Her Journey to the Other World

In China, when they had already found the portal to the other world, Celestina Marquez began imagining what the realm looked like.

"Does the realm look good?" She asked in a low tone of voice that only she could hear.

While she was busy imagining things, the Emperor touched her with the tip of his finger to draw her attention while she pondered how stunning the realm was.

Celestina looked at the Emperor with a perplexed expression. "What do you want?" She asked.

The Emperor didn't answer her question; he just looked at her seriously and extended his hand to hers. When their hands touched, the Emperor closed his eyes and began uttering a prayer.

"Heavenly father, I will give my power to the girl that I'm touching." He prayed.

After uttering the prayer, there is a light that transfers from the Emperor's body to Celestina's body. "I already transferred my power to you. Use it in a good way." He added.

Celestina's eyes widened while she looked into his eyes.

"Oh, really?!" She asked using an excited tone of voice.

She wanted to confirm if the Emperor really gave her power. She tries to unleash her power with her two hands, but it doesn't work.

"I'll try again." She said in an exhausted voice.

After a minute of trying, she ends up being disappointed. Celestina's day was ruined because of this old man. Is the Emperor just joking about giving her power? She can't use it, so she won't believe that she was really given one.

"You lied to me!" She shouted to get the Emperor's attention.

The Emperor's eyebrows met when the girl was angry and made an inaccurate accusation.

"What do you..." He didn't finish what he wanted to say when he saw her disappointed face. It was a sudden change of expression, and she needs to know why Celestina acted like this.

"Princess, what's with your disappointed face?" He asked seriously while looking at Muyan with pity.

Muyan rolled her eyes because she could no longer feel the exhilaration. Muyan took a seat on the ground. She doesn't care if it's dirty or not; the important thing for her right now is that she can express what she truly feels.

"Have you really given me power?" She asked while raising one of her eyebrows.

The Emperor nodded and offered his hand to Celestina.

"Get up." The Emperor commanded.

Muyan has a lot of pride, so she didn't hold his hand. She doesn't need his hand anyway because she can stand up without asking for someone's help. Hell! She's an independent woman.

The Emperor took a deep breath, but he didn't withdraw his extended hand.

"You can only use your power at the right time. Just be patient. There will be a circumstance that will activate the power that I gave you". He explained very clearly, which made her understand.

After the Emperor's explanation, she grabbed his hand and stood up so fast. She acted like nothing had happened. Her angry face was now replaced by happiness.

When she had already stood up, she withdrew her hand from grabbing the Emperor's hand. The Emperor put his hands on his back and started walking near the portal.

Celestina is still standing. She didn't take a step to go to the portal.

"Thank you for helping me to stand up, Your Majesty!" She shouted so that the Emperor could hear her voice.

The Emperor looked at her face. She bowed to him to show him that she was truly thankful. The Emperor gave her a smile, as It's his unique way of saying, "You're welcome."

"Come near me. We will now enter the portal." The Emperor said.

Celestina walked excitedly towards him.

"Our new princess, hold my shoulder." He offered while preparing his shoulder to be touched.

Celestina's eyes widened in shock. "Why will I hold your shoulder?" She asked. "Is it necessary?" She added.

"Don't think about anything. Just hold my shoulder. Only the immortals can enter the portal. You're a human being, so you need to hold me so that you won't be left here alone." He explained while commanding her to hold his shoulder.

Celestina doesn't like holding this Emperor. Even though he's handsome, she still can't endure having her hand touch his shoulder. She doesn't like holding a man's body part. She cringed, for God's sake.

Celestina awkwardly touches the Emperor's shoulder.

When the Emperor looked at her, she showed him a fake smile.

"Let's go." She said while continuing to fake her smile.

"Stop smiling. It creeps me out." The Emperor said.

Celestina nodded and began closing her eyes.

She followed the steps of the Emperor to go to the portal. She almost fell to the ground while walking while closing her eyes.

"Be careful." He said in a caring tone of voice.

