Early Life & Football

"Miss its a boy" A doctor said to a brown haired woman. "Here" The doctor handed the baby to the woman. " Ah, My beautiful boy" The woman cradled the child as she spoke to him. "wana" The child seemed as if he was trying to speak back to the woman. "Your name will be Leandro Alma Gomes. " The brown haired woman said to the child. "Ah where the hell am I?" "What the hell happened to me?" "Waawawwaaaw." " Waawwwwawaaawawa." "It appears he's very excited miss." The doctor said to the woman.

"He must like the name it was his father's after all." The atmosphere became melancholic as the woman spoke. "Ah, my condolences miss." The doctor said. "It's ok I'm just happy the baby is ok."

What are they saying? Did I...I reincarnate? HAHAHAHAHAI GET TO LIVE AGAIN!!! "Wawawawawawaawa." The baby spoke. "He is so talkative." The brown haired woman said.

- Several Days Later -

Hi whoever it may concern. Being a baby sucks. All you do is shit, Drink milk and sleep all day. Don't get me wrong it's better then working my life away or being homeless but there is nothing to do. But it's better then that hellhole. Also I'm pretty sure I'm Brazilian me and my mother came home a couple days ago and her house is filled with the Brazilian flag it's everywhere. I think she has an obsession. But she Is a nice woman she never complains no matter how much I cry and she's ways singing to me. But what gets me the most is her never ending smile it's so unpretentious and so genuine. Also I'm pretty sure my father is dead. I've heard my mother sob at night and I see pictures of a man and my mother around the house alot. I hope he doesn't experience what I did because if he can affect my mother this much he must've been a special man.

- Several months later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I've started to understand Portuguese I know the words for what I need Like "food" or "milk" etc, I've also met my neighbors they're nice people. The people two houses down also have a kid my age her name is Juliana. I've met them before me and Juliana have even had "Playdates" But its just our mothers talking and us sitting there babbling and playing as much as a baby can. (A/N that is indeed the heroine if you are wondering.) I've took my first steps already but walking is a bit hard when I walk for a while my legs feel like they're going to break so I still crawl sometimes. Life is a still a bit boring but I enjoy the relaxed feeling No worries no problems hakuna metata it is indeed a wonderful phrase.

- 2 years later -

Hi whoever it may concern. I can't sleep today my mom put me to sleep a few minutes ago and normally I would be asleep but I'm still full of energy I don't know what to do. I think I'll go to the living and watch TV with her or something till I can fall asleep.

- A Few Minutes Later -

"I'm Going out there." Leandro said with a defeated look. "Ok let's go." Leandro Said as he started to walk to his door. *CREEE* Leandro opened the door. "Ah why is it so loud?!" Leandro continued walking down the hallway to the living room. "Ah come on how is that a card!" He then heard his mother shout. "Mama why are you yelling?" Leandro said with curiosity. "Ah Leandro what are you doing up?!" Maria said with slight embarrassment. "I couldn't sleep, But what are you watching?" Leandro said with a questioning look."The World Cup" Maria said. As soon as Maria finished speaking Leandro had goosebumps. "The world cup?" Leandro said with a more intense curiosity. "Yes, A battle of countries through football!" Maria Said with a glint in her eyes. "Football?" Leandro felt like this was connected to him even though he never heard of it before. "Mama can I play football?" Leandro said robotically. "Eh, Of course." Maria said without paying too much attention to the question. this absent-minded answer would cause the "Red and Black destroyers" the "três de ouro" The "Maestro" and the "The untouched one". If future defenders knew their nightmare was caused by such an answer they might have dropped dead and died. They both switched their attention to the match that was currently going on. The score read [ FRA ] 2-1 [ BRA ] "Who's winning mama?" Leandro said. " France but we can still comeback because we are BRAZIL!" Maria said with a confidence that Leandro had never seen up until that point. "Mama are we that good?" Leandro asked. "Of course, We've won the most world cups and we've made it to the world cup final again after 12 years." Maria said with grandiose."But we're losing" Leandro said as if he was talking to a idiot. "As long as there is time on the clock the the match isn't over you can't give up just because of the current situation or the way things look if you live life like that you'll never succeed!" Maria said with a grandeur. "I'll remember these words mama!" Leandro said with a look of adoration in his eyes.

- 20 minutes later -

[ FRA ] 3-1 [ BRA ] *SOB* *SOB* *SOB*. Maria was crying as most of the country was at this time. "Mama it's alright." Leandro said with urgency as he hated when his mother cried. "I'm alright It's just...just... we were so close but we couldn't win." Maria tried to wipe here tears but she couldn't help herself and she started to cry again. "Mama it's ok we lost this time but we'll get em back next time" Leandro said trying to calm his mother's nerves. "My silly boy it might take years and years to get back to the final." Maria said disappointingly. "I Leandro Alma Gomes promise my Mama to win the world Cup!" Leandro said with conviction and confidence."Really, you promise?" Maria said.

"Yes I promise I'll win the world cup so you don't have to be sad anymore." Leandro said.

"Ok I'll hold you to your word then." Maria said with a smile. "Well then you'll have to practice lots." Maria said. "Yeah I'll practice lots and then become the best and then win the world cup for you." Leandro said while facing Maria.

Welp thats it uhm sorry for the long wait I struggle with motivation sometimes I have all the ideas but I can't write so yeah my apologies.