
We both called the school pretending to be sick, and I changed into more of Austin's clothes. I laid on his bed before he asked if we wanted to watch a movie. He sat beside me and smiled. "Sure, which movie?" ,I asked. "It's just a mystery movie.", he told me. I nodded my head, "We should go get snacks." ,I said with a smile. "Sure." ,he replied while putting on a jacket. "Wear this.", Austin told me while handing me a black cap, and a black mask. I just looked at him confused. "There is going to be a lot of paparazzi outside. Someone saw us come here yesterday." ,he explained to me. I nodded my head and put the clothing on.

We both headed to the garage area of the apartment building, which was like an open basement. There is separated sections for each tenant, so he lead me to his part. Inside were a few different luxury cars, and a few just black cars. We took a black SUV, because we didn't need to attract attention while going to the convenience store. When we got to the store I picked out a few different chips, candy, chocolate, and sodas, and paid for them. Austin grabbed jellies, teas, coffees, and some popcorn. We made our way back to his place. As I stepped out of the car, I grabbed the bags from the store. Austin went around the back of the car and to the passenger side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and grabbed both bags with one hand. "Hide your face.", he told me while hiding me from something behind him. I buried my face in his chest, and a crowd of paparazzi ran up to us. Flashing cameras and people yelling was all I could focus on at that moment. Soon a bunch of large men in suits came out and ushered all people aside, and we headed back upstairs. "Sorry." ,Austin gently said while we rode the elevator back up. "It's okay, just a bit unexpected." ,I said trying to make him feel better about the situation.

We sat down on his couch and I laid out the snacks. I'm feeling a bit nervous because of this morning, when we kissed for the first time. Are we a couple now? Should I ask? Austin sat beside me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. I think he could tell I was thinking about something. "What's wrong?", he asked me. "Um, it's just that, well I..." ,I stuttered and looked down at my fidgeting hands. "I was wondering if we are an official couple now.", I finished, I could feel my face getting red from embarrassment, but I wanted to know. I felt my chin being raised back up, and I was now looking back into his eyes. "Do you want us to be?, he asked me gently. I stuttered again, then gently nodded my head up and down. He laughed and gently kissed me again, "Then we are boyfriends."