Chapter 306: We Are One

The two would be face to face, standing atop the cracks, having them act as platforms, watching the smoke clear and letting Harvard bare witness to Griffos' results. His body held the same shape, at first. The same arms, the same legs, the same hands. Once more of such smog vanished, the finer details would be visible. His anatomy was more solid, rocky, even, as if he was fused with the earth. Scales were sticking out and layering itself like a man-made set of armor, cracks and creeks being audible as he'd adjust himself. His legs and arms are an insects, complete with two stingers residing in his wrists, as well as a hollow bank on his chest, acting as a capacity for whatever it drinks. His face would be seen too, his eyes no longer heterochromatic, but rather like blue panes of a mosaic. His reptilian hide extended all the way to its neck, where runes were visible on each scale, acting like buttons on a machine, glowing and flashing wildly in different patterns. As he'd open his mouth, the boy can see a forked tongue, as well as a second set of teeth in the back of his first, such teeth also being given the runes. Rings were visible around his ankles, acting like cuffs that bind him down. Lastly, a tail; a large, reddish tail that bore the same appearance as the embodiment of the Land itself. "Chimera..." He'd utter, as he'd stretch his body a bit.

"Chimera...?" Harvard questioned.

"The monster comprised of multiple parts. A beast comprised of different animals, once a noble lion, now an amalgamation. my Monster Magic of choice."

"Choice? Wait, wait, we can CHOOSE our stuff?" Harvard was a bit stunned by such words, even more so when Griffos nodded in response.

"Of course, a foolish caster such as yourself would not know of such intricacies, but you shall be blessed in your Noble's presence to be provided such enlightenment. Listen closely, however, for it will be the biggest boon in your arsenal." As Griffos would speak, Adam was preparing his legs to try and rush forward, yet Harvard held his hand up to pause the man, wanting to hear more of what he wished to say. "Monster anything. Any traits you can think of can be passed down and weaponized in one's arsenal. A style ever expanding, never ceasing such growth until the user decides it is enough. From the minor fae with their dust and tricks to the major abominations like the two beside you, to even the eldritch and the impossible, it can be ANYTHING! From what I gathered, considering your body is still in tatters, your monster of choice is one that cannot die unless such energy is gone. The Devil of the Sea, correct? I'm not saying it's a bad choice, quite frankly it's an effective one. It does leave mental scarring, however, considering your body is just as much of a use as the very weapon you wield-"

"Eh. Couldn't care less. I tend to get hurt and nearly DIE a lot of times, so it helps I got some insurance on me!"

"-But, your choice was too narrow. I, on the other hand, went for a broader stroke. Because of your monster, you can only use one other to insert it into yourself in Fusionism, is that right?" 

The moment Griffos said such words, Harvard's eyes widened. "Ohhhhh....Chimera's can use MULTIPLE! Is that what you're saying!?" He couldn't believe it. There were beasts that would've allowed other monsters in them? Such a revelation is what made him try to see if there was a card in his deck that allowed him to mimic such, to let it act as a substitute so that he can harbor multiple pieces.

Griffos merely laughed as he'd see such excitement. "Patience, patience. I'm not done yet. You are correct in your assumption, however. Chimera has opened the floodgates in utilizing many other beasts in my collection. As of this moment, the one I made myself comprise of is Runesmith, Beelzebub, and Landrus. I am of many, and I harbor the knowledge necessary to wield it all in its highest efficiency. You are few, yet in the few, you push it to its maximum, never giving it rest, perfecting the one craft you strive for above everything. We are but two sides of a coin, two paths that any one of us taken. In other words...I am you. You are me. Even if our paths shifted, even if it is slight, we will always come back here. Do you see that, or do you oppose it?"

The child remained silent, regenerating back his legs and letting him stand back up, allowing the golden limbs to act as his personal clothing, letting it hold his body in place, sporting a new set of golden dress pants, before being disgusted at how it doesn't match and allowing the gold to change his upper suit into the same color. "Is this one of those philosophy stuff people try on others? The whole 'you and I aren't so different' thing? Because if that's the case....then yeah, I accept it."

"Do you, now?"

Harvard nodded as he continued. "I could care less what I do, and I could care less if it ends up either backfiring me or benefiting me or what have you. You're right. I'm pretty much an inferior half, a problem, but it's me at the end of the day, isn't it? If I try to be something else without letting me have a say in it, then that's not me anymore, right? I like the stuff I do, because it's me. You can like your own stuff, too. It's you at the end of the day, anyway. I ain't trying to be someone that wants to control what people say. Heck, I tend to instigate certain people just by doing whatever I want, because I wanna see how they wish to respond. If they don't like it, I'll leave them alone. If they're scared, I'll keep pushing it so they can be stronger. If they wanna fight back, I'll let them run it! If they're happy around me, I'll be happy around them, too! I don't care if it's some weird metaphor, if it's going to be the death of me, if it's a reminder that I'm this or that because of X or Y. I don't care about ANY of it..."

"If I don't feel like I'm me, then I'm not me."

Griffos, for once, broke his smile, a neutral expression on his face, as he'd also take a deep breath. "As expected, and yet, it is admirable how much you wish to maintain such a mindset. Even when thousands of others deemed you a liability-"

"I'll keep being one then. If they want to say it in my face, let them say it. I'm still gonna help them regardless. I don't see them with the deck, do I?"

"Hmph...I suppose they do not." Griffos once again wore his smile, letting the two have their moment, their very souls now visible, their essence spreading in an aura unimaginable, an effigy of one's spirit, staring down at each other, letting the birds sing and the waves crash, relishing in their last moment within the beach. Before long, Griffos would begin the last round, lunging forward at the child and winding up a heavy kick straight into the boy, the impact being enough to shatter the glass, pushing them outside of the Mirror Ritual, launching them outside of the hole, and being brought back once again to the realm of Mirrors and Parallel Worlds. "FINAL ROUND, HARVARD HELSIIIIIIING!!" He'd scream.

"BRING IT THEN! RUN THOSE HANDS, GRIFFOOOOOS!!!!" Harvard would shout back.