Chapter 50: Cure

•National Academy of Science, 1st Ward•


The fire raged with an almost supernatural intensity, its crimson tendrils licking at the world around it with insatiable hunger.

Ana watched as the flames grew bigger consuming everythibg in their path.

"Let's move." Valerian said as he slung Ambrose's arm over his shoulder and helped him up.

Ana hurriedly ran to Trois to help him up. He was in a terrible state. His face was ghastly pale and Ana could tell that he was losing gallons worth of blood.

She tried to help him uo but Trois shoved her weakly away. "Eclarisse..." he said pointing towards the direction of Eclarisse lying helplessly on the ground.

'That was odd, usually the zombies managed to stand up right away despite the gravity of their injury' Ana thought to herself.

"Help her..." Trois tried to say but his voice was weak and only a strained whisper came out.