Chapter 311: Milky Way


A direct shot. A Target was pierced straight through, smoke coming out of the hole where the bullet fired. A younger Stolas looked up in awe and excitement, jumping a bit, despite hitting somewhat off of the center. "Did I do it, pops? Did I do it?" He'd ask.

The man that Stolas was talking to, Ennio Morrwood, simply sighed as he'd adjust the mask and hat, before kneeling down. "You did, but you can do better." He'd state, patting the young boy on his shoulder. It was Stolas' third day in being under the man's care, as well as the first step in following his guardian's footsteps. He had the target set up so that he can see his aim and his figure, hoping he'd straighten himself so that he can get a cleaner shot to the bulls eye

"Better?" Stolas asked, tilting his head, before Ennio held his arms and moved them, with one of his talons shaped into a finger gun, the other holding the wrist.

"Mhm." Ennio would lean his head with his sons, trying to see in his perspective regarding the target. "The key point here... is focusing on where your movin' the bullet. You'd have to make sure the bullet stays directly towards the center of what you wish to hit, no more, no less. That means you can't try to drift your gun for even an inch, nor can ya shift your body even slightly off course."

"Ohhh..." Stolas would keep his eyes close to the target, planting his feet down, his finger that acts as said 'gun' being steady, though small twitches and jitters would be made, his nerves shaking him.

Ennio was quick on catching such fear, holding the talons close with his hands, calming him. "This includes any jitters or shaking. If your gun shakes, it can very much make or break your shot in an instant. Deep breaths, squint your eyes a bit if you have to, and simply let that bullet fly..."


Reality swept back in for the Avian, as he would see Beaux trying to sweep through the area with Jupiter's Atmosphere, shaping it into a hand so that once it 'grabs' Stolas, it would make him a living lightning rod, forced to endure another thunderbolt into his system. He'd keep his pace with the Crow, using his own cluster of stars to recreate the Hand of God in order to counter such an appendage, having multiples be spawned once such bodies clashed with one another, all to swarm and snare Beaux in her place. She would retort with Earth's Atmosphere, a wind-like barrier that quickly pushed her out of such arms reach, as well as slipping said atmosphere through the inner workings of the bodies to expand and dissipate them away. As she was trying to come down in mid-air, she would notice Stolas standing perfectly still after doing such a shot, raising an eyebrow as to why he would be doing nothing.


A direct shot, straight across her shoulder. The stars were starting to act as personal bullets, Sagittarius being made on his hand.


Another shot, piercing through her leg, forcing her to roll down on the ground and utilize Uranus to freeze the wounds she sustained, before trying to make a planet with her own hands and fire it in the same vain, the atmosphere and gravity of Earth allowing its pull to catch whatever stars try to hit her, before blasting them back to sender, resulting in the two playing tennis with such celestial bodies. The two would shoot and repel each other's projectiles back and forth, trailing across the surface and not letting a single star be dropped, though as they were firing, both of them were also enacting each others ploy.

The more such stars bounced to and fro, the more dust was left behind. A perfect trail to exploit for each other.

"Ash to Ash....Dust to Dust..."

The two would charge up their Final Gambits, with Stolas surrounding such a land in its cluster, the center of it all beginning to glow a bright light, and Beaux doing the same for the top, a noose for each of them, binding their heads with the top layer, the planets aligning. Stolas would recreate his aim with what he learned in the Golden Island, whilst Beaux would charge her arms and hands, aiming as if she was firing an arrow.

"Break it all....and give light to a new world..."

The two uttered once more, as the planets slowly ticked their way into a cross formation, the stars following suit. The constellations and planetary objects were quickly forming as the walls, having no chance to escape, yet such escape was never in their minds. A wide grin was on their faces as they get ready to shoot.

"My stunning Heavens...."


All they could see shortly after was white, the beam growing bigger and bigger, swallowing the two and carving a hole out of Jupiter's surface. As such light came, it pierced through the upcoming Red Spot, the atmosphere of the land they step on changing at a hysterical rate. Their bodies were starting to burn, yet such heat was nothing to them. Such pain was nothing. Stolas recalled his father's words once more as he took aim and fired his second shot, striking the bulls eye, exactly as what his father wanted, hearing his hands clapping to applaud him for such an achievement. "There we are! See what happens when you're calm and collected? You can snipe someone's head off without any issues. That's also what makes someone a Man. Someone who can be calm in even the most desperate of situations, when they can find a solution in the sea of problems they find themselves in. Once you find the boat to sail those seas..."

"Nothing stops you."


The Mirrors from the outside of the Planetary prison they fought in began to shine just as much. Because of Griffos' Mirror Ritual, it extended towards the other mirrors that roam around the two birds. They were being transported to somewhere else...

A more peaceful area. A more livable environment.