"Then, perhaps you can tell me where I'm likely to find men of quality," Vol said. "I want to begin growing my numbers right away."
"When you say it, I do still find myself wary," Francis admitted. "There's a more primitive side of myself that seems to be screaming for me to deny you this… But I can see no logical reason why I ought to. Besides, silver quests, oftentimes, shall require such a number. On that note, I should warn you that you will not be able to complete a silver quest a day as you have been doing with the lower quests. They shall all require a time commitment of at least a few days, but naturally, there will be points to compensate."
"And the recruitment of men?" Vol said impatiently.
"We have a registry," Francis said. "Men without a group can sign up. We test their strength, and we give them an approximate rank, depending on what we see. Speaking of which, I ought to once more test your strength, now that you have been given a silver card…"