Chapter 118: A Meeting That Changes the Tides


Seated at the head of the table was Ambrose's father, his distinguished figure exuding an air of authority. He was an old man in his 50s with streaks of white dusting his hair from age. He had lines around his mouth that he got from constantly frowning. (This was why Ambrose tried so hard not to frown. He didn't want to get frown lines like his father.)

His father was clad in a tailored suit and observed them with a discerning gaze.

On his right, was Mother's seat. She was adorned in an elegant evening gown and acknowledged their presence with a nod.

Their other siblings occupied their designated seats, each dressed in formal clothes. Their eldest brother, Adam sat on their father's right. Next to him was their eldest sister Angelica, and next to Angelica was their second brother, Aiden. Their 3rd brother, Anthony sat beside their mother.