
Later we ate dinner and Austin kissed me goodbye. I took a taxi home, and I walked through the door. As I was taking off my shoes by the front door, my mother walked up to me. She put her hand on her hip and held a spatula in her hand. "Where were you young man?", she asked me sternly. "Um.. at school.", I lied. "Mmm hmm, what's this then.", she asks holding her phone up to me. As I look at it I start to sweat, it's a picture of Austin and I outside his house. It shows Austin covering me, but you can still see my face. "I knew that boy who dropped you off was your boyfriend, but I didn't expect for you to skip school to see him.", she continued angrily. "I know you have a lot of money from your music career, but you still need to finish high school!", she yelled. "Give me everything but your work laptop, your grounded.", she finished.

I went into my room and worked on my songs, I ate a few snacks, and then worked some more. I fell asleep a bit later since I was bored. I woke up to someone patting my back. "Hmm", I mumbled rubbing open my eyes. "I'm sorry Sweetie, please don't be mad, I made supper.", I heard my mom say. "I'm not mad.", I responded nonchalantly. "Then come down and eat please?", she asks. "I'm not hungry.", I tell her politely. "Honey, you can tell me if you're mad.", she said again. I shake my head and lay back down. She quietly leaves the room, and I go back to sleep.

The next morning I shower, get dressed, and go to get breakfast at a nearby cafe. As I sit at the table and drink my cappuccino, and eat my breakfast sandwich I just lean against my hand, since I can't play on my phone. I closed my eyes since I was tired and had a slight headache. I sit like that for a bit before I suddenly hear ,"Noah" I jump up a little and open my eyes. Sitting across from me is Austin in his uniform with his mask and cap.