Chapter 98: You Think I'm Attractive?


•National Academy of Science, 1st Ward•

The room inside the clock tower was eerily quiet, and the shadows seemed to stretch and dance along the ancient stone walls. But the silence was shattered by a noise from behind. The three sinister figures had heard their arrival and were making their way towards the intruders.

The three men shuffled to their feet and charged at Ana and Ambrose. Judging from how they looked, they looked like average high school students.

The first figure, his face concealed in the dim light, raised a gloved hand, signaling the others to stay quiet. The element of surprise was on their side.

Ana, who had been trained as an assassin, sensed the danger and reacted swiftly. Her senses were heightened, her body attuned to the slightest hint of movement or sound. She sprang into action, her movements calculated and precise, like a silent predator closing in on its prey.