My Legendary General System

My Legendary General System

Fantasy892 Chapters863.5K Views
Author: Nick_Alderson
Table of Contents

All these young men chasing harems don’t seem to realize just how much trouble one woman is!

- a strangely old looking 25 year old


Please, officer, I swear he walked into my axe. It wasn't me, truly!

("I'm convinced, Captain...")

- testimony from recently released convict


Instead of stealing my woman, can you steal my wallet? Please... Actually, never mind. I preferred my wallet.

- a merchant undergoing a raid

13 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This is an incredible piece, the world, grammar and characters are top tier, peak even, every conversation flows like silk you can quite literally feel the most intense of moments as if you're there, it's just wonderful.

a year ago

I couldn’t read pass chapter 2 as this novel is difficult to digest what’s going on. This seems or like a continuation for another book rather than having a simple introduction to the story.

6 months ago

The story of Vol, brother of Jok. Set within the Time of Tiger's universe, it follows the brutal uprising of Vol. His story is a contrasting one to Oliver's. Whereas Oliver is a Dark Hero, Vol is a villain of circumstance. He does not hesitate to murder, even the innocent, as is the Yarmdon way. He feels no loyalty to his people, or their ways. He seizes the blessing of the System, and uses it to augment the strength that he already has, as he walks a bloodstained path towards vengeance.

a year ago

aunthor is there a way to read your whole novel not on webnovel, like ypu dont have a patreon or anything?? i dont like this app is super expensive and i cannot read this novel

2 months ago

The story started out well. The MC was getting things done. Even though it’s a system Nov, he had to work for almost everything to level-up. The development became exciting at 100+ chaps. However, if you’re a villain mc reader, I can confirm he ain’t one. He is an anti-hero at best. The MC also questions his morals on almost every raid he does despite, having a goal of gaining power. His edge lord barometer shot up once a FC was introduced. The MC does treasure her to the point of sacrificing his safety to save her. I was enjoy the read until that point. On the other hand, if you overlook my cons, it should be a decent read

8 months ago

(Apologies for grammar or punctuation mistakes I just don’t care enough to make sure everything is perfect. But you still should be able to get what I’m saying) Im writing this review in worries that another review may deter future readers that almost deterred me from the story. The review talks about how the MC is not a villain but rather a anti hero and brings up that the mc Vol becomes a edgelord and is head over heels for a girl in the sense he would lay down his life for her. To start off Vol is in very much everyway a villain it’s just more of a matter of perspective in my opinion. When you read a book you usually will stick with the MC based on that is who you are following and so every decision they make you tend to have a little bias because that’s who’s story you are reading. I implore everyone who reads this book to think of how others view vol and his actions because once you do you will realize just how cruel he is and how he truly is a villain. Not to spoil anything but to give a example if a Child was in vols way of strength he would kill it. Hell he probably would kill a baby if it meant +1 strength. Secondly Vol does not go through romance at least not up to the point I’ve read. You will see a female character later on which yes he does put his life on the line for but it’s not because he loves her or anything. To him she is a tool that makes himself stronger and losing her would be a detriment to his strength. After 200+ chapters of them together as companions vol doesn’t have a single feeling for her that could be considered love in fact he dismisses her most of the time practically ignoring her. There is no foreshadowing either of him falling for her to me at least. I love this book for a magnitude of reasons so I’d hate to see people who seem to give up on it just because something they don’t like happens and they don’t even let it play out to see what it becomes.

3 months ago

Haven't read the novel but I definitely will, also gifting a cola because the author never received a gift here😓

6 months ago

This novel is a masterpiece. The world-building is top-tier, and the grammar and characters are exemplary. Every conversation flows effortlessly, making the narrative feel natural and engaging. The intense moments are so vividly described that you feel as if you're experiencing them firsthand. It's an extraordinary piece of writing.

4 months ago

I can't find the words to describe this work, calling it "beautiful" would only lower the value that this piece has. The first strong component that this novel has is the hype that every end of every chapter gives you, next we have a well written system that is probably the best that I've ever seen so far. I'm saying that because it's really easy to understand and there are no stats errors (What i mean is that someone gives like 50 strength to a character and then in the overall strength they give them 10 plus or less). Another strong point is the MC itself, because it's not like the 99% of the other works that make him so intelligent that he understands everything and he is perfect in acting, he is actually developing with the stats that the system gives him and he isn't "perfect" at all. The conversations in this work are really good and the writing quality didn't fall in the same cringe conversations and aren't repetitive. The other characters in this story are well written and they aren't brain-dead people (Even within the ones that are against the MC). I really like how it is developing the story and how the side characters have important value in the story and not focusing only on the MC. I really want to continue this review commenting on other things but i think that it would be too much. The only thing that I request from the author is please, don't destroy this work rushing it and don't stop

8 months ago

Great book author I enjoyed it thank you so much:)

a year ago

I love the dedication that you put into your work this is truly a masterpiece with a lot of potential. I wish you the best author I hope that more people find this and enjoy as I have

a year ago

As an author of fantasy/war genre, I assure you that you are writing a masterpiece. Keep up the great work

a year ago

Reveal Spoiler

22 days ago