Chapter 93: Half Frankenstein


"Eclarisse…" Ana's voice quivered with concern. She could see the pain and fear in her friend's eyes, and it was a devastating sight.

Amidst the gruesome scene, Eclarisse sat trembling, her face a portrait of pure hysteria. Her wide, despair-filled eyes were filled with torment as she rocked back and forth, her voice quivering with anguish.

As Ana saw her friend, she couldn't help the sharp pain in her chest. Trois' death must have really taken a toll on her. They were inseparable after all. They were always there for each other. Truly like a match made in heaven. It pained Ana to see Eclarissse this way. It pained her to see her friend hurting so much.

"Please! Just let me die!" Eclarisse's voice cracked as she cried out, her words a heart-wrenching plea that seemed to pierce Ana's soul. Eclarisse's voice was filled with desperation