Chapter 97: Arrogant Hostage: AKA Valerian


Ana looked at the timer above.


The timer on the holographic display above the grand lecture hall counted down mercilessly, marking the minutes Ana had to find Valerian and ensure his return to the academic duel. 

Ana had one hour and forty-five minutes, a rapidly diminishing window of time to track down her friend. But where does she start? Besides the more time she wasted, the less time Valerian had to answer the test.

Winning that spot on the Imperial 10 was crucial if they wanted to make progress with their investigation. Only the Royals had access to specific opportunities and resources like the Academy Laboratory. The access and resources that came with that position were invaluable, and they needed every advantage they could get.

She needed to find Valerian and she needed him to win this.

As she got up from her seat, she saw Ambrose get down too. "I'll help," he said.