Chapter 3

Before heading out on her new and perilous adventure, Rae took a bit of time to gather up as many supplies to aid her as she could. She rummaged through the abandoned homes of her village, searching for items that could be of use on her journey. Her hands trembling as she picked up whatever she could find and passed person after person, each and every one just as cold and lifeless as the other. Eventually she reached her own house, as she mentally prepared herself as to what she'll find inside, she cracked open the door only to back off quickly in shock. Something was there. Something was in her house. Something that was not her mother, was not Dana. The air inside was heavy with an otherworldly presence, causing a chill to run down her spine. Fear had a tight hold on her, but her determination pushed her forwards into the house, her eyes scanning the dimly lit rooms as she explored. Shadows danced along the walls, adding to the growing sense of unease Rae felt in the pit of her stomach. Then, she saw it. A figure hunched in the corner. It seemed to be studying something on the floor, and as Rae edged closer to the figure, she was able to make out more detail about it. They were wearing a hood, concealing their face and head, but other distinct features began to reveal themselves, helping Rae realize what the creature truly was. It was another minotaur. The realization sent a mix of curiosity and caution surging through her veins. What was a minotaur doing in her home? Rae's instincts told her that this minotaur held the key to the mysteries surrounding her village. Gathering her courage, she approached the hooded minotaur, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Who are you? What do you seek in my village?" She asked, her eyes locked on the enigmatic figure hunched before her. The sound of her voice startled the minotaur as it's head shot up, the hood falling back off of it's head, revealing the sharp pointed horns at the top of it's head. The minotaur grumbled to themself before turning to look at her, allowing Rae to get a proper look at their face. A face that was so familiar to Rae, a face with the same deep orange eyes she had witnessed earlier. However, before Rae could even say any more to the minotaur, they were gone.

After that encounter, Rae took a minute to process everything that had just happened before continuing her search for supplies. She'd collected a sturdy backpack to carry her provisions, along with a water canteen and a generous amount of preserved rations of food. She scoured each and every abandoned general store in her village, finding a compass, a map of the surrounding area, which was created by the quest goers, and a small first aid kit. Rae knew that she would need protection, despite having her father's sword, she still gathered up a few essential tools, this included a sturdy knife, a coil of rope and a bunch of tools to start a fire. As she moved through the empty streets, she couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, knowing that time was of the essence. Determined to face the unknown, and uncover the truth behind the village's plight, she took a final look back, drawing strength from the memories of her family and friends. With her backpack slung over her shoulder and determination burning in her eyes, Rae set forth into the unknown, ready to confront the challenges that lay ahead and bring light back to her village once more.

The first place Rae headed for, driven by her unyielding determination, was the realm where the minotaurs lived. Although she wasn't entirely certain of it's location, as the map she had was covered in blank areas, she trusted her instincts and the pieces of the puzzle that had unfolded before her. The connection between the minotaurs and the tragedy that had fallen on her village was becoming increasingly evident. The heard's ominous approach, the leader's presence in her own home. These were not mere coincidences. They held the answers she sought. With her heart set on uncovering the truth, Rae ventured into uncharted territories, guided by her unwavering resolve and the flicker of hope that burned within her. As she made her way through rugged landscapes and treacherous paths, she couldn't shake off the weight of the unknown, nor the risks she was undertaking. But the thought of bringing justice and healing to her village propelled her forward.

Rae found herself wandering the uncharted areas of her map, her steps guided by both hope and uncertainty. The vastness of the unknown stretched before her, and she longed for any sign of the minotaurs or even a hint of civilization. As she walked through the untamed landscapes and traversed dense forests, she couldn't help but feel the weight of solitude pressing upon her. The silence of the uncharted territories was occasionally broken by the rustle of leaves or the distant cry of an unknown creature.

Each passing day brought new challenges, both physical and emotional, as Rae grappled with doubts and the relentless search for answers. She began to question her decision, wondering if she was simply chasing shadows in a world where myth and reality intertwined. However, even amidst the vast emptiness, she refused to surrender to the despair. Rae drew her mental strength from memories of her village and the loved ones she had left behind. With every step, she reminded herself of the determination that had ignited her quest, a quest to uncover the truth, to bring justice, and to restore her home to it's former glory. The uncharted areas of the map may have seemed endless but Rae's spirit burned with a flicker of resilience that refused to be extinguished. She pressed forward, driven by an unwavering belief that the answers she sought were waiting to be discovered, just beyond the horizon. And so, with a renewed determination, Rae continued her journey through the uncharted lands, ready to embrace the unknown and face whatever challenges lay ahead, all in pursuit of her purpose.

Finally, the silence of the forest was replaced by distant voices. Rae's ears perked up at the distant sounds, her heart quickening with a mix of anticipation and caution. She strained to listen, trying to decipher the nature of the voices that reached her ears as she slowly made her way towards the area they were coming from. In her mind, she assumed they were human voices, they sounded as if they had come from humans and she knew of no other creature that could speak. As she got even closer, the voices became even louder and even easier for her to understand. It soon became clear that it was a group of guards based on their conversation, clearly guarding the area from any trespassers. Being a trespasser herself, Rae began to panic. She felt completely unsure of how she would explain her presence or even gain the trust of the guards, she was only a stranger to them, why would they believe a stranger's story. Her mind raced, considering her options and the consequences of being discovered. Should she hide and slip away unnoticed? Or should she approach them and hope for mercy? Surely fellow humans would listen to her story, she said to herself in an attempt to calm her nerves. Once she had gathered up a slither of courage, she stepped out of bushes and walked up to the guards with her head lowered down. Just as she was about to speak, she lifted her head up to look at the guards but they weren't what she was expecting. She couldn't breathe. Panic engulfed her. The group of guards in front of her weren't humans like she had assumed, they were all minotaurs, towering over her with their immense strength and powerful presence. Their piercing eyes, filled with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, seemed to penetrate Rae's very being. Rae scrambled to grab her sword from the holster but before she could even grab hold of it, one of them picked her up by the arm and held her in front of their face. Rae's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a mix of fear and uncertainty, she had no clue what they were going to do with her. As she was being held like a helpless prey, minotaur studied her carefully, nodding at the others around it before walking away from them with her still in it's grip.