Chapter 94: A Lecture on Dying


Ambrose stood face-to-face with the undead.

Okay, maybe he was over exaggerating but Eclarissse really did look the part. 

Ambrose found himself face-to-face with what could only be described as a living Halloween decoration. Okay, he might have been laying it on thick, but Eclarisse did look like she was ready for a gory costume party. Her gaping wounds seemed like they were pulled straight out of a horror movie, and he even caught one of her fingers falling off earlier, for crying out loud. Like, literally falling off. 

But the weirdest part? Eclarisse didn't even seem fazed by it. She just casually picked up her finger and bolted it back onto her hand. Just like that, no biggie. Ambrose had seen some strange stuff in his seventeen years on this planet, but this was next-level absurdity.