Meanwhile, Griffos would immediately try to set up an illusion as Stolas would close in, his eyes illuminating a golden glow, as he'd prepare a rune within the insects to invade. Stolas, upon seeing such a glow, would try to close his eyes, yet it was too late. His body was left wide open for Hagalaz to invade and explode the area with no hesitation.
The Stellar Sorcerer was expelled out from the confrontation, the illusion breaking off almost instantly. Despite heavy breaths and the wounds that poured out such blood, Stolas charged forward, his stars enveloping around his body, recreating Zodiac Man once more. Griffos, in retaliation, simply casted the Illusion spell again, catching the avian within it, as well as setting up a seal to try and absorb the stars that surround his body, hoping to convert it to energy so as to prepare a stronger attack. As he does such an act, however, Stolas would give a cheeky smile as he'd leap to the side of the Seal, keeping his momentum up. Griffos would be a bit stunned, confused as to how he somehow knew where to go. In response, he'd try to set up the same Illusion spell, the golden glow in his eyes, as he'd try to rush forward, utilizing the tail to scale himself up so that he can land a heavy back kick on the Avian, attempting to dive his head straight into the glass. As he'd leap up, however, Stolas simply grabbed ahold of said tail and pulled him back, winding up a haymaker and slamming his fist straight into Griffos' cheek, picking up the pace with another haymaker, bouncing him off of the glass, before running up to deliver a knee to his stomach, then a soccer kick at his chin, then finally a star right in front of the Noble's eyes, blowing it up point-blank, burning his eyes and mouth in the process.
Because of the hide from Landrus, the damages he sustained were merely a fourth from the average pain experience, his nerves strengthened to help him withstand heavier blows. Despite this, he was still confused, wondering what exactly was making him move so quick and react so fast. It wasn't until he saw the bright light on Stolas' eyes that made him piece it together: He blinded himself. He amplified the star's light on Zodiac Man so that his eyes can't be affected by whatever visual illusions he tries to pull, and such stars can more than likely have enough heat to deafen him as well, making audible ones just as useless. Understanding this, he'd cast a spell, yet would still be under the onslaught of the Avian, having him bolt through the mirrors at such unimaginable speeds, a barrage of blows dealt towards the Nobleman: Haymakers, hooks, straights, elbows if he gets close enough, knees to set him up in the air, grabs so that he can pummel him further with enough force to knock him straight in the air, a dropkick to launch him even further, and another star that would try to rise up and blow up on his face. As he dealt such blows, however, he'd fail to notice the set-up prepared, a talisman appearing on Griffos' body, a flame made for each instance of severe damage, all being converted as energy, all setting up for a massive attack, a purple mass of fire that would destroy anything in its wake.
Even upon seeing such a disaster, Stolas kept pushing, having Aquarius spread out wide and rise from above like smoke, hands being made from the nebulae, all of which aimed to touch Revelation and blow up like fireworks to dissipate it all. Griffos merely countered with another set of runes, as well as clapping his hands to cave the area around Stolas, the glass-like floor rising in order to crush the child beneath its reflective surface.
Dagaz, Inguz, Perthro, Raido, Fehu.
The runes were made in such a design in order to try and dismantle the nebulae that was coming to stop his onslaught. Fehu and Perthro to make a mass abundance of such with the former, doubling the energy costs in order to amplify the effects with the latter. Inguz would be to both store energy and grow further, providing such energy towards Griffos through Beelzebub's stingers, drinking it if need be. Dagaz and Raido are the main offense, the former to split the nebulae itself, with Raido increasing its speed and output to maneuver in the nebulae without interruption. In just a few seconds, the counterattack that Stolas would issue out was rendered nulled, with the flames coming down and laying waste to the environment, the glass shattering upon such heat, the metal melting away and most likely boiling the boy from inside. He closed his eyes as he'd savor such a moment, thinking he didn't had a method to escape.
A Direct hit, once more. A kick straight across his face and hurling him across the destroyed glass, with some stabbing into his scaly skin. The damage he took felt like a mere sting, but he laid on the ground flabbergasted. He tried to look at the Avian to see how did he exactly survive such an onslaught, his eyes widened as he'd see his body smoked alive, his skin fried and his beak having cracks. He has experienced such an attack before, and somehow lived through it. " what....." He'd ask himself, stunned more than anything, yet Stolas merely ran through the area to deliver a heavy punch against Griffos' chin, picking him up through the swing, raising and having his legs straightened, all for Stolas to grab ahold and pull him so he can grip his neck, before laying a smackdown that caused a massive crater over the very frame the mirror once left behind.
"Couple months ago, With Harvard, and by simply tanking it!" Stolas would answer, being nonchalant, as if the attack barely phased him.
"BUT REVELATION WAS A SPELL OF PURE DESTRUCTION! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN ASH BY NOW! YOU CAN'T JUST TANK DESTRUCTION INCARNATE!!" His smile was broken once more, in pure disbelief someone has trained themselves against such punishment.
"Sucks to be you then, because I just did!" Stolas would joke, setting up another strike to continue the fight further.