Stolas would be on his knees, panting heavily, staring down at Beaux's body. With the amount of energy he had to push, he was already getting winded, struggling to keep himself up, bouncing his legs a bit to not only have some feeling back, but to get the momentum again. Despite witnessing a large crater on Beaux's chest, blood leaking out and burns creeping across her skin and feathers, Stolas was certain that she has a way to come back. He can see it heave and relax, having steady breaths as she'd lay down on the ground. As she did such breathing, most likely taking in the air of Jupiter around them, another thunderous boom was made. He'd get himself in a stance to try and strike at wherever the lightning attempts to come down, hoping with the stars it can be redirected towards the destroyed body Beaux now has.
Much to his surprise, the lightning went straight down, directly at Beaux's body herself. "Wha- What is she...?" Stolas mumbled to himself, before seeing the clouds float freely around her chest, the atmosphere entering into her breath, converting it into Earth's oxygen, slowly recuperating and providing a steady flow of air, whilst her chests keep repeatedly be shocked, the clouds pressing down at her and acting as defibrillators. The Owl's eyes widened as he'd see that she was providing a self-made CPR function through the different atmospheres, slowly recovering from the strike, her body rising back up and her heart properly beating again.
She cackled like a witch once she realized what has occurred. "HOLY-, I ALMOST DIED THERE!!" She'd scream, a wave of excitement flushing across her entire body, her tongue even sticking out, looking like a rabid animal. Stolas can't help but chuckle, seeing as in that brief moment, she went through an adrenaline rush in wanting to cheat death at his own game.
"You sure did! You feeling a bit excited there?" Stolas shouted as he'd try to rush forward, allowing her to answer alongside their squabble, with the Avian trying to throw a corkscrew hook to her face, followed by a heavy punch straight into her stomach, then a knee, then finally an uppercut to her beak.
"Oh excited is the LEAST of it! It feels like....shoot what's the word..." Beaux would ask herself as she would weave the corkscrew and try to aim for a sweep, turning her body a solid 270 degrees as Stolas fell over so she can attempt to land a lethal kick straight at his neck. Stolas would block it with his arms, allowing the stars to wrap around her leg and tether each other, letting the boy get up on his feet and drag Beaux straight down so he can try to break her leg. Beaux retaliates with a planet made around said leg, acting as a shield to protect herself, the red planet quickly forming and spraying a mass amount of sand to not only serve as a smoke cloud, but to push up so it can reach and blind Stolas' eyes. "...GOT IT! Euphoria! That's the word! It was a bit scary, sure, but the aftermath is what sold it to me as a heavenly experience. Ohhhhhhhh, I can feel it! A chance to cheat death again and taunt him as I go back to the living. Oh that's sending all sorts of shivers down my spine!" Her body quivered as she'd experience her near-death again and again, the brisk moment stuck in her mind, yet instead of agitation, her blissful face was all that was needed to express her adoration.
"Sheesh. Think you might be crazier than me, then!" Stolas can't help but recall fondly for his own first near death situation, as he'd close his eyes before letting the dust and debris hit him, letting the stars expand its reach and circle around the two, a makeshift ring in order to melt off the debris, a glass-like structure made perfectly around his head, allowing him to grab it and shatter it into pieces, letting them scatter and try to rain down on Beaux. Beaux would retaliate back with yet another atmosphere, with Earth being blown out from her body, allowing the air to capture the glass and shift its direction. Stolas would simply set up a star in his mouth to prevent the glass from hitting him, an explosion made to disintegrate the glass as nothing less but mere sprinkles. "Then again...Think I went just as overboard as you are when I first got that experience."
"Oh really? Who took that first time then?"
"A couple of pirates! One of 'em was shooting me like crazy and had me forced to make some distance, another launched a whole anchor and slammed me straight into the ship itself! Good times..."
"Hey, You're the one who made a whole resuscitation to survive a literal heart attack! I ain't hearing squat from you!" both of the children would giggle a bit, hearing such words out loud, unable to believe it for themselves at surviving what felt like a literal death sentence for either of them. "Besides, Ever since that fight, I've been dancing with death all SORTS of ways! It's not really a Novel concept for me, at this point."
"Daaaaaamn. You weren't scared of it either? Even when it was the first time you reached such a point?"
"Nope! Not even once! I can thank my Pops for that one! He actually taught me that way earlier than I'd think. About how to handle such situations, I mean." The two would break off and would have some distance, launching their projectiles to try and test each others precision and speed, with Stolas' constellations clashing, scratching, biting, and striking into Beaux's planets. Even though it was a fight for their very life, the both of them can't help but smile.
To them, this was nothing else but a game to play for as long as they want.