Preparations for Battle - Part 2

"You needn't worry about that. I've paid for the services of someone skilled at that sort of thing. They'll get us in without issue," Blackbeard said. "That more or less outlines the ol' plan. We take the ship out, a full day of sailing, and then we stage a night attack on the mansion, get in and get out as quick as the wind."

"Making it sound easy, Boss… I dunno. After autumn, I don't really feel as comfortable letting things ride as we once did. We need this win, Boss, or we're done," Moesh said.

"Well, we're both in agreement there. This one win will get us sorted for summer. It'll get us the coin reserves we need to inflate our numbers even more. Then we'll look for the golden duck come the melting of snow," Blackbeard said. "Any more questions?"

There were some grunts as the men looked around at each other. None seemed willing to raise their hands. Most of them were still exhausted from the previous night, and that drowsiness manifested itself as a lack of attention. It wasn't the sort of enthusiasm that Vol would have expected going into a raid… He thought they'd be more excited than they were.

At least his role seemed to be ironed out. A role of importance. A Hammer. That was enough to get his heart pounding.

"Alright, you miserable lot. You just get done burying your parents or something? Gods, cheer up. In just a few days, we'll be rich," Blackbeard said.

The men shifted uncomfortably. The sentiment there seemed to be 'if we survive.' Even Blackbeard's charisma wasn't enough to get their fighting spirit properly going.

"Alright, that's enough of that. Outside, the lot of you. Go and fetch your shields. We'll put some drilling in, just enough to get this to work. Drag the rest of them with ya. I don't care if you have to bloody a few noses," Blackbeard said, forcing the door open, allowing the cold wind to tear its way inside. Those closest to the door shivered, and the fire flickered from the breeze.

"UP!" Blackbeard said again, this time with a roar, as he booted the man closest to him, forcing him to his feet. Then, the rest of them began to move. Reluctantly it seemed, from their lack of speed, but they were moving nonetheless.

Vol was one of the last to leave, given his spot by the back wall. Blackbeard stopped him before he could go outside.

"You fine with that? Being a Hammer?" Blackbeard asked, holding his arm in front of the doorway to prevent him from leaving yet.

"Aye, of course I'm fine with it," Vol said with a frown. It was a position of honour. Who wouldn't want to be there?

Blackbeard grinned at his reaction. "You're different from this lot. They're out for the gold, you seem to be more eyeing the glory. I'll be honest with you, out of respect for that. The chances of this being a success are fifty-fifty. You, I reckon, can help change that," he jabbed a finger at his chest. "Get yourself down in the yard with others. Remind them of what you can do."

Ten minutes later, Vol was standing in front of a shield wall, composed of five interlocked shields and five burly men behind them.

All of Blackbeard's raiders were outside now. Some sixty men – none of them looking particularly enthusiastic. Blackbeard had said that they'd be drilling, but he didn't exactly say what.

The leader of the Crooked-Tooth men seemed to be well attuned with the emotions of his men. He noticed that none of them were moving with any sort of enthusiasm, even though they were outside, with the cold wind to wake them up. So, he'd dragged Vol in for a demonstration.

Blackbeard seemed to see that unlike the majority of his men, Vol wanted to fight. To him, the fight was the most important part. He didn't care much for the spoils – they were merely added things. He wanted the glory of battle. He'd always wanted that. And now that glory came coupled with an increase in strength, with the help of the System.

"Behold! The youngest Hammer you'll ever see!" Blackbeard said in a loud voice. Along with the raiders, there were several townspeople hanging out in the street, curiously watching what was going on.

Vol heard mutters about his arm. They all remembered the arrows sticking out of it, just a few days prior. The veterans amongst them were commenting on how he'd been lucky to get any strength out of it, and that it was foolish to use it so soon after injury, for the chances of reopening old wounds.

"Poor lad doesn't realize the Boss is just playing with him, a bit of entertainment," another muttered. "He always used to do this. Whenever the men weren't listening, he'd set up some sort of display to get them going. Sometimes he'd make a few of us fight him himself."

"Aye, I think he's just showing us the lad falling on his arse, to be honest with you. He did alright with Usar's men, and respect to him, but there's a difference between that and going against the solidness of a shield wall. It doesn't get any more solid than a shield wall."

"It's called building morale, ya thicklings. This here ain't a fighting force yet. Most of you lot practically know nothing of each other. It should be obvious why the Boss is arranging something for ya to do, so you start thinking as a group rather than just a bunch of stupid individuals."