Chapter 107: The News!


Ambrose has been sleeping like a baby for the past week. 

Since the mysterious dagger he had disappeared (or stolen) he had stopped having those creepy visions.

Although Ambrose was thankful that he could finally go to the bathroom in peace (without being pulled into some of those crazy visions) he couldn't help but feel like something was…wrong. There was a growing anxiety inside of him that kept gnawing at him. He didn't like it because usually, his intuition was right. 

He couldn't help but feel like that dagger meant something important but now, with the dagger gone, there was no way to find out

"I already asked my brother to help track down Trinity's leader. Although I hate to admit it, he's a pretty excellent detective. If anyone can track them down, It's him. He told me to give him a week. That was when we talked about a week ago, so he should be sending information any time." Ambrose explained.