Chapter 134: Attack!


"You're really enjoy making yourself suffer don't you?" Ana heard a voice say from behind her as she left the dormitory.

She didn't even have to turn around to realize that it was Margo's voice. "This is new. I thought you weren't talking to me." Ana said with a smile.

"Did you really just challenge THE Queences Marie Lee?!" Margo's incredulity escalated, her eyes widening as if to emphasize the gravity of Ana's actions.

Ana met Margo's gaze with a nonchalant shrug. "You saw it yourself, didn't you?"

Margo shook her head, a mix of disbelief and concern etched across her face. "You are so getting expelled.

Ana, however, maintained her composure, a glint of determination in her eyes. "I don't plan on losing, Margo."

"Well then I assume you must have a fool-proof plan in mind because Queencess is a one-in-a-thousand prodigy."