Chapter 133: The Challenge


The next morning, As Ana was sitting leisurely in the dormitory common room waiting for Valerian, a loud thud pulled her out of her thoughts. 

Queences had slammed her hand on the coffee table in front of her. Her chocolate brown hair cascaded down Queences' shoulders like freshly made chocolate milk. 

Ana looked her up and down. Queences seemed angry—very angry. Her nose flared with anger and Ana could swear she could almost see a vein popping in her forehead. 

Ana's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the intense expression on Queences' face. The dormitory common room, which had been filled with a hushed murmur of morning conversations, fell silent in an instant. 

Then, hushed whispers spread among the crowd of students the had begun to gather around them.

Her dark eyes bore into Ana's, accusing and demanding answers.

"What do you think you're doing?" Queencess seethed as her gaze never left Ana's