Stolas would try to set up another constellation, despite the frigid air surrounding him, weakening Zodiac Man the longer it remained due to such losses of temperature, creating Gemini and constructing two clones with such stardust to fight beside him. As the cool air parted, the Stellar Magician's eyes widened as he would see Beaux weaponizing the different properties from the different atmospheres and celestial bodies used currently. Breaking off the remaining icicles that were once claws, she would fashion them into a new weapon, the cold circling around on her wrists, a wheel of frost constantly spinning, a makeshift sawblade that had such jagged edges ready to cut through whatever is necessary. Furthermore, small droplets can be seen dribbling out, which was most likely the result of the attack Stolas kept launching. Such droplets, at first, comforted the Stellar Magician, as it means they possess a lesser quality, meaning it's possible to break them off.
Such comfort was immediately dashed when he saw the wheels generate small sparks of electricity.
Despite ice being a non-conductive source, because of him providing moisture by melting some of the ice, the water itself would open up to be a perfect addition, preventing Beaux to get electrocuted herself while she wields them as wrist guards. A confident smirk was made on her face once Stolas recognized the severity. "Not so much a man now, are yah?" She'd taunt, before trying to rush ahead, aiming to deliver a chop to one of the clones so she can chain the lightning through it and Stolas himself, letting such bolts weave around the stars and connect with them one at a time to get close and electrocute him, despite the stark distance. As a result, he would be forced to be in defense. He guided the clones to bob and weave against her attacks, their footsteps one to one with her own, keeping both the pace and the momentum necessary to dodge her strikes, whilst also trying to flank her and strike at her blind spot. Anticipating this, Beaux would reveal another trick, letting the lightning trail around her, the atmosphere from Uranus still lingering, the vapor and moisture acting as a defense for her, with the lightning piercing and slashing at one of the clones, forcing it to recoil, and for Beaux to gain the upper hand, shifting her body and landing a heavy chop across its neck, decapitating the stellar body double, allowing not only the heat to increase the temperature and make it more conductive, but also for the stars to create the chain reaction, letting it dart straight for the next clone, then to the body armor Stolas had. In retaliation, Stolas would try to set up a star just as the bolt closed in, casting such a star as it made contact.
Despite damaging himself, such an explosion was more than enough to not only stop the bolt from approaching him, but also maintain a massive amount of distance away from Beaux, while simultaneously shifting the clones into a different constellation, Aquarius, to surround her and try to catch the lightning within the wheels so she would electrocute herself. As he did, however, Beaux would back herself up and get a better angle, snapping the wheels off of her wrists, taking aim for the Stellar Magician flying above. "You think you can escape me with THAT!? Useless!" She'd shout, tossing the rings like frisbees directly at Stolas, the wheels cutting through the air as the thunder boomed once more. He was stuck, and no matter what options he can consider, it only results in taking heavy damage, whether by the lightning, the wheels, or his own stars. Thus, Stolas would have to resort to another strategy, raising his arms to block the incoming hit, the stars in Zodiac Man beginning to shift, as the lightning came down to strike him from behind.
A massive explosion, like a firework in the sky. Beaux can't help but smile at her efforts, allowing the moisture from her magic quickly catch the stars and let the lightning trail back around her, a makeshift shield-like aura that bends around her. She'd attempt to set up Uranus and Saturn again, creating another set of wheels around her wrists, as well as a massive trail up to see if she can catch Stolas once he plummets downwards and be dealt the finishing blow. As she approached, once such dust and debris cleared, her smile would change into shock and awe, watching as not only did he survive, but his stars have changed into something else entirely. No long has it wrap around his body, but now has expanded the arms and legs, a larger cluster made in exchange for no protection against his body and head. While such features are a detriment, because of how the lightning trails and homes in towards its target, it's just another boon to his collection. "Did he actually switched it up on the fly? Right as it was hitting him?? That's insane! He's probably also expending a lot of energy, holding all of that together. His eyes look strained too, it must be still painful, switching up like that..." She'd think to herself, watching as Stolas would try to come down, the large hands he's made quickly balling up and ready to slam straight into the ground, a massive cloud coating the area, the gas acting as a smokescreen, as he'd try to run straight ahead. Beaux would try to toss her wheels once more, letting the lightning trail across the clouds, whilst she'd have the barrier extend further, yet Stolas would simply lunge a straight punch, the stars getting hotter and hotter, melting through what's coming his way, evaporating the dust and being charged further as the lightning connected.
The punch Stolas lunged was quick on piercing through her barrier, a direct hit into her chest, as he'd twist the punch and leave a heavy impact.
A hit aiming to break her heart, to leave her straight on the ground, dead.