The sun was expanding more and more as the children rose to the stellar body that was space itself. As the two floated up, they can't help but laugh and reach out beyond what they can, trying to grasp at the celestial bodies near them. As the two floated up, they'd quickly began to swim in the outer reaches, with Beaux throwing such stars and planets at Stolas, and Stolas doing the same against Beaux. Such stars and planets swerved slowly, yet with such a fluid direction. It was as if the world was making a ring around them, slowly arcing itself to catch the two in their grip.
Stolas eyes lit with such wonder and joy, before being met with a planet smacking straight into his face. Beaux would laugh and giggle as if she was a baby again, before a supernova caught her off course and launched her to another galaxy. In such a grand world, the two children kept fighting, trying to see if they can cause more and more damage to outer space itself, all whilst laughing and having fun to each other's company. As they laughed and danced among the stars, watching them explode and be reborn over and over again, Beaux would be the first to speak once more, her words audible, despite the vacuum making it nigh impossible. "So this is how we're mirrored... We both have a fondness for what we truly like. A desire that grabs us by our heart, dying to escape and be made for ourselves." She'd state.
Stolas would catch her words and floated up to her. "Yeah, I guess so! It's been a blast here!" He would add.
"Heh...Though, now comes our own differences. I can kinda see it in your eyes, Stolas. You're a bit....yeah no, there's no other way to say this nicely, oblivious. You feel...transfixed by what's going on. The wonders of this place, its beauty, is perfect alright. Thing is, it's just an illusion, isn't it?"
"Eh? What you mean by that?"
"It's a fantasy. It's a desire that doesn't feel achievable in the slightest. Your whole talk on 'being a man' and all that, when you were talking with him in the hall of mirrors? It doesn't feel like it fits well. It's nice to have dreams, but too much makes you distracted from what's happening. It's the complete opposite with mines, actually. Being grounded in reality's a good thing, but too much makes you lose all the wonder you could ever have. You wouldn't be able to grow at that point. You're in a Fantasy. I'm in reality...I am you. You are me. Our views may be different, but it holds the same core. The same heart. The same vision of being what we want to be. You oppose to that notion, or do you get what I-"
"OF COURSE I OPPOSE IT!" Stolas' shout took Beaux aback, watching the boy scale up from the cluster of stars, landing himself onto a nearby planet, Earth, his arms crossed as he looks at his mirrored half, standing in defiance of such a thought. "Who cares about it being a Fantasy or it being a reality? That's okay! What we want most is something we want to get at the end of the day! Do you know what it means to be a 'Man', in my eyes at least?" As he'd begin his speech, a silhouette would appear behind the Stellar Sorcerer. Beaux would try to reach out, slightly worried for his safety, but stopped herself when she saw the man in full. Even if its a shadow, based on its beak, its mask, as well as the cloak that flows freely in the same direction as her friends, she can tell this is his own inspiration, his own goal, in human form. "To be a 'Man', it means to go beyond what one can be! Think about it! Imagine you seeing someone who looks just like you, but is cooler! Stronger! Faster! Smarter! You'd probably want to be that person, right? Well, that desire can be converted into motivation! It doesn't matter what or who we are! Being a 'Man' isn't a person, but an idea! A drive! A reason to keep going! If we have an issue on our hands, we try to solve it! If we have a weakness, we learn from it and grow in a way where the weakness doesn't apply to us anymore! If we have already reached that point, then we don't stop and go further, because there's ALWAYS gonna be someone that's gonna be better than us, and we don't wanna leave that person alone, being so high up there!"
"Being a 'Man' means being Human! If we don't wish to grow, then what are we doing? We want to reach our dreams IN reality! We can't just disregard one for the other, we use BOTH to make us who we want to be in life! That's a Human, right there! That's a person that doesn't wish to settle for less! That's a person that wants to go further beyond one's reach, because we WANT to reach for those stars! THAT! That is what's a 'Man' to me!"
As he said such words, the outer realms begin to crack, the attack left by their friend starting to infect the other worlds. As he gave such a speech, his words would impact onto Beaux's very soul. She'd begin to tear up a bit, being given such motivation. "You.....really think I'm like that?"
"ANYONE can be like that! Plus, you look pretty cool doing it, too!" Stolas gave a cheeky smile as he gave such words, before finally the land shattered, bringing them straight back into the realm of mirrors, a shout from the two acting as the signal.
Stolas and Beaux would quickly depart, with the former saluting to the latter. "If we ever see each other again, I expect you to grow just as much as I have done!" He'd demand.
Beaux simply nodded to his words, as she'd prepare an atmosphere, acting as a shield to protect Griffos, as he would begin his attack against the children.