He stopped walking, and he looked at Celestina's face.

"Open your eyes. If you won't open your eyes, I will carry you."

Celestina was scared that he would carry her. She opened her eyes and held the Emperor's shoulder tightly. Well, it's her choice to go with him, so she must face the consequences.

Celestina doesn't have any other choice right now, so she did the thing that she dislikes. It's just for a minute, anyway. After this, she can finally witness the beauty of another dimension of the world.

"Let's get inside." Celestina said with a serious expression on her face.

The Emperor and Celestina walked together inside the portal, and they quickly arrived in the world of the Chinese Immortals.

Celestina withdrew her hand from touching the Emperor's shoulder.

She was covered in joy because she didn't expect that they would automatically be dropped in front of the big gate of the palace.

"Wow! Is this it?" Celestina said while admiring the scene.

Seconds had passed when the big wooden gate began to open. The immortals were anticipating their arrival. By the way, the Emperor had previously informed them that he would be bringing this lovely girl into the realm.

"Wow! This place amazes me!" She complimented while smiling at the forces.

When they started to walk inside the palace, all of the forces bowed to them.

"Your Majesty, Princess Gu Muyan, welcome to the Dong Clan!" They said. They showed their respect to the new princess of the Dong Clan.

Well, the forces called her Gu Muyan because she is now the adopted daughter of the Emperor of the Dong Clan. She's now included in the "Gu" family. Her name was different here.

"Your Majesty, I am so happy for their warm welcome." She said while smiling so widely.

The Emperor nodded as he stopped walking for a minute to look at the happy girl.

"Your life will change here." The Emperor said.

Muyan thinks right now that, hopefully, she will experience changes in this world.

"Maybe I was lucky to be adopted by you, father." Muyan said. Right now, her expression is serious.

"It's so heartwarming hearing you call me father." After saying this, he continued walking.

Muyan showed him a wide smile. Right now, she feels bliss for the first time. She is hoping right now that the joy she is experiencing today is not fleeting.

"I really despise experiencing melancholy as I am scared of this. It's really traumatizing." She said, using a very low tone of voice that only herself can hear. "From now on, I will cherish my life as a princess because this is the very first time that this has happened in my entire life. I experienced a great deal of suffering in the past." She added.

Celestina was really grateful to Mr. Gu Fangning for his assistance in adding color to her gloomy life.

By the way, in Dong Clan, not only the status of her life will change. She will also change her name. Her being Celestina Marquez will forever be forgotten. All of the immortals from the Dong Clan will only know her for being Gu Muyan.

"From now on, I consider myself different in this world. Hopefully, I can find my future lover here, as this is the main reason why I agreed to the Emperor's offer." She whispered to herself.

She has never really had a boyfriend since birth, and she wishes that this will also change. Hopefully, the happenings of her life are like the lives of the princesses in many dramas.

Celestina sighs right now. She's really sick of being Celestina Marquez.

"Celestina!" The Emperor called her.

Her left eyebrow raised when she heard him calling her "Celestina."

"What?" She asked in a disgusted voice.

"Oh, I am sorry." The Emperor apologized. "I mean, Muyan. I am sorry for calling you Celestina. I know that before we have an agreement, once you enter the palace, you're not Celestina anymore." He added.

Celestina took a deep breath while she combed her hair using her hands. "The name Celestina is a curse. It has only brought bad luck since I was young. So, starting today, I will forget that name and permanently substitute it with Gu Muyan. I am not Celestina anymore, who's known as pretty but weak and poor. I don't want to remember that name, as that will remind me of my painful past. I will bury that name, including the unwanted memories from my past that cannot be erased in my mind." She explained.

She closed her eyes to make herself calm. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again.

"Muyan is now born. I am Muyan, not Celestina anymore." She reminded him.

She tried her best not to get angry. She can still manage her anger, right?


"Okay, Muyan." The Emperor agreed, as he respected what she truly wanted.