Chapter 305: All in All

Harvard's body was split apart, his torso, arms and head flung away from his legs, a massive crater within his stomach, exposing his vitals, while also staining the beach with his blood. Even with such heavy damages, with his legs ripped clean off and the thighs burnt away, the child merely spat on the dunes, wiped his mouth, and smiled. "And you said I'M the Tricky Cur!" He'd scream, hoping his voice would catch the Noble's attention.

No response. Only mere bubbles that would act as his air.

As Harvard would try to get up, he would see the wave of insects once more, most likely trying to copy the same bomb attack that removed his legs. He'd regrow his skeletal structure and split it, letting it act as spider legs for him to traverse around, hardening just enough so that it provides him proper footing, dancing across the sandy shores and evading the flies that were trailing him faster and faster. "OI! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG DOWN THERE!?" Harvard would shout once more, his spider-like legs crossing up the flies in order to weave around them like a sewer carefully guiding their needle across a ripped dress. He would set up a spell alongside another monster, Eldorado, to summon its appendages and slam its hands onto the sand, letting it scatter and turn to gold, trying to catch them within such a liquid and sealing them away, watching through the metal that they were attempting to cast another rune to escape their confines. 

Meanwhile, Griffos would be still, sinking down into the depths, the light disappearing from the false sun, the cracks of reality being visible from the small world he dragged them in. His mind wandered as he slowly went into the abyss, his eyes fading such colors, yet his smile still present. "To think a Noble such as myself can be tormented by a commoner such as himself. How many times have I endured it? The beasts that made me fight down to the bare skin of my teeth. The amount of voices that cry for my help. The many days where I spend in the infirmary, blessings given by all, cheering my name. How many times has it been...?" He'd think to himself. As he'd veer his body slightly against a nearby foothold, he'd allow the sand and rock to swallow him, a spell casted through it, his ritual in motion. Such a ritual came in the form of a heart, a heart that quickly sunk into the rubble and let him rise in the same manner. A Heart that held sentience, the land pulsing, now a chance to summon a monster within the beach itself. As his body dried itself, he'd open one of his holsters and pull out a card, a beast that would be their final round.


"He must've endured it too. So much of our lives following a similar line, so much repeated actions again and again. If I die...would I be brought to that new life? Would I repeat those same actions? Would I become a Noble once more, if I achieved this feat?" He'd think to himself once more, as he'd start to feel the warmth of the sun again. Once he was shot up, he'd immediately cast the sigil to have the monster appear, the energy being attained as he was sinking, the ground shaking and rising in the process. Harvard would turn his head a solid 180 Degrees to see the Mirror, smiling proudly as he'd dart through the beach, scaling up any rubble that was picked up from the planetary creature, letting Eldorado serve as both a footing to keep climbing and a chance to strike at the Doppelganger square in the face, a clean hook that would not only launch the mirror further up, but also spread the golden effect across his body, letting it infect him further and further.


Without hesitation, the Mirror cleaved off the flesh that was infected, muscles and bones being visible as the mass fell off. The boy would push further, having his Fusion push him up as he'd slam one of Eldorado's appendages into the sand, letting the golden flesh quickly grow and spread into the planet's body, corrupting it with such golden filth. "Great, look what you've done. You made me an ugly mess!" Griffos taunted, preparing his beast further as he'd set up one more spell, one that Harvard wouldn't imagine trying to accomplish himself.


His Monster combination quickly scaled up, closing itself around the planet as if it was the atmosphere, watching the insects slowly be absorbed within the man. Harvard, in retaliation, would set up two sigils, letting the gold create a spike outwards to reach his own Fusion, the first sigil taking up the gold that was within Theia, watching the planet slowly shrink as its energy was being sapped away. The second was using the fusioned beast as a catalyst, letting another monster take its place, the mutation transferring to the new monster through such a summoning. Because of the energy being stolen, however, Theia retaliated in trying to slam itself straight into the child, attempting to crush him into the beach with its mass. The lights were glowing once more, the world was shattering further, small holes within the cracks being made in the sky, reminding them of the astral world that they were trapped in.

"Haec est ratio caeli et terrae...quando creata sunt....quando fecit Dominus Deus terram et caelum."

"Formavit autem Dominus Deus hominem de limo terræ, et inspiravit in faciem ejus spiraculum vitæ factus est homo in animam viventem...."

"Prima hominis verba....sublatum osse intra eum..."

"dixit. 'Hoc nunc os ex ossibus meis caro meae caro vocabitur 'mulier...sumpta est enim ab homine.'

"Primus prima femina..."


Despite his words being broken, his strikes coming down upon himself, the sigils reacted to his cry and spawned forth his next fighters. A Woman enwrapped in thorns and vines, a man with rock-like skin, both having small cracks within their bodies, a holy light that desperately wishes to be free. A crown of thorns residing on the man's head, a mask of grief on the woman's face. Despite such pain, the two were within a stance, resting besides Harvard, striking back in brute force to destroy the planet that was providing them such sustenance. The massive cloud of sand and debris was present, with eyes peering through the cloud. "It really is them.....He actually went and did it." Griffos murmured. "My only regret not having a fitting monster worth fighting against that. It would've been so memorable..."

"Ea quae momordit fructus.....!! Is qui inobediens Deo....!!"

"ADAM ET EVE!!!!!"