Chapter 123: Dead or Alive


Ana slumped on her bed. Ana sank onto her bed, burying her face in her hands as if trying to block out the truth. 

As the door closed behind Ambrose, leaving Ana alone with her thoughts, a heavy sense of guilt settled upon her shoulders. 

Ana paced the room, her footsteps echoing the restlessness within. The guilt was a knot in her stomach, tightening with each passing moment. She had shared so much with Ambrose and seeing him look so heartbroken made Ana feel guilty as well.

A conflicted sigh escaped Ana's lips as she thought about Ambrose's hurt expression, his accusations, and the crumbling trust between them.

Ana's heart felt like a heavy anchor, dragging her into the depths of guilt and remorse. As she stood alone in her room, the weight of her betrayal pressed on her chest, and the room's shadows seemed to mirror the darkness that had settled within her.