Busy day

I finished watching the movie with Austin. We are now cuddling close together and I still feel a bit giddy over being his boyfriend. After the movie he leans in once again to kiss me, and I close my eyes. Before our lips come in contact my phone rings violently. I sigh and pull away from Austin, I look down at the caller ID. It's the project manager for the charity concert, I have his ID set to Worry Wart Wilson, since he freaks out over every little issue. "I'm sorry this is kind of important.", I tell him while rubbing the back of my head. "It's okay.", he replied with a little sigh. I nod and step out on the balcony of his apartment, to accept the call.

"Yes Mr. Wilson, did something happen?", I asked after accepting the call. "No no, it's good news. We successfully rented out The Grand Square Plaza to host the charity concert in.", he explained. "That's great!", I said. "But, the screen behind the stage was damaged from the last concert there. So we need to wait an extra week for it to be fixed, before we can set up.", he said exasperated. "I've already told the performers and other singers, but we need to push back the concert. It should be fine though since we haven't started selling the tickets yet.", he explained further. I sighed and touched my forehead. "Okay, let's push it back by two weeks to make sure things go well. We can start selling the tickets next weekend.", I replied a bit exhausted from all the work and new information.

We exchanged a few more pleasantries, and then we hung up. I walked back inside and heard Austin ask, "Is everything alright?" I just signed and nodded my head. "Just something annoying.", I told him. He nodded his head and gestured for me to reclaim my seat on the couch next to him. I did, and shortly after I cuddled back up to him.