The four swarmed onto each other and had no hesitation. Griffos would be quick on setting up stingers to stab into and drain Harvard's energy, yet Stolas would come in on the side to strike at him from his hip, a set of stars fired to veer him away, allowing Harvard to take advantage and land a heavy knee into his stomach, guiding his two monsters to strike at his head simultaneously, before following it up with a strong kick to his chin, lifting him up by the impact. Before Harvard can close in, Beaux would halt his movements with Uranus' atmosphere, being visible once the Card Magician made contact, his leg being frozen stiff, icicles forming and growing to restrain his movement further, allowing her to sweep in with a chop against his face. Such a chop also allowed Griffos to counterattack once his senses came back, using his tail to push himself forward once he lands on the ground, a drop kick at the boy's chest, followed by the same tail wrapping around his waist to pull him closer, letting Griffos grab at the child and slam him straight into a ground, casting a spell in the attack.
Such a spell was of two arms, both of which had its own style of magic. One of them delays the spell, the other strengthening it with more energy. Such a spell acted as a direct punch against the boy's mouth, followed by one that incinerated him in such flames, quickly heating up the glass that acts as their flooring. Despite such brutality, Harvard merely raised up his arms to clap at his ears, stunning him, allowing Eve to strike with her main ability: Sin. Thorns and Branches grew from her body's wrappings and quickly tried to invade, skewering him as a result. Upon such, his mind would be quick on being fueled by a different emotion, one that he recognized as something beyond his control: Pride. He was quick on having the stingers attach onto the branches and thorns, drinking up the energy reserves in order for him to cast a de-spelling card to his own body, aiming for both the wounds he's been inflicted, as well as his own brain, where it would refresh his mind and free him from such concoctions. What he failed to realize, however, was that this was a bait, as Adam would be seen swiftly taking the countermeasures to strike back, a heavy kick across his neck, copying the thorns and branches he saw to infect him once more.
Griffos tried to move his body with the kick to both escape her grasp and to try and drain more energy from Harvard's monster, but Adam would be seen replicating a stinger onto his heel, quickly stabbing into his neck and started to drink up his blood, letting it act as a strength boost, his legs being more muscular, as he'd deliver a heavy kick again onto his face directly. Because of the break-off, Stolas would continue such a combo with a slew of stars, yet would be halted by the atmosphere once more, quickly shifting into a different property, a swap from Beaux to ensure the stars never connected, the sand from Mars becoming a glass structure that shielded him from further attacks. She'd break such glass in order to toss them as projectiles, aiming for both Eve and Adam, yet Adam would simply cross his arms to swat the shards away. Harvard, despite his head being lit aflame, would run towards Stolas and tried to explain his style. "Ok, main focus for my Mirror is that he's keen on Rituals. You give him enough time, he'd exploit the area to set up bigger monsters or cast stronger spells to kill us."
Stolas nodded at his words, as he'd spurge on his own information. "Beaux's main method comes from the planets. You kinda already saw that with Uranus and Mars, but she can also use ones on Earth, Saturn, and Jupiter. Venus, Mercury, and Neptune are the only ones I don't know about yet."
"So what you're saying is I gotta force her to use those, huh?"
"That's the plan!"
At the same time, Beaux and Griffos shared their own information regarding their opponents. "The whelp's main stratagem is on his Monsters. His Spells and fighting style are geared to either empower them or provide an opening to let them create devastating attacks. He doesn't play fair, either, so be expected of him to cast some tricks on top of his jumpings." Griffos explained.
"Alright. For Stolas, it's being his stars. Mostly constellations that lets him summon them as constructs, as well as a heavy range attack and a set of armor through a nebulae. He's also an active fighter physically speaking. You may need to wear him down first before closing in on him." Beaux would state.
"How far is his range?"
"Usually point blank, but it can be expanded if he has some sort of tether. He's probably gonna have your Mirror act as support for it."
"Alright then. Splitting them up it is. Hold your ground against them, my Sister." With such words, the four rushed at each other once more. Griffos would try to catch Harvard's attention with Hagalaz, casting it in order to separate the two and let him and Beaux take out their respective mirror. Once again, however, he was nearsighted in terms of goals. Harvard and Stolas would take such an explosion for their own advantage, breaking off into each other's mirrors instead, with the Card Magician having both Adam and Eve come in a barrage of blows towards Beaux, whilst Stolas would cast Leo to bite into Griffos' Shoulder and drag him across the area, letting such stars burn through his reptilian hide and pass such stars down his blood stream and muscles, cooking him from inside. Griffos was forced to respond by a spell of mines, letting them heat up as it provided an opening for the two.
Beaux, meanwhile, would be forced to have a new atmosphere, Neptune, cover her body, mixing it with Uranus to freeze at their limbs, as well as imprisoning its methane gasses, swerving the two slightly into Stolas' stars. Harvard would try to break off such ice, but doing so results in the gasses being exposed to the heat, not only making it extremely flammable, but just as explosive.