Chapter 4

Rae was carried by the minotaur for what felt like hours, her mind racing with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. The rhythmic strides of the minotaur’s steps lulled her into a state of unease and anticipation. As they finally reached their destination, the minotaur gently released its grip, allowing Rae to stand firmly on the ground. Once she was stood on the ground, Rae tried to ask about what was going on but got nothing but a grunt from the guard as they left the room, locking the door behind them. Rae took this time to explore her surroundings, she wasn’t sure as of how long she’d be in that room for, so she wanted to get a feel for what was around her and what the room she was in was actually like. Rae surveyed her surroundings, her eyes scanning the room she had been left in. It was dimly lit, with stone walls that exuded an air of ancient history. The room was sparsely furnished, containing only a simple wooden table and a worn-out chair. There were no windows, leaving Rae feeling isolated and disconnected from the outside world. Determined not to be overwhelmed by the uncertainty of her situation, she focused on exploring every corner of the room. She pressed against the heavy door, hoping it would yield, but it remained firmly locked. Rae’s mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle of her current predicament. Why had she been brought here? What purpose did this room serve?

Time passed within the solitude of that room, but Rae refused to surrender to despair. Eventually, two minotaurs appeared in the doorway and let themselves into the chamber. Rae observed their attire and demeanor, noting that they were distinct from the guards she had encountered earlier. Their garments were adorned with intricate symbols, and their presence exuded an air of authority and knowledge. As the minotaurs approached, Rae’s curiosity mingled with a sense of cautious hope. She attempted to speak, to ask them what was happening, but her words seemed to dissolve into the air, unanswered. The minotaurs came forward with purpose, their expressions resolute and determined. Without a word, they each took hold of one of Rae’s shoulders, their grip firm yet surprisingly gentle. Carried by the minotaurs, Rae found herself moving through a labyrinth of corridors, each hallway seemingly identical to the last. The torches lining the walls cast flickering shadows that danced around them, creating an otherworldly ambiance. The silence enveloped them, broken only by the echo of their footsteps against the cold stone floors. Rae’s mind raced with questions, uncertainty churning within her. Where were they taking her? What awaited her at the end of this maze of passageways?

Finally, they made it to their destination. They put Rae down on the floor, still keeping their hands on her shoulders, as they pushed open the grand doors in front of them. As they walked her in, she tried to get a quick feel for her surroundings. The room she’d been brought into was a giant hall, the walls adorned with ornate tapestries that depicted ancient tales and symbols of power. The tapestries was all that she could get a proper look at before getting startled by a booming voice echoing through the hall. “Where the hell is Isabella? The captive is already here and she’s not, where is she?” The booming voice reverberated through the hall, jolting Rae from her awe-struck state. Her heart raced as she turned her gaze towards the end of the hall, where the source of the voice resided. Where 3 figures sat, each different from the other. The figures sat upon their thrones, their forms shrouded in the radiant glow of sunlight pouring through the window behind them. Rae squinted, trying to discern their features but the intensity of the light obscured her view. All she could tell from the figures was that one was a larger male, and the one sat right next to him was a female, presumably his wife. The third one was significantly smaller than the other two, a child who was moving around continually in her seat.

“I told her she’s needed here, you know she refuses to listen to either of us. Just start this without her here.” The female minotaur grumbled to the male next to her, who shook his head in return and pointed over at the empty throne beside theirs.

“She needs to learn that she has royal duties as the heir to the throne, she can’t keep skipping important things just because she wants to rebel against me. So no, I want her here.” He grumbled back to the female, who Rae assumed, was his wife and was now aware that she was stood in front of minotaur royalty. Without a thought, Rae knelt down on one knee in front of them, giving them a sign of her respect to their authority and power over her at that moment. She bowed her her head down as she knelt, hearing the male chuckle to himself as she did so. “At least they know how to respect us, a lot better than my daughter. You, guard, go grab Isabella from her room.” He ordered one of the guards, who had brought Rae into the hall, and the guard swiftly complied.

After a while of waiting , the guard came back into the hall, dragging a very angry and very vocal younger, female minotaurs behind them. “I said, I don’t want to come to this stupid ‘trial’! It’s not even a trial, it’s just so step-monster can get another freaking servant!” Yelled the female being dragged by the guard, who Rae guessed was this rebellious Isabella person they had been talking about.

“Isabella! You have royal duties as the heir, as pointless as they may seem to you, they are very important. Come sit down.” The female lectured but Isabella wasn’t having any of it, completely ignoring her as she attempted to leave the hall but was blocked by the guards. She tried to push past them but was unable to beat their strength, unable shove them out of the way and barge past. But she wasn’t willing to give up, she was determined to get out of being there, even if it meant making a scene in front of everyone.

“Why though? One, I didn’t even want to be here in the first place. Two, I don’t even want to be the heir to the throne, why don’t you and Magnus make Tia the heir.” Isabella retorted with a mix of defiance and frustration, Rae couldn’t help but be taken aback by the unexpected exchange. The conflicting emotions within Isabella were palpable, her reluctance to be in this palace, her disinterest in the throne, and her suggestion of passing the responsibility to another. It was a bold move, one that defied convention and challenged the expectations that were placed upon her. Rae’s laughter bubbled forth, breaking the tension that had gripped the chamber. The sound echoed through the hall, a release of mirth and amusement. Isabella’s tantrum-like behavior, juxtaposed against her position as heir to the throne, struck Rae as comically ironic.

“I don’t appreciate you encouraging her behavior, let alone laughing at it. Isabella, throne, now.” Magnus demanded Isabella’s compliance, his authoritative voice filled the chamber. Rae observed the interaction between father and daughter, sensing the tension and unspoken complexities that underpinned their relationship. Isabella’s defiance remained, though momentarily subdued, as she reluctantly took her place on the throne next to Magnus. She sat with her legs thrown over the armrest, her head hanging off of the armrest opposite it, serving as a visual representation of her remaining defiance towards them. Magnus didn’t even try to discipline her, he was just glad that she’d finally finished her arguing and was at least on the throne. "Now that you've finished that little tantrum of yours, shall we begin with this trial?"