The two trailed each other across the glass, with Harvard grabbing at her head to slam it straight into such panes, while Beaux grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down with her. Glass shattered again and again, digging deep into each other's flesh, with Harvard casting a spell to create such appendages of rocks to barrage Beaux, and Beaux countering with the hot atmosphere of Venus, cooking the child from within. Such rocks began to crumble due to such heat, yet such breaks unveiled the hands from within, now striking into her very soul, hooks and straights into her center that caused more momentum to pick up the longer they dragged themselves across. With a heavy punch to her dome by such spiritual hands, the two would finally let go of one another and be pushed back, swiping off the shards of glass that impaled their bodies. Despite the silence being daunting, the two can tell from one another they don't intend on stopping. They'd get themselves in another stance, ready to attack one another with the given opportunity.
The boy would be set on casting two spells at once, watching the atmosphere close in and try to grab at the boy instantly. A spell embedded within his palm, as well as another that rushed forward, cutting the distance so he can throw a drop kick at her chest, sending her flying. To his surprise, Beaux was prepared for such an attack, the atmosphere bubbling up more and more around her chest, as well as her arms taking the blow, having both cushion his strike. Such a blow would also let Beaux veer around so the atmosphere can rocket her back, aiming for a headbutt straight into Harvard's skull. As she did this, she would notice that he's replaced one of his eyes with his first spell, a jewel of red, an iris in its center. Harvard would cast an Illusion spell straight into it, letting it act as an artifact to cast such an illusion upon seeing the gem. Her vision would start to break, watching as the more she moved, the more the area was creating afterimages, landscapes dragging themselves the longer she stayed in motion. Harvard would cast another spell to add to the nausea, a Kaleidoscope filter also being added, making it near impossible to see properly. Beaux would roll off the mirror and struggle to stay up, yet her arms would try to swing, on the off chance she can land a hit once he got close. Unfortunately, The Card Magician merely had to let Adam swoop in from behind and deliver a heavy kick into her skull, treating her like a soccer ball, watching her body fly once more. The boy would lunge himself onto Adam, letting his Monster grab the child and throw him straight towards Beaux in order to catch up and keep up the oppression. As he darted across the air, being just above Beaux's body...
The final planet: Mercury. A gaping hole on his body, possessing the same width as a cricket ball, aimed straight on his stomach. Beaux would smile as she'd feel the blood pouring down from the wound, balling her talons to a fist to sock a heavy hook against the boy's cheek. Despite her sense of sight being ruined beyond repair, and despite the boy trying to remain silent, her sense of hearing and touch would amplify, letting her measure from the blood stains up into her head, as well as measure where he was by the heavy sound the air made upon arrival, letting her track her opponent without the need to see properly. Harvard can't help but give a smile, seeing her take advantage of her weaknesses and turning them into a blessing. As he tumbled out of the sky, watching Beaux land safely and preparing another shot, he'd turn his body slightly in order to evade the next few projectiles coming in his way, watching the non-existent orb pierce through the winds and void them entirely, a gaping hole that removes whatever is in its path, regardless of how strong or how immune the object is. Seeing this, he'd take upon a chance to match with Stolas' side, unbeknownst to their opponents, as they'd close in and swerve their bodies around.
A Switch.
A Trick.
A Swap.
"Fire for Venus, Water for Neptune, Nothingness for Mercury! GOOD LUCK!" Harvard stated, with a nod from Stolas to keep up their momentum, lunging himself forward at a breakneck speed, the stars quickly shifting to a constellation, Draco. Beaux would try to retaliate with Mercury some more, blindly shooting at the foreign object approaching, in an attempt to slow them down. No matter how much she fired, the slightest shift in its wingspan allowed him to dodge the matter removing marbles with extreme ease, quickly getting himself off the dragon and raising his arm, aiming straight for her neck.
A Clothesline. One that had enough force to nearly rip her throat apart upon impact. Stolas would try to push his arm further to maximize the damage, the stars glowing brighter in order to melt through her like butter, yet Beaux simply used the stars that Stolas tried to utilize to cauterize her wound and prevent further bleeding from her neck, sliding off just enough so she wouldn't be slashed in twain. Despite such a rough attack, it paled in comparison to the aftermath, as the impact was enough to launch her flying once more, gliding and crashing against the glass, shattering the few mirrors that served as the floor, such glass stabbing into her body as a result. Despite the grotesque method, she merely had the atmosphere break the glass with Venus and expel any shards out of her system. Stolas can see her eyes being under the illusion still, her iris a collage of shapes and colors, all of them being muddied the more she moved around.
Even in such turmoil, she merely spat on the floor, blood staining the ruined mirrors, and smile back. She was loving every inch of this experience.