The lands and seas parted simultaneously as the respective beasts cracked across the setting, the glass that served as their entrance to such a beach-like resort cracking amidst the air, unable to handle the pressure properly. Both of them had the same idea to utilize such area around them as both a cost and as a method to cheat out a Lesser Monster, using the Terraform spell as its catalyst to bring them into fruition. Griffos would gun for the earth, a red dinosaur-like Tarasque clawing at the cavernous canyon carved away, letting him use Mutation to supplement its muscles and arms within his combination, the arms of insects being replaced with proper, onyx flesh. Spikes and spines growing out from the rings, akin to the behemoth's teeth, as well as the face of the man shaping such features, quickly gaining the eyes of the Mosquitoes, as well as the jaws of the beast.
On the opposite side, Harvard would summon forth a sea serpent-like creature, complete with the mouth of a hummingbird and fins that traced across its slender body, a blueish steel and golden indents traced from its head down to its tail. Harvard's plan, however, lied in two spells: De-fusion and Fusion. He'd cast such a spell to disassemble his combo, then reassembled it with fusion, providing the serpent with multiple arms and a miasmic body, before adding Inti as the Mutation, letting the sun be absorbed and serve as the monster's eyes, the hands taking on draconic scales, the heat being expelled from its body.
"I see... You want my Walpurgis to utilize the Sea in its offense. Interesting..." Griffos would comment, once again being impressed by the child's quick thinking and even faster reaction time in piecing such clues together. He recalled on how Mutation is a spell that only provides boons to the physical body itself, unable to utilize the magic unless it is in their biological stature. To swap such monsters around means that it would give Walpurgis free reign to cast such rituals within the water, alongside holding the physiology of a star, down to its bright light and hellish heat, a lethal combo should he'd be caught in the middle of both. He'd prepare his assault by having his new beast invade in a mass barrage of insects, swarming, circling, draining the new beast, while also cutting it off from being within the Ocean. Harvard, in response, simply pushed the beast forward and had the properties of the sun take its place, pushing them away, parting them. With such resounding heat, the Flies would be quick on setting up a rune in their bodies, an area of effect that holds both of them in their place, while Griffos would get to work on casting another ritual to fight back.
A massive field of cold and frost swallowed the two, trying to damper the heat resonating from Harvard's fusion, while using such a cold to close in and drink through the snow and from its body. In response, Walpurgic would utilize the energy within the strings, as well as wrapping itself around Harvard so he can cast something through them, watching the energy slowly glowing through such mounds. Such a spell would cut the distance between him and the pile of snow, letting the two slip by its side and take aim for the writhing, buzzing ball of flies. Such a side allowed the beast to manipulate the water, letting it rise higher and higher, a wall to push them back and drown them, yet Griffos reacted accordingly by letting the mass rise up a wall of stone and sand to block it, a hole made that they would attempt to travel through and attack in his blind spot through the sand itself, letting them pick up small stones and marking them with Hagalaz to swarm the boy and his Fusion with such rocks, exploding on impact, a chain reaction of detonations that would scar the both of them permanently. As such explosions arose and damaged them, however, Walpurgis would utilize the waters once more, letting it be caught in the crossfire and spray everywhere, tanking most of the damage in the process, sparing Harvard from such a fate.
Griffos and his Fusion both recognized what it was doing, yet it was too late. Even as the beast bled a blue fluid, scars and burns marked across its slender body, the heat and light made from the mutation of Inti is enough to trigger a chain reaction of blindness, the brightness increasing as the sun debuted further and further. Harvard, in the meantime, was quick on his feet to close in on Griffos, his own eyes blinded by cutting off the nerves in them, blinding himself temporarily, allowing his other senses to be heightened as a result, The moment he'd hear the sand shift, his body quickly weaved to Griffos' side to land a roundhouse kick into his hip, followed by casting a Sword to cleave at the Mirror's arm, rendering it useless, before planting the sword in the sand and holding the hilt at an angle so he can turn his body and land a spinning kick at the back of his neck, then in the back of his head, shoving the Mirror straight into the ocean, allowing his Fusion to use its energy to push the Doppelganger deeper and deeper into its depths, trying to drown him in the process. Harvard would breathe a bit heavily, impressed on how much he sustained, yet as his relief came.
A bullet. A straight shot towards his stomach, with the child looking down and noticing one of such flies were spared from the blindness, as well as having Hagalaz prepared to blow up inside the child. His blind eyes widened when he recognized he was just as deceived as Griffos, a bit amazed at how their plans intersected in such a manner. He'd try to grab the insect and tear it out of him, but it was useless. The rune has already been activated.