fight between; The robot sparked by hatred vs, the dark warrior emitting light has come to an end.

(Hey guys! Mochea here and the book has one more chapter left before the book ends and then there will be 2 special epilogues before my break, in which I won't be posting until January 6th. But don't worry, because I'll be working throughout the break to bring more entertainment to you guys! So just hang tight, tell your friends about it, and get ready for even more adventures. Love you guys)