Death and Reincarnation

A/N This is the first novel I'm taking seriously so if the grammar is bad or I update inconsistently don't be mad at me this is a new experience for me.




< Infinite Void >

What the hell happened to me? A soul could be seen floating in an infinite expanse of nothing. Where am I?

- Several Hours Later -

Hi whoever it may concern, If you already couldn't tell I'm dead. Gone forever from the living plane. I thought being dead would be the best or the worst. But it's boring there is NOTHING here absolutely NOTHING to do. With all the time to think it's made me realize life may be stressful and hard sometimes but it's a beautiful thing and I didn't appreciate it while mine lasted. And now I'm here talking to myself to cure my boredom.

- Several More Hours Later -

But where is this place? Is it heaven or hell or something else?

- Several MORE hours later -

What to do? What to do maybe counting? No too boring, Maybe an imaginary journal of my thoughts? No too sad sounding. Maybe... No don't ever go to that.

- Several Hours More Later -

Hi whoever it may concern which is no one since im dead. Why am I doing this in the first place. Have I got this desperate for entertainment? Yes yes you have. Ha, I'm talking to myself now I'm going insane.

- Several Days later -

Hi whoever it may concern. Which is me. I'm convinced this is hell, This is hell. There is nothing to do nobody here no God no Allah no Buddha no nothing not even death or the devil nothing. There is endless nothingness nothing to look forward to nothing to appreciate only your thoughts not even dreams or aspirations just thoughts.

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. No sleep or rest just existing just being here. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse. On one side I don't have to experience whatever hell is or real death like the eradication of my existence. On the other hand I'll probably go insane without any interactions or stimulation and that's if I'm not already insane.

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I think I've come at peace with my situation I'm just taking in the eternal serenity its peaceful. Who am I kidding? There is no peacefulness just silence and my thoughts. I realized this...this is my "life" now sitting with myself contemplating my life choices and all the good or bad I've done what I could've been. I don't know if I'm crazy or not but I think I'm losing a little emotion the longer I'm here Im starting to lose the love I had for my family and the fondness I had for my friends. It's not like I'm forgetting its like I'm losing attachment to the world like I'm not clinging to it anymore.

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I've gotten curious on my form I don't think I have a body anymore because I can't feel anything or see anything I don't think there is anything to see anymore anyway. But I do feel I can move kinda like I'm floating. It feels like what I imagine a sensory deprivation chamber feels like. This isn't space there's no stars this definitely isn't earth so I don't think it's anything humans have discovered. I've also been wondering does this happen to everyone that dies? Is this a process to go to heaven or hell or reincarnate? Is this some sort of purgatory or hell or a heaven? Am I the only one to experience this? And if yes why me?

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I've been thinking, Does time exist here or is this some place outside of time and space? Or is time here relevant at all because when I think about it feels long but it also feels like I've only been here an hour. Oh, another thing I feel like I've mastered "movement" or whatever you may call it now I can feel the change in motion like I did with my body but I don't feel like I'm going anywhere or doing anything is that because of a lack of friction or something else?

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I've lost emotion for my old life my family feels like strangers when I think back on them its honestly a weird feeling sometimes it makes me think was life worth living if I was going to lose all emotion for it anyway? Honestly I think I've accepted death or whatever this is. The loneliness is starting to get to me tho I'm already talking to myself but sometimes I catch myself trying to create "personalities" or alter egos to appease the endless loneliness.

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I'm lonely plane and simple. I've started seeing and hearing things sometimes I hear a woman say hello and when I "turn" around there is nothing there sometimes I see my old world just like I'm there but when I lose concentration it disappears. Is this a incarnation of hope or maybe a dream? Or am I completely losing my sanity slowly but surely.

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I think I'm losing my sense of self. Sometimes I feel distant from "me" like that's not me anymore I feel I'm slowly fading away. It terrifies me you know that I won't be "me" anymore or I might change to someone or something else. Is this the real feeling of "death" losing all self and becoming something completely different knowing your existence is slowly fading but having no control over how or when it happens having no power to change your impending fate. Ha, I think I've found real hopelessness.

- Several day later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I'm hopeless I've realized this is the rest of my existence being trapped in eternal nothingness with my thoughts.

this is my future. Ha, this is my future going crazy or losing myself.

- Several Days Later -

What is that? It's moving?!



< Sao Paulo, Brazil